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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Manual Database Backups and Restoration

Automation of backups is a more efficient and reliable method for database maintenance; however, if automation is not an option, manually back up the database on a regular basis. SMA Technologies recommends regular backups of the OpCon database, transaction logs, and system databases. There are two reasons for these backups:

  1. Maintenance: If the transaction log for the OpCon database is not backed up regularly, it eventually fills the hard drive. OpCon discontinues processing if the hard drive is full.
  2. Recoverability: If for any reason the database requires restoration, backup files must be available. Restoration of the most up-to-date data requires the latest full database backup and all subsequent transaction log backups.

For information on automating the database maintenance and backups, refer to OpCon Data Maintenance.

Manual Backups

In some cases, it is necessary to manually back up the OpCon database and restore it to another location.

Manually Backing Up the Database

Perform the following procedure to manually back up the OpCon database.

Perform a Manual Backup

On the OpCon Database Server:

  1. Use menu path: Start > All Programs > SQL Server Management Studio.
  2. On the Connect to Server screen: Select Database Engine in the Server type drop-down list.
  3. Select the desired [OpCon Publishing Database Server] in the Server name drop-down list.
  4. Select one of the following options in the Authentication drop-down list:
    • Windows Authentication to log in with the current Windows User with local administrative authority.
    • SQL Server Authentication then enter sa in the Login text box and the sa's password in the Password text box.
  5. Click the Connect button.
  6. In the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio window: Expand (+) the Databases folder.
  7. Identify the OpCon database.
Back Up the Database
  1. Right-click the OpCon database and choose Tasks > Back Up.
  2. Go to the Source frame.
  3. Confirm the OpCon database is the database selection.
  4. Select Full in the Backup type drop-down list for a complete backup.
  5. Go to the Backup set frame.
  6. Enter the backup job name in the Name text box.
  7. Go to the Destination frame.
  8. Select the Disk radio button.
  9. Click Add to add the location and name of the backup file if the default destination is not desired. You should see the default directory for SQL backups listed in the Select Backup Destination window.
  10. Enter, in the File name text box, a file name followed by .bak file extension at the end of the file path. If this is not the desired location, enter the full path and file name followed by a .bak file extension (e.g., D:\MSSQL\Backup\Opconxps.bak).
  11. Click OK to accept the backup (.bak) filename.
  12. Click the Options tab in the Select a page menu.
  13. Go to the Overwrite media frame.
  14. Select the Append to the existing backup set or Overwrite all existing backup sets radio button. Either option is acceptable. The database administrator should make this decision.
  15. Click OK.
  16. When the backup completes successfully, click OK.

Manual Restoration

Following either an automatic or a manual backup, manually restore the database with the latest backup file.

Manually Restoring the Database

When manually restoring the database, there are several issues to address:

Verifying the Latest Backup File

Verify the backup file is in the default SQL Backup directory on the machine where the database restoration occurs.


The default SQL Backup directory may vary based on the version of Microsoft SQL Server.

Verify the Backup File
  1. Log on to the OpCon database server as a Windows user with access to the database installation directories.
  2. Right-click on Start and select Explore.
  3. Browse to the drive and directory of the last backup's location.
  4. If the backup is not on the machine where the restoration occurs, copy the backup file onto this machine.
  5. Use menu path: Organize > Copy.
  6. Browse to the target machine and directory and use menu path: Organize > Paste.

Stopping and Disabling Replication

If replication is not in use, skip this section. If replication is in use, stop replication and disable the OpCon database as a publisher. The installation script must be able to drop and recreate tables. No data is lost.

To disable replication for a Push Subscription, refer to the steps below. To disable replication for a Pull Subscription, refer to Stop Replication with a Pull Subscription.

Stop Replication with a Push Subscription

On the Publishing Database Server:

  1. Use menu path: Start > All Programs > SQL Server Management Studio.
  2. In the Connect to Server window:
  3. Select Database Engine in the Server type drop-down list.
  4. Select the desired [OpCon Publishing Database Server] in the Server name drop-down list.
  5. Select one of the following options in the Authenticationdrop-down list:
    • Windows Authentication to log in with the current Windows User with local administrative authority.
    • SQL Server Authentication then enter sa in the Login text box and the sa's password in the Password text box.
  6. Click the Connect button.
Delete Subscription and Publication from the Local Publications
  1. Expand (+) the Replication folder in the Object Explorer navigation pane.
  2. Expand (+) the Local Publications folder.
  3. Right-click on the current subscription and select Delete.
  4. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
  5. Go to the right-hand frame.
  6. Expand (+) the Local Publications folder.
  7. Right-click on the current publication and select Delete.
  8. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
Stop Replication with a Pull Subscription

On the Subscribing Database Server:

  1. Use menu path: Start > All Programs > SQL Server Management Studio.
  2. On the Connect to Server screen: Select Database Engine in the Server type drop-down list.
  3. Select the desired [OpCon Subscribing Database Server] in the Server name drop-down list.
  4. Select one of the following options in the Authenticationdrop-down list:
    • Windows Authentication to log in with the current Windows User with local administrative authority.
    • SQL Server Authentication then enter sa in the Login text box and the sa's password in the Password text box.
  5. Click the Connect button.
Delete Subscription from the Local Subscriptions
  1. Expand (+) the Replication folder in the Object Explorer navigation pane.
  2. Expand (+) the Local Subscriptions folder.
  3. Right-click on the current subscription and select Delete.
  4. Click Yesto confirm the deletion.

