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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Using Daily Maintenance View

The Daily Maintenance view gives the users the ability to manage daily schedules and validate the job dependencies in the Daily tables.


If there is a need to keep schedules in the Daily tables for longer than a single day, SMA Technologies recommends that no more than two weeks of schedules be kept. The SAM-SS performs better when there are fewer days of schedules built.

For you to perform any of the Daily Maintenance functions, you must have all the appropriate privileges. For additional information, refer to Departmental Function Privileges(../../../administration/ in the Concepts online help.

When on the Daily Maintenance view, it gives you the ability to check and/or delete daily schedules, validate job dependencies in the Daily tables (e.g., provide indication if a circular dependency is found or if a "Requires" dependency is not met), and edit schedules and/or jobs in the Daily or Master tables.

Daily Maintenance Toolbar

The Daily Maintenance view also has a toolbar that allows you to perform actions in the view. Click on any specific icon on the toolbar below to learn more about its functionality.

Daily Maintenance toolbar

The following procedures start in the Daily Maintenance view and apply to the Daily Maintenance functionality. The procedures are broken down for schedules and jobs in the Master and Daily tables: