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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Setting the Language

The EM will detect your local language. If it is not available, it will default to English. There are two ways to set the required language. This can be done by setting a parameter on the Enterprise Manager executable, or it can be set in the EnterpriseManager.ini which is located in the folder where the EM is installed. The parameter to be set would be --nl with the associated Locale ID for the required language.

Adding a Parameter on the Executable

To set the language:

  1. Right-click the Enterprise Manager shortcut and select Properties.
  2. Find the Target text box on the Shortcut tab.
  3. Add the parameter after the EnterpriseManager.exe. Alternatively, create a bat file and add the parameter after the EnterpriseManager.exe.

Updating the Configuration File

To set the language:

  1. Browse to the Enterprise Manger directory.
  2. Open the EnterpriseManager.ini file with WordPad.
  3. Insert a line before the --startup line.
  4. Key in the required language parameter (refer to the table below for a list of valid language parameters). For example:
  5. Save the changes to the EnterpriseManager.ini file and close it.
  6. Restart the Enterprise Manager executable.
LanguageLocale ID
Chinese (Simplified)zh
Chinese (Traditional)zh-TW
Dutch (Nederland)nl
Portuguese (Brazil)pt