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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Notification Configuration

Configuring SNMP Notifications

For information on installing the SNMP service and configuring SNMP notifications, refer to SMA OpCon SNMP Agent in the OpCon Installation online help.

Configuring SPO Notifications

For the SMA Notify Handler to be able to send SPO alerts, the SPO Agent must be installed and configured properly on the SAM application server. Once the SPO Agent is configured properly and running, complete the procedures below to configure the SMA Notify Handler to process SPO messages. For additional information, refer to SMA Notify Handler.

Configure the SMA Notify Handler to Use SPO

  1. Double-click on Server Options under the Administration topic.
  2. Click on the Notification Settings tab.
  3. Click on SPO Notifications Enabled.
  4. Click True in the drop-down list (bottom of screen) then click Update.
  5. Click Save Save icon on the Server Options toolbar.
  6. Click Close ☒ to the right of the Server Options tab to close the Server Options screen.

Define the Default SPO Alarm ID

In order for ENS to send Schedule or Instant Events to SPO, define the SPO Default Alarm ID in the Server Options screen.

  1. Double-click on Server Options.
  2. Click on the Notification Settings tab.
  3. Click on SPO Default Alarm ID.
  4. enter the desired Alarm ID in the text box and click Update.
  5. Click Save Save icon on the Server Options toolbar.
  6. Click Close ☒ to the right of the Server Options tab to close the Server Options screen.

Format AL Event Reports for Email Notification

To send an email notification with an AL Event Report, complete the following steps:

  1. FTP the opcon_email script from the <Target Directory\>\\OpConxps\\SAM\\ENS\\ directory on the SAM Server into the /var/opt/spo/alarm_scripts directory on the Unix SPO Server.
  2. Configure an Action List with the name JOB_EMAIL.
  3. Enter opcon_email<space> on the Command screen when editing the Action Template for JOB_EMAIL.
  4. Define the AL Event normally in the ENS Manager except the Alarmid and Alarmqual fields.
  5. Set Alarmid to JOB_EMAIL.
  6. Set Alarmqual to the destination email address.
  7. Include up to four addresses separated by commas if multiple email addresses are desired. The line's syntax does not allow spaces.

Configuring SMTP Notifications

The SMA Notify Handler uses SMTP for email and for text messages. Ensure an SMTP server is available and verify the server's name.

Configure the SMA Notify Handler to Use SMTP

In EM Navigation under Administration:

  1. Double-click on Server Options.
  2. In the Server Options screen: Click on the SMTP Server Settings tab.
  3. Click on the SMTP Server Name (Primary Email).
  4. Enter the SMTP server name in the text box (bottom of screen) and click Update.
  5. If the SMTP server requires SSL Encryption:
    1. Click on SMTP Authentication - Enable SSL (Primary Email).
    2. Click True in the drop-down list (bottom of screen) then click Update.
  6. If the Enable SSL for SMTP Authentication (Primary Email) value is True or if the SMTP server requires authentication:
    1. Click on the SMTP Authentication User (Primary Email).
    2. Enter the email address in the text box (bottom of screen) then click Update.
    3. Click on the Password (Primary Email).
    4. Enter the passwordin the text box (bottom of screen) then click Update.
  7. If the SMTP server does not require authentication:
    1. Click on the SMTP Notification Address (Primary Email).
    2. Enter the email address in the text box (bottom of screen) then click Update.
  8. If a Secondary SMTP server is available, repeat Steps 4 - 7 for the (Secondary Email) settings with the same names.
  9. If alternate servers should be used for all text messaging, repeat Steps 4 - 7 for all (Primary SMS) and (Secondary SMS) settings with the same names.
  10. Click Save Save icon on the Server Options toolbar.
  11. Click Close ☒ to the right of the Server Options tab to close the Server Options screen.