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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

What's New in Installation

The What's New section provides information related to changes with installing or upgrading all of the OpCon components except the LSAMs (also referred to as Agents). For installation information on a specific LSAM, refer to the corresponding LSAM online help. Any changes requiring actions or changed behaviors will be noted in the Breaking Changes section.

Release 20.2

Self-Contained .NET Core

SAM, the REST API, and supporting applications included in the SMA OpCon install are now self-contained .NET Core assemblies. .NET Core is no longer required to be installed on the OpCon server. Maintenance releases will apply patches to the .NET Core version the programs are packaged with to keep the software up to date.

Chronoman and SMAHoliday - Included in SMA OpCon

The applications Chronoman and SMAHoliday are now included in the SAM folder. Moving forward these applications should be run from the SAM folder instead of from an installed Windows LSAM. The applications are distributed with both installers.

SMA OpCon ImpEx2 - New Installer

SMA OpCon ImpEx2 has been split from the Deploy install, where it was known as the Server component. A new stand-alone installer has been created for the SMA OpCon ImpEx2 service. Please read the Breaking Changes for more information. The installer will be included in all future OpCon releases, including maintenance releases for supported versions.

Release 20.1

OpCon Web Installer - Download All Agents

OpCon Web Installer (OWI) now has the ability to download all agents, including those that do not have a Windows installer.

Release 20.0

OpCon Web Installer

There is a new preferred option for acquiring the OpCon installation media, OpCon Web Installer. This new application works on Windows machines to download and run installers all OpCon core components, OpCon Deploy, Agents, and core utilities. Read more about it at the Github repository, or download the file directly [here](./(

SMA OpCon Install

Several previous products installers have been consolidated into one. The new installer combines the SMA OpCon Database Scripts, SMA OpCon SAM, and SMA OpCon Solution Manager into a single installed program named SMA OpCon.

Online Help

Beginning with release 20.0, web documentation is now available on! Supported releases for all products that provide web documentation will be available, allowing you to read about releases before downloading and installing them.