Using Machines Status View
The Machines Status view displays information about each machine defined in the OpCon database in different formats: Table, Map, and Statistics.
- Table
: The Table tab (Default view) lists the machine's information (e.g., Machine Status, Machine Name, Operating System, Last Update, Running Jobs, Groups, Socket number, Version number, TLS, and Activity) in the OpCon environment in a table format.
- The color in the Status column represents the status of the
- Gray: SMANetCom is not attempting communication with the LSAM (e.g., the machine is marked down by a user).
- Blue: The machine is marked up by a user, and the LSAM is communicating with the SMANetCom.
- Red: The machine is marked up by a user, but the LSAM is not communicating with the SMANetCom.
- Orange: The machine is marked up by a user, but the communication is limited (e.g., SMANetCom is not sending job start information to the LSAM). For information regarding disabling job starts, refer to Job Starts: Determines if the SAM should send job start information to the LSAM. While the primary purpose of an LSAM is to start jobs, LSAMs also have the ability to send external OpCon events. If the condition exists where new job starts should not be initiated on the LSAM, but external OpCon events should still process, Job Starts can be disabled. in the Machines section of the Concepts online help.
- Map
: The Map tab lists the machines in the OpCon environment in a map format. Refer to the same color coding above used in the Table tab. The same right-click menu with various activities is available on the Map tab as well as the Table tab.
- Statistics
: The Statistics tab displays the Communicating Status Trend and the Operating System Trend information in a pie chart format.
- Communication Status Trend Pie Chart: Displays the number of machines defined in the OpCon environment and the number of machines in a communicating state or disabled.
- Operating System Trend Pie Chart: Displays the different machine types defined within the OpCon environment. Each different machine type is assigned a color with a legend provided below the pie chart.
Machines Status View Right-click Menu
The Machines Status view has the following right-click menu options:
- Machine Information: Refer to Viewing Machine Information.
- Re-Synchronize Running Jobs: This action counts the number of jobs in the database that show they are running for that machine and sets the running job count to that number. Refer to Re-Synchronizing Running Jobs.
- Start Communication: If the LSAM is not in a started state, the status can be changed to 'started'. Refer to Starting Communication.
- Stop Communication: If the LSAM is not in a stopped state, the status can be changed to stopped. Refer to Stopping Communication.
- Enable Job Starts: This action can be used to enable jobs starts if a machine status is Limited. Refer to Enabling Job Starts.
- Disable Job Starts: This action can be used to disable jobs starts if a machine is in a started state. Refer to Disabling Job Starts.
- SAP Machine: From any SAP R/3 and CRM machine, this menu provides access to SAP Background Functions. Refer to Managing SAP R/3 and CRM Background Functions.
- Window To Host: Opens a program to connect to the host system. Refer to Preferences for Window To Host.
- Edit Machine: Refer to Editing Machine Information.
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