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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

SMA OpCon Configuration Utility

The SMA OpCon Configuration Utility is designed to configure the scripts and configuration files on a machine containing SMA OpCon's software. The tool is most useful on the OpCon Server and on machines containing multiple LSAMs (Agents). This program is automatically installed on the OpCon Server. If you would like this utility installed on any machine, run the setup program from the OpCon installation media in this location:

<media>:\Install\Configuration Utility\SMA OpCon Configuration Utility Install.exe

To open the SMA OpCon Configuration utility, use menu path: Start > All Programs > Opconxps > Utilities > SMA OpCon Configuration Utility.

The menus available are File, Tools, and Help.


  • Exit: Closes the SMA OpCon Configuration utility.


  • Provides links to the individual SMA OpCon Configuration utility screens.
  • Configure Database Scripts: Refer to the next section.
  • Configure Enterprise Manager: Refer to the Enterprise Manager Screen section.
  • Configure Agents: Refer to the Agents Screen section.


  • About: Displays product versions and Technical Support information.

Database Scripts Screen

The first screen displayed in the SMA OpCon Configuration Utility contains fields for configuring scripting variables to use when running database scripts.


The following fields display in the common area at the top of the screen:

  • DB Scripts Folder: Define the path to the <Configuration Directory>\Utilities\Database folder. This folder contains the SMA_SET* scripting variables files this program will update with your changes.
  • SQL Server Login: This frame contains the settings to pass off as parameters to DB_Setup, DB_Setup_WinAuth, DB_Update, and DB_Update_WinAuth command files.
    • Use Win Auth: Select this option to indicate that Windows Authentication should be used to set up or update the database.
    • Use SQL sa: Select this option to indicate that the SQL "sa" login should be used to set up or update the database.
    • Password: If "Use SQL sa" was selected, enter the password for "sa" before clicking the Create Database or Update Database buttons.
      • Show Password: Select this checkbox to see the sa password in clear text.
  • Create Database: Click this button to run the DB_Setup or DB_Setup_WinAuth command to create a new OpCon database. The utility will automatically execute the proper command based on the SQL Server Login settings.
    • This button is disabled until the Environment, Installation, and Maintenance Scripting Variables files are all Verified and you have clicked the Update Scripts button on the bottom-right corner of the screen.
    • Clicking this button causes the utility to shell out to a command window and waits while the command processes.
  • Update Database: Click this button to run the DB_Update or DB_Update_WinAuth command to update an existing OpCon database with the latest SQL scripts. The utility will automatically execute the proper command based on the SQL Server Login settings.
    • This button is disabled until the Environment, Installation, and Maintenance Scripting Variables files are all Verified and you have clicked the Update Scripts button on the bottom-right corner of the screen.
    • Clicking this button causes the utility to shell out to a command window and waits while the command processes.


The Profiles section at the bottom of the screen is used for saving all of your custom information across all five tabs for the database environment. It is important to save your profile because upgrades in the future from SMA Technologies will overwrite all of your scripting variables command files. SMA Technologies will be overwriting these files because we often need to change commands within the files themselves. When you save a Profile, you can simply apply that profile to the scripts and all your custom settings are applied.

  • New: Click the New button to define a Name for the specific profile. Changes made to the profile are automatically saved.
  • Delete: Select a profile name and then click the Delete button to remove the profile from the list.


  • Update Scripts: Click Update Scripts to save all your settings to the scripting variables files.
  • Cancel: Click Cancel to abort any changes to the file.

Environment Tab

The Environment tab contains settings that are required for New and Upgrade environments. All of the database command files SMA Technologies provides reference these variables.

  • OpConxps DB Server Name: Defines the name of the server hosting the OpCon database (e.g., OpConServer).
  • OpConxps SQL Instance: Defines the name of the SQL Server instance hosting the OpCon database.
    • If using the default SQL instance on the machine, the name should be the same as the OpConxps DB Server Name (e.g., OpConServer).
    • If connecting to a named instance of SQL server, specify the server name and instance name using the syntax: ServerName\InstanceName (e.g., OpConServer\SQL 2012).
  • Database Name: Defines the OpCon Database name (e.g., OPCONXPS).
  • opconsam Password: Defines the password to use when the SQL authentication script creates the opconsam SQL user.
  • opconui Password: Defines the password to use when the SQL Authentication script creates the opconui SQL user.
  • Environment Variables Verified: Select this checkbox (at the bottom of the screen) to verify that all settings are correct on the tab.

Installation Tab

The Installation tab contains settings that are required for you to successfully use the Create Database button at the top of the screen. The variables on this screen provide instructions for creating the database and its files on the SQL Database Server.

