LSAM User Profiles
IBM i LSAM Operator Authority
The IBM i LSAM Installation instructions and this IBM i LSAM documentation state that the standard IBM i system operator user profile, QSYSOPR, should be able to operate the LSAM software, performing the functions of starting and stopping the LSAM server jobs. An IBM i LSAM user site may or may not wish to authorize the system operator to perform other functions supported by the LSAM menu system. Most of the LSAM menu functions are for configuration tasks or diagnostic purposes, and these might be restricted to users who have been authorized, according to the procedures described in this topic.
The QSYSOPR user profile is specifically enabled to start or stop the LSAM server subsystem and jobs, as the LSAM software is first installed, based on the distributed LSAM Object Authority and Location master file. (See LSAM sub-menu 8 -> option 9 -> option 8.) However, the default LSAM authorities assigned to QSYSOPR are not required. They are distributed so that they match, in general, the set of default job authorities offered in the LSAM Parameters (LSAM main menu, option 7). Most sites will probably want to replace the QSYSOPR user authorities by reassigning them to a designated LSAM Administrator user profile.
The strategy for an IBM i LSAM operator prevents the operator from performing LSAM configuration or master file maintenance tasks. These tasks must be performed by a user with LSAM administration authorities, as described in a following section of this topic.
How to Enable an LSAM Operator User Profile
The IBM i LSAM installation instructions and many places in this IBM i LSAM documentation describe how to operate the LSAM software using the IBM i security officer profile (QSECOFR), or, using a user profile that has *ALLOBJ special authority.
The default installation of the IBM i LSAM software enables the IBM i default system operator (QSYSOPR) to start or stop the LSAM server programs, to view the status of the LSAM servers and to work with tracked jobs. QSYSOPR is not granted any other authority to use LSAM functions.
To enable another user-defined user profile (for example, SMAOPER) to operate the LSAM software, that user profile must be granted the authorities shown in the LSAM Object Authority table (LSAM menu 9, option 8) that apply to QSYSOPR, also identified in the discussion of the LSAM Operator Authorities, below. The IBM i command GRTOBJAUT can be used to grant these authorities, but the LSAM Work with object authority function includes a convenient option 1=apply that can be used on one or more objects at a time to implement groups of object authority rules associated with each object selected from the list.
Similarly, to disable QSYSOPR and prevent this system operator profile from managing the LSAM environment, the same authorities shown for QSYSOPR in the LSAM object authority table must be revoked, using the RVKOBJAUT command. Again, after the LSAM Work with object authority function has been used to configure the desired object authorities, those authorities can be applied using the convenient option 1=apply from the list of Special Object Authorities.
IBM i LSAM Administrator Requirements
The default installation of the IBM i LSAM requires that there exist an LSAM Administrator user profile that has *ALLOBJ authority. QSECOFR may be used for this purpose. Since the LSAM Operator is a user profile with restricted privileges, the following rules apply:
When the LSAM software is installed, it is required that the installation be performed by QSECOFR. A user profile with equivalent authority may be used, but during the installation process, a check is made of the required user profiles, so *SECADM authority is required in addition to *ALLOBJ authority.
tipFor versions of the IBM i LSAM prior to 04.00.03, it was required that QSECOFR be the first user to enter the LSAM menu processor using command STRSMA. This is no longer a requirement because the LSAM installation program now completes all essential configuration steps based on the parameters requested by the installation program.
The minimal set of LSAM Parameters required to define a working LSAM Agent is collected during the SMASETUP installation command procedure. However, LSAM object authorities that are assigned by default as the LSAM sotware is first installed would need to be adjusted by an LSAM Administrator before a designated LSAM Operator will be allowed to start the LSAM server programs.
tipThe LSAM installation program requires enough basic configuration parameters that it should be possible for an operator to start the LSAM server programs immediately after the LSAM installation has been completed. However, SMA Technologies recommends that the LSAM Parameters (main menu, option 7) be reviewed first to assure that the LSAM performs as expected. Some of the LSAM Parameter values are required in order to complete the configuration of a matching machine table record that defines the LSAM, via the OpCon User Interface.
Only a designated LSAM Administrator user profile should be allowed to perform LSAM configuration functions. This is important to protect the powerful LSAM automation tools from malware or other types of system hacking.
Only QSECOFR or an LSAM Administrator with *ALLOBJ authority should be allowed to maintain the User Management validation lists (function 1) on the LSAM Operator Replay menu (LSAM menu 4, option 1).
