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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Using Logs

The Logs option provides links to display the SAM server log files. To enable this feature, you must share the OpConxps folder on the SAM server and configure the Enterprise Manager connection profile to point to that directory. For more information, refer to Setting up New Profiles. It is also possible to set certain user preferences relating to the displays within the log files. For more information about setting preferences for the log files, refer to Setting Preferences for Log Viewer.

Logs Toolbar and Right-Click Menu

The Logs also have a standard toolbar that allows you to perform functions for managing the logs. Click on any specific icon on the toolbar below to learn more about its functionality.

Logs toolbar

Note that the toolbar options are also available via right-click functionality. You need only right-click inside any log that you are currently viewing to access the context menu with these options.