  • Path to Database Data File: Defines the location of the physical database data file on the SQL database server.
    • The sample value is: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data\OPCONXPS_Data.MDF.
    • (Optional) If the SAM and Database are on the same server, you can click the browse button (shown as an ellipsis) at the end of the field.
      • Browse to the SQL Data directory and click OK.
      • The utility will automatically append "OPCONXPS_Data.MDF" to the path for the file name. Change the file name if desired.
  • Initial DB Data File Size: Defines the initial size in megabytes allocated for the database data file.
  • DB Data File Growth: Defines the percentage increment by which the database data file will expand when full.
  • Path to Database Log File: Defines the location of the physical database transaction log file on the SQL database server.
    • The sample value is: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data\OPCONXPS_Log.LDF.
    • (Optional) If the SAM and Database are on the same server, you can click the browse button (shown as an ellipsis) at the end of the field.
      • Browse to the SQL Data directory and click OK.
      • The utility will automatically append "OPCONXPS_Log.LDF" to the path for the file name. Change the file name if desired.
  • Initial DB Log File Size: Defines the value for the initial size in megabytes allocated for the database transaction log file.
  • Maximum DB Log File Size: Defines the maximum size in megabytes beyond which the database transaction log should not be allowed to grow.
  • DB Log File Growth: Defines the percentage increment by which the database transaction log file will expand when full.
  • Installation Variables Verified: Select this checkbox (at the bottom of the screen) to verify that all settings are correct on the tab.

Maintenance Tab

The Maintenance tab contains settings that are required for you to successfully use the database maintenance command files provided by SMA Technologies. These command files are automated with the SMAUtility schedule. For more information, refer to SMAUtility Schedule in the Concepts online help. The variables on this screen provide instructions for backing up and restoring databases on the SQL Database Server.

  • Path to Full Backup File: Defines the location of the full database backup file on the SQL database server.
    • The sample value is: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Backup\SMADB_Backup.bak.
    • (Optional) If the SAM and Database are on the same server, you can click the browse button (shown as an ellipsis) at the end of the field.
      • Browse to the SQL Data directory and click OK.
      • The utility will automatically append "SMADB_Backup.bak" to the path for the file name. Change the file name if desired.
  • Path to Transaction Log Backup File: Defines the location of the transaction log backup file on the SQL database server.
    • The sample value is: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Backup\SMATLog_Backup.bak
    • (Optional) If the SAM and Database are on the same server, you can click the browse button (shown as an ellipsis) at the end of the field.
      • Browse to the SQL Data directory and click OK.
      • The utility will automatically append "SMATLog_Backup.bak" to the path for the file name. Change the file name if desired.
  • DB Backup User: Defines the SQL user to use for the database backups when the SQL authentication scripts are automated.
  • DB Backup Password: Defines the password for the DB Backup User in the previous field.
  • DB Restore User: Defines the SQL user to use for the database restores when the SQL authentication scripts are automated.
  • DB Restore Password: Defines the password for the DB Restore User in the previous field.
  • Path to System DB Backup File: Defines the location of the system database backup file on the SQL database server.
    • The sample value is: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Backup\SystemDB_Backup.bak
    • (Optional) If the SAM and Database are on the same server, you can click the browse button (shown as an ellipsis) at the end of the field.
      • Browse to the SQL Data directory and click OK.
      • The utility will automatically append "SystemDB_Backup.bak" to the path for the file name. Change the file name if desired.
  • Maintenance Variables Verified: Select this checkbox (at the bottom of the screen) to verify that all settings are correct on the tab.

Mirroring Tab

The Mirroring tab contains settings that are required for you to successfully use the database mirroring command files provided by SMA Technologies. These command files are automated with the SMAMirroring schedule. For more information, refer to Setup for Automatic Microsoft SQL Mirroring in the Database Information online help. The variables on this screen provide instructions for setting up and tearing down mirroring for databases on the SQL Database Server.

  • Principal Server Name: Defines the name of server hosting the principal OpCon database
    • Default: Principal server hostname
  • Principal Endpoint Port: Defines the TCP/IP Port number for the principal server to use for communication with the mirror server.
    • Default: 7022
  • Fully Qualified Principal Computer Name: Defines the fully qualified name for the principal database server including the host name, primary DNS suffix, and end point port number. The default value in the command file provides the syntax.
    • Default: 'TCP://hostname.PrimaryDNSSuffix:EndpointPortNumber'
    • Determine the Primary DNS Suffix by executing IPCONFIG /ALL from a command prompt on the principal server.
  • Login For Principal Service: Defines the Windows user account the Principal SQL Server Service uses.
    • Default value: DOMAIN\user
  • Principal SQL Instance: Defines the name of the SQL Server instance hosting the principal OpCon database. If using the default SQL instance on the machine, the name should be the same as the OpConxpsDBServerName. If connecting to a named instance of SQL server, specify the server name and instance name using the syntax: ServerName\InstanceName.
    • Default: Principal SQL Server Instance Name

      The full Server Name and Instance Name display in the SQL Management Studio for all registered SQL servers.

