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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Sending Short Text Messages

The Text tab provides the following fields for defining a notification to a pager, phone, or other SMS-capable device.

  • To (Required): Defines the SMTP email address(es) or an address(es) for an SMS-capable device. Separate addresses with semicolons (;). The maximum for this field is 3,000 characters. Some examples of SMS-capable devices may include:
    • AT&T Wireless - phonenumber\
    • T-Mobile - phonenumber\
    • Sprint - phonenumber\
    • Verizon - phonenumber\
  • Message (Required): Defines a user-defined message up to 160 characters.

The SMA Notify Handler will insert a Notification ID using the format ID=nnn before any other information in the message so users can look up the source of a notification. For more information, refer to Looking up Notification Sources.

The resulting message contains only the user-defined message.