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MFT Agent Group Definitions

Group definitions are currently defined using the OpCon MFT Agent Web Server. A connection to the OpCon MFT Agent Web Server requires a user / password for system where the OpCon MFT Agent is installed (not an OpCon user).

![OpCon MFT Agent Details](../static/img/OpCon MFT-agent-details.png)

To define Groups, edit the associated OpCon MFT agent details using Solution Manager. Select the OpCon MFT Agent Settings TAB and then select Settings. Enter the credentials for the OpCon MFT Agent Web Server in the pop-up window and you will be routed to Endpoints associated with the OpCon MFT Agent.

From the initial page, select SETTINGS and then GROUPS for defining group information.

Tasks within the OpCon MFT Agent are associated with a specific group that defines general attributes for execution. The group name is derived from the OpCon Department Name with special characters removed. The default group defined for the OpCon MFT Agent environment is General. When a OpCon Task is submitted to the OpCon MFT Agent and the group associated with the request does not exist, the group will be created.


OpCon Department Name : <General>
OpCon MFT Group name : General

OpCon Department Name : Test Group
OpCon MFT Group name : TestGroup

Group definition consists of defining the retention of data for the group and a default email associated with the group (recipients, subject and address).

Group Definition

Select the required group from the drop-down list.

Prune Old DataThe duration that data is stored for the group before being deleted (i.e -12 months).
Email ToThe email address where error notifications will be sent. To include multiple addresses, separate each one with a comma (,).
Message SubjectSubject line of error notification emails (use macros to provide default information).
Message BodyEmail body of error notification emails (use macros to provide default information).
Attach Log FilesSelect the checkbox to attach the log files to the error notification.

It is possible to perform macro substitution in the subject and message data by using the & sign to indicate string concatenation between macros and literal quoted strings.  

The available macros are :

%yearThe 2 digit year (i.e. 12 for 2012)
%monthThe 2 digit month (i.e. 02 for February)
%month_abbreviationThe 3 character month abbreviation (i.e. Feb for February)
%dayThe 2 digit day of the month
%weekdayThe 2 digit day of the week: ie Sunday is 0 and Saturday is 6
%day_abbreviationThe 3 character day of the week (i.e. Sunday is Sun)
%hourThe 2 digit hour of the day
%minuteThe 2 digit minute of the day
%stepThe last filename processed by step
%step[#]The period separated token from the filename (starts with 0) IE: fileid.dat.Z.pgp, %step[0] = fileid, %step[2] = Z…
%job_detailsThe step result strings for every step processed so far
%job_nameThe current job's name
%step_nameThe name of the currently executing step
%crlfA string containing the carriage return and line feed characters

Subject and Message Body Examples


%job_name & " failed at Step " & %step_name

%job_name & " failed at Step " & %step_name & %crlf & %error_string & %crlf &job_details