  • Full Backup Share On Mirror: Defines the full UNC path to the share for the mirroring files on the principal server.
    • \\Principal server hostname\sharename\
  • Tran Log Backup Share On Mirror: Defines the full UNC path to the share for the transaction log files on the principal server.
    • \\Principal server hostname\sharename\
  • Mirror Server Name: Defines the name of server hosting the mirrored OpCon database.
    • Default: Mirror Server hostname
  • Mirror Endpoint Port: Defines the TCP/IP Port number for the mirror server to use for communication with the principal server.
    • Default: 7022
  • Fully Qualified Mirror Computer Name: Defines the fully qualified name for the mirror database server including the host name, primary DNS suffix, and end point port number. The default value in the command file provides the syntax.
    • Default: 'TCP://hostname.PrimaryDNSSuffix:EndpointPortNumber'
  • Login For Mirror Service: Defines the Windows user account the Mirror SQL Server Service uses.
    • Default value: DOMAIN\user
  • Mirror SQL Instance: Defines the name of the SQL Server instance hosting the mirror OpCon database. If using the default SQL instance on the machine, the name should be the same as the OpConxpsDBServerName. If connecting to a named instance of SQL server, specify the server name and instance name using the syntax: ServerName\InstanceName.
    • Default: Mirror SQL Server Instance Name

      The full Server Name and Instance Name display in the SQL Management Studio for all registered SQL servers.

  • WitnessServerName: Defines the name of server hosting the witness database server.
    • Default: Witness Server hostname

      If a Witness Server will not be implemented in the mirroring configuration, the Witness Server information is not required.

  • WitnessEndpointPort: Defines the TCP/IP Port number for the witness server to use for communication with the principal server.
    • Default: 7022
  • FullyQualifiedWitnessComputerName: Defines the fully qualified name for the witness database server including the host name, primary DNS suffix, and end point port number. The default value in the command file provides the syntax.
    • Default: 'TCP://hostname.PrimaryDNSSuffix:EndpointPortNumber'
  • LoginForWitnessService: Defines the Windows user account the Witness SQL Server Service uses.
    • Default value: DOMAIN\user
  • WitnessSQLInstance: Defines the name of the SQL Server instance hosting the witness OpCon database. If using the default SQL instance on the machine, the name should be the same as the OpConxpsDBServerName. If connecting to a named instance of SQL server, specify the server name and instance name using the syntax: ServerName\InstanceName.
    • Default: Witness SQL Server Instance Name

      The full Server Name and Instance Name display in the SQL Management Studio for all registered SQL servers.

  • Database Name: The name of the database on the principal server and thus the name on the mirror server.
    • Default: Database name
  • Path to Full Backup File: Defines the path and file name of the full database backup file on the principal SQL database server.
    • Default value: Path to full database backup location on principal

      The following is the default path for database backup files on a SQL server: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\BACKUP

  • Path to Transaction Log Backup File: Defines the path and file name of the transaction log backup file on the principal SQL database server.
    • Default value: Path to full transaction log backup location on principal

      The following is the default path for database backup files on a SQL 2008 server: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\BACKUP

  • DB Mirroring Scripts Directory: Defines the <Configuration Directory> where the database mirroring scripts exist on the server (provided by SMA Technologies with the Database installation).
    • Default value: C:\ProgramData\OpConxps\Utilities\Database\

      The Configuration Directory location is based on where you installed your programs. For more information, refer to File Locations in the Concepts online help.

  • DB Mirroring Monitor Update Period: Defines the interval in seconds at which database mirroring monitor statistics are to be updated.
    • Default value: 5
  • Mirroring Variables Verified: Select this checkbox (at the bottom of the screen) to verify that all settings are correct on the tab.

Replication Tab

The Replication tab contains settings that are required for you to successfully use the database replication command files provided by SMA Technologies. These command files are automated with the SMAReplication schedule. For more information, refer to Setup for Automatic Microsoft SQL Replication in the Database Information online help. The variables on this screen provide instructions for setting up and tearing down replication for databases on the SQL Database Server.