On the Publishing Database Server:

  1. Use menu path: Start > All Programs > SQL Server Management Studio.
  2. On the Connect to Server screen: Select Database Engine in the Server type drop-down list.
  3. Select the [OpCon Publishing Database Server] in the Server name drop-down list.
  4. Select one of the following options in the Authenticationdrop-down list:
    • Windows Authentication to log in with the current Windows User with local administrative authority.
    • SQL Server Authentication then enter sa in the Login text box and the sa's password in the Password text box.
  5. Click the Connect button.
Delete the Publication from the Local Publications
  1. Expand (+) the Local Publications folder in the Object Explorer navigation pane.
  2. Right-click on the current publication and select Delete.
  3. Click Yesto confirm the deletion.
Disable Replication

If publishing is still set up on the Publishing Database Server, complete the steps in this section to disable publishing.

On the Publishing Database Server:

  1. Use menu path: Start > All Programs > SQL Server Management Studio.
  2. On the Connect to Server screen: Select Database Engine in the Server type drop-down list.
  3. Select the desired [OpCon Publishing Database Server] in the Server name drop-down list.
  4. Select one of the following options in the Authenticationdrop-down list:
    • Windows Authentication to log in with the current Windows User with local administrative authority.
    • SQL Server Authentication then enter sa in the Login text box and the sa's password in the Password text box.
  5. Click the Connect button.
Disable Replication
  1. Right-click the Replication folder in the Object Explorer navigation pane.
  2. Select Disable Publishing and Distributions.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Select the Yes, disable publishing on this server radio button.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Leave the settings at default.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Click Finish.
  10. Watch as it processes until it completes successfully.
  11. Click Close.

Restoring the Database

Restore the Database

On the OpCon Database Server:

  1. Use menu path: Start > All Programs > SQL Server Management Studio.
  2. In the Connect to Server window: Select Database Engine in the Server type drop-down list.
  3. Select the desired [OpCon Database Server] in the Server name drop-down list.
  4. Select one of the following options in the Authenticationdrop-down list:
    • Windows Authentication to log in with the current Windows User with local administrative authority.
    • SQL Server Authentication then enter sa in the Login text box and the sa's password in the Password text box.
  5. Click the Connect button.
Restore the Backup File
  1. Go to the Object Explorer frame.
  2. Expand (+) the Databases folder.
  3. Right-click the <database name> icon and choose Tasks > Restore > Database.
  4. Verify that the OpCon database is selected in the To database combo box. If the OpCon database does not already exist in the To database combo box, enter the database name.
  5. Go to the Source for restore frame.
  6. Select the Restore: From device radio button.
  7. Click the ellipsis (...) button beside the From device radio button to browse to the desired backup (.bak) file.
  8. Select the desired backup (.bak) file in the Backup location box.
  9. If the backup (.bak) file is not found, then click Add.
  10. Browse through the folders and select the desired backup (.bak) file.
  11. Click OK.
  12. Click OK.
  13. Go to the Select the backup sets to restore frame.
  14. Select the desired backup (.bak) file checkbox.
  15. Click the Options tab in the Select a page menu.
  16. Select the Overwrite the existing database checkbox.
  17. Go to the Restore the database files as frame.
  18. Make sure that the file name and path are valid for the database's data and log files.
  19. Go to the Recovery state frame.
  20. Select the Leave the database ready to use by rolling back uncommitted transactions. Additional transaction logs cannot be restored. (RESTORE WITH RECOVERY) radio button.
  21. Click OK.
  22. When the restore completes successfully, click OK.

Executing the Database Upgrade Scripts

For information on running the Database Upgrade scripts, refer to Update Database in the Utilities online help.

Resetting SQL Login IDs

Following restoration, it is possible to have a mismatch of SQL Login IDs between the restored database and the SQL server. This mismatch prevents SAM's SQL Login ID (opconsam) and the graphical interface's SQL Login ID (opconui) from in to the database. To fix this problem, please complete the steps below.

Reset opconsam and opconui SQL Login IDs

On the OpCon Database Server:

  1. Use menu path: Start > All Programs > SQL Server Management Studio.
  2. In the Connect to Server window: Select Database Engine in the Server type drop-down list.
  3. Select the desired [OpCon Database Server] in the Server name drop-down list.
  4. Select one of the following options in the Authenticationdrop-down list:
    • Windows Authentication to log in with the current Windows User with local administrative authority.
    • SQL Server Authentication then enter sa in the Login text box and the sa's password in the Password text box.
  5. Click the Connect button.
  6. In the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio window: Click the New Query button.
  7. Select the OpCon Database in the list on the toolbar at the top of the screen.
  8. Go to the right-hand frame.
  9. Enter the query: dbo.sp_change_users_login 'update_one','opconsam','opconsam'.
  10. Click the Execute button in the toolbar or press F5 to execute the query.
  11. Go to the right-hand frame.
  12. Enter the query: dbo.sp_change_users_login 'update_one','opconui','opconui'.
  13. Click the Execute button in the toolbar or press F5 to execute the query.

Setting up Replication

If replication was in use, refer to the Microsoft SQL Replication Setup topic. For information on setting up replication, refer to Manual Setup for Microsoft SQL Replication.