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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Performing Schedule Procedures when Working in Matrix View

Placing Schedules On Hold

This action will suspend the processing of the selected schedule. All currently running jobs continue to process, but no new jobs on the schedule will start.

To perform this procedure:

  1. Double-click on Matrix under the Operation topic. The Matrix screen displays.
  2. Click on the number for the day in the calendar that contains the schedule(s).
  3. View the list of schedules for the selected day (the list displays to the right of the calendar).
  4. Right-click on the schedule to place on hold.
  5. Click on Hold from the menu. The HOLD dialog displays.
  6. (Optional) Enter a short explanation for the status change in the text box provided.
  7. Click the OK button to confirm the schedule status change.

Releasing Held Schedules

This action releases the selected schedule from a Held state. The SAM processes jobs on the schedule from the point where they were stopped.

To perform this procedure:

  1. Double-click on Matrix under the Operation topic. The Matrix screen displays.
  2. Click on the number for the day in the calendar that contains the schedule(s).
  3. View the list of schedules for the selected day (the list displays to the right of the calendar).
  4. Right-click on the schedule to release.
  5. Click on Release from the menu. The Release dialog displays.
  6. (Optional) Enter a short explanation for the status change in the text box provided.
  7. Click the OK button to confirm the schedule status change.

Starting Schedules

This action overrides a schedule's start date and time. The SAM begins processing as soon as this option is selected.

To perform this procedure:

  1. Double-click on Matrix under the Operation topic. The Matrix screen displays.
  2. Click on the number for the day in the calendar that contains the schedule(s).
  3. View the list of schedules for the selected day (the list displays to the right of the calendar).
  4. Right-click on the schedule to start.
  5. Click on Start from the menu. The Start dialog displays.
  6. (Optional) Enter a short explanation for the status change in the text box provided.
  7. Click the OK button to confirm the schedule status change.

Closing Schedules

This action cannot be performed if the schedule has jobs that are currently running, qualifying, or there are dependencies involved.

To perform this procedure:

  1. Double-click on Matrix under the Operation topic. The Matrix screen displays.
  2. Click on the number for the day in the calendar that contains the schedule(s).
  3. View the list of schedules for the selected day (the list displays to the right of the calendar).
  4. Right-click on the schedule to close.
  5. Click on Close from the menu. The Close dialog displays.
  6. (Optional) Enter a short explanation for the status change in the text box provided.
  7. Click the OK button to confirm the schedule status change.

Updating Job Statuses for Jobs on Schedules

To perform this procedure:

  1. Double-click on Matrix under the Operation topic. The Matrix screen displays.

  2. Click on the number for the day in the calendar that contains the schedule(s).

  3. View the list of schedules for the selected day (the list displays to the right of the calendar).

  4. Right-click on the schedule to update.

  5. Click on Update Job Statuses from the menu. The Update Job statuses dialog displays.

  6. Select the job status in the Change all jobs statuses to drop-down list.

  7. (Optional) Select the Check All checkbox to select all available job statuses in the Jobs to update frame.

  8. Select the job status checkbox(es) to update.

  9. (Optional) Enter a short explanation for the status change in the text box provided.

  10. Click the OK button to confirm the job status change.

Editing Daily Schedules

This option allows you the chance to edit the Daily schedule and make any required changes.

To perform this procedure:

  1. Double-click on Matrix under the Operation topic. The Matrix screen displays.
  2. Click on the number for the day in the calendar that contains the schedule(s).
  3. View the list of schedules for the selected day (the list displays to the right of the calendar).
  4. Right-click on the schedule to edit.
  5. Hover over Maintenance in the menu.
  6. Click on Edit Daily Schedule from the second menu. The Schedule Daily screen displays.
  7. Click the tabs and change the information. For more information, refer to Using Daily Maintenance View.
  8. Click Save     icon Save on the Schedule Daily toolbar.
  9. Click on the x to the right of the Schedule Daily tab to close the Schedule Daily screen.

Editing Master Schedules

This option allows you the chance to edit the Master schedule and make any required changes.

To perform this procedure:

  1. Double-click on Matrix under the Operation topic. The Matrix screen displays.
  2. Click on the number for the day in the calendar that contains the schedule(s).
  3. View the list of schedules for the selected day (the list displays to the right of the calendar).
  4. Right-click on the schedule to edit.
  5. Hover over Maintenance in the menu.
  6. Click on Edit Master Schedule from the second menu. The Schedule Master screen displays.
  7. Click the tabs and change the information. For more information, refer to Using Daily Maintenance View.
  8. Click Save     icon Save on the Schedule Master toolbar.
  9. Click on the x to the right of the Schedule Master tab to close the Schedule Master screen.

Checking Schedules

This option gives you the opportunity to run a check of a schedule in the Daily tables.

To perform this procedure:

  1. Double-click on Matrix under the Operation topic. The Matrix screen displays.
  2. Click on the number for the day in the calendar that contains the schedule(s).
  3. Right-click on the schedule to check.
  4. Hover over Maintenance in the menu.
  5. Click on Check Schedule from the second menu. The Check Schedule dialog displays.
  6. Click the Normal (No Circular), Slow (Circular), or Fast (Requires Only) button. The Schedule Check dialog displays.
  7. Note the log file name so that it can be accessed later, if required.
  8. Click the OK button to close the Schedule Check dialog.

Deleting Schedules

This action gives you the opportunity to delete a schedule from the Daily tables.

To perform this procedure:

  1. Double-click on Matrix under the Operation topic. The Matrix screen displays.
  2. Click on the number for the day in the calendar that contains the schedule(s).
  3. View the list of schedules for the selected day (the list displays to the right of the calendar).
  4. Right-click on the schedule to delete.
  5. Hover over Maintenance in the menu.
  6. Click on Delete Schedule from the second menu. The Delete Schedule dialog displays.
  7. Click the Yes button to confirm the deletion or click the No button to cancel the deletion.

Adding Jobs

This action gives you the opportunity to add a job(s) to the Daily schedule. For more information, refer to Adding Jobs to Daily Schedules in the Concepts online help.

To perform this procedure:

Double-click on Matrix under the Operation topic. The Matrix screen displays.

Click on the number for the day in the calendar that contains the schedule(s).

View the list of schedules for the selected day (the list displays to the right of the calendar).

Right-click on the schedule and hover over Maintenance in the menu.

Click on Add Jobs from the second menu. The Add Jobs to <Schedule Name> dialog displays.

Select the Job checkbox(es) that you want to add to the schedule. Alternatively, you can click directly on the job to select it.

Click the Add Job button to add the job(s) from the Master to the Daily schedule. The Confirm Add Job to Schedule dialog displays.

In the Build Status frame:

Select the On Hold radio button if the job is to be added in an On Hold state - or -

Select the Released radio button if the job is to be added and Released. In the Frequencies frame:

Select the frequency.

(Optional) Click on the Instance Properties tab and/or click on the Instance Machines tab.

a. (Optional) Define the Job Instance Properties: b. Enter the name and value for the property in the specified format. c. Click on the drop-down arrow and select a machine or select <None> to build an instance for each machine in the defined machine group.


If no properties are defined for the schedule, OpCon will still request the build for the schedule, but no properties will be defined.

Click the Yes button to confirm the request sent for "job name" or click the Cancel button to cancel the request.

If multiple jobs were selected:

Repeat Steps 8 - 12 to add the additional jobs' information.

If you need to add additional property definitions:

Repeat Steps 7 - 12.

Click the Close button to close the Add Jobs to <Schedule Name> dialog.

Click on the x to the right of the Matrix tab to close the Matrix screen. :::