Only QSECOFR or an LSAM Administrator with *ALLOBJ authority should be allowed to maintain the External Event Token (option 2) on the LSAM Events menu (LSAM menu 3).
It is possible to create a limited LSAM Administrator user profile, or other categories of LSAM user profiles, that would not have *ALLOBJ authority. These categories of LSAM users might be useful for enabling certain LSAM users to perform some kinds of LSAM master file maintenance without having to make them super users with *ALLOBJ authority. This strategy usually involves configuring some LSAM commands and their driver programs to run with adopted authority.
Strategies for creating limited LSAM Administrator user profiles are discussed in the following sections of this document.
LSAM Administrator Use of *ALLOBJ Authority
*ALLOBJ authority is the easy way to enable the LSAM Administrator to complete various pre-programmed tasks such as:
- Registering an Exit Program to IBM i (used by Job Tracking).
- Making it easier for the LSAM Administrator to update any of the LSAM control files in the SMADTA database library.
- Allowing the LSAM Administrator to perform the User Management function on the LSAM Operator Replay menu and the External Events Password function on the LSAM Events menu.
It is possible to create an LSAM Administrator user profile that does not have *ALLOBJ authority, as long as that user profile has *USE authority to all the LSAM Menu functions and sub-programs in the LSAM program objects libraries (default names SMAGPL and SMAPGM), and *CHANGE authority to all the files in the LSAM database library (default name SMADTA) plus certain files stored in SMAGPL. For example, the LSAM User Management function requires that the LSAM Administrator be granted *CHANGE authority to the LSAM validation list object as well as specific authority to *USE the LSAM User Management function programs.
The LSAM objects that must be authorized for each LSAM Menu function are identified in the table of object authorities described later in this topic.
The LSAM Administrator also requires access to some other normally restricted IBM i commands and objects, such as managing IBM i exit program entries. If this user profile does not have *ALLOBJ authority, then it is possible for some LSAM configuration procedures to fail, at which time it will be necessary to debug the failure and to assign the special authority required for the LSAM Administrator.
SMA has made an effort in this topic to provide general guidance about the security and authorities required to operate the LSAM software. However, not every detail of the LSAM software analysis is documented in this topic, for reasons of system security and protection of proprietary design information. LSAM user sites that need to implement high security restrictions are advised to contact SMA Support for additional technical information that may be available to the security officers of licensed SMA software user sites.
*SECADM Authority is No Longer Needed
Except for the management of the require LSAM server user profile SMANET, and optionally, the recommended user profile SMASAV that could be used with the LSAM Restricted Mode automation, the LSAM, as installed, has no other requirements that any user of this software must have *SECADM (security administration) authority.
Previous documentation about the LSAM Administrator authorities specified that *SECADM authority was required for an LSAM Administrator to use some of the LSAM menu functions. This authority should no longer be required. For example, the validation list method of managing security for certain LSAM functions is controlled by IBM i object authority, so special security administration authority is not required to manage this feature. However, following a default installation of the LSAM software, this feature is restricted for use only by QSECOFR or an LSAM Administrator with *ALLOBJ authority.
The only requirement for security administration authority would be when the IBM i security officer might create user profiles, such as an alternate SMAOPER user profile that is suggested as an option in this topic. The configuration of the Restricted Mode special user profile SMASAV is administered by specially compiled programs that can only be executed by authorized LSAM Administrators, so this function also does not require *SECADM authority.
Diagnosing LSAM User Profile Problems
If error messages arise when any restricted LSAM user profile tries to use LSAM functions, it is very helpful to SMA Support if the following information is provided whenever an error message is encountered:
- Position the cursor over the error message and press the HELP key, or key sequence (typically ALT + F1, in the IBM iSeries Access workstation emulation program) in order to display the secondary message help text. Capture this text and report it.
- While the secondary help text for a message is showing on the screen, look for the function key F9=Display message details. Press F9 when it is available and capture the information about the program that has reported the message.
- If possible, created a job log report from the interactive job where the error occurred, or find the job log report from a batch job, and convert it to an ASCII text file that can be attached to the problem report submitted to SMA Support. Job log reports for interactive jobs can be obtained as the interactive session is ended using this command and parameters:
Be sure to note the ID of the job (number/user/job_name) before signing off so that the job log report can easily be found after the job ends.