  • Distributor Server Name: Defines the name of server hosting the instance of SQL Server that will be used as the distributor.
  • Distributor SQL Instance: Defines the name of the instance of SQL Server that will be used as the distributor. If it is the default instance of SQL Server on the distributor computer, then the value of this scripting variable will be the same as the host name. If it is a named instance of SQL server, then the value of this scripting variable will be the distributor host name and the name given to the SQL Server instance at installation, separated by a backslash (e.g., ReplDistributor\SQLReplication).
  • Login For Distributor Service: On the SQL Server instance, serving as the Distributor, this is the windows user account under which the SQL Server service runs.
  • REPLDATA Folder: Defines the folder where the snapshot agent will write the data to be replicated.
    • Default: \\<DistributorServerName>\C$\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\repldata
    • SMA Technologies recommends creating a share on the repldata folder and specifying the value of this variable as \\<DistributorServerName>\repldataShareName
  • Path to Distribution Data File: Defines the full path (excluding filename) to the directory where the distribution.mdf file for the distribution database will be created.
  • Path to Distribution Log File: This is the full path (excluding filename) to the directory where the distribution.ldf file for the distribution database will be created.
  • Publisher Server Name: Defines the name of server hosting the instance of SQL Server that will be used as the publisher.
  • Publisher SQL Instance: Defines the name of the instance of SQL Server that will be used as the publisher. If it is the default instance of SQL Server on the publisher computer, then the value of this scripting variable will be the same as the host name. If it is a named instance of SQL server, then the value of this scripting variable will be the publisher host name and the name given to the SQL Server instance at installation, separated by a backslash (e.g., `MyReplPublisher\SQLReplication).
  • Publication Database Name: Defines the name of the database to be replicated. If the default database name was accepted during installation of OpCon, this value would be OPCONXPS.
  • Publication Name: Defines the name given to the publication of articles (OpCon database tables) to be replicated. Normally, this name matches the Publication Database Name. If the default database named was used, then the publication name would be OPCONXPS.
  • Login For Publisher Service: On the SQL Server instance, serving as the Publisher, this is the windows user account under which the SQL Server service runs.
  • Subscriber Server Name: Defines the name of server hosting the instance of SQL Server that will be used as the subscriber.
  • Subscriber SQL Instance: Defines the name of the instance of SQL Server that will be used as the subscriber. If it is the default instance of SQL Server on the subscriber computer, then the value of this scripting variable will be the same as the host name. If it is a named instance of SQL server, then the value of this scripting variable will be the subscriber host name and the name given to the SQL Server instance at installation, separated by a backslash (e.g., MyReplSubscriber\SQLReplication).
  • Subscription Database Name: Defines the name of the database to be replicated to. SMA Technologies recommends using the same database name as the publishing database. If the default database named was used, then the publication name would be OPCONXPS.
  • Login For Subscriber Service: On the SQL Server instance,serving as the Subscriber, this is the windows user account underwhich the SQL Server service runs.
  • OpConxpsServer Name: Defines the name of the computer where the OpCon SAM and Supporting Services are running. This server may be a different computer than any database servers involved in the replication process.
  • DB Replication Scripts Directory: Defines the directory where the SQL scripts used in setting up and tearing down replication will be located. If OpCon was installed in the default location, this value would be 'C:\Program Files\OpConxps\Utilities\Database'.
  • Run Snapshot Agent As: Defines the Windows Domain user the Snapshot Agent runs as. Refer to Considerations in the Database Information online help for information regarding best practices and privileges. Define the value using the syntax of domain\user.
  • Run Log Reader Agent As: Defines the Windows Domain user the Log Reader Agent runs as. Refer to Considerations in the Database Information online help for information regarding best practices and privileges. Define the value using the syntax of domain\user.
  • Run Distribution Agent As: Defines the Windows Domain user the Distribution Agent runs as. Refer to Considerations in the Database Information online help for information regarding best practices and privileges. Define the value using the syntax of domain\user.
  • Domain User: Defines the Windows Domain user that will be used as the SQL proxy user when elevated privileges are required for the users the SQL agents run as. Refer to Considerations in the Database Information online help for information regarding best practices and privileges. Define the value using the syntax of domain\user.
  • Replication Proxy Password: Defines the password to be assigned to the DomainUser.
  • Distributor Password: Defines the password to be assigned to the distributor_admin SQL Server login that is automatically created by SQL Server during the process of configuring replication.
  • Subscription Type: Defines the type of subscription to be implemented. The value specified must be either PUSH or PULL.
    • Default: PULL
  • Replication Variables Verified: Select this checkbox (at the bottom of the screen) to verify that all settings are correct on the tab.

Update Database

If you need to reapply database scripts or run them on another database, follow this quick procedure.

  1. Launch the SMA OpCon Configuration Utility.
  2. Ensure that the Database Scripts option [left side of utility] is selected.
  3. If the database is on the same machine as the SAM, browse to and select the database scripts folder.
  4. Configure the Database Environment information. For more information, refer to Environment Tab.
  5. Select Environment Variables Verified checkbox.
  6. Click Update Scripts button.
  7. Select the appropriate SOL Server Login radio button: Use Win Auth or Use SQL sa.
  8. Select the Update Database button.

Enterprise Manager Screen

This screen offers an easy way to configure the memory needs for the Enterprise Manager. This action should be taken once during product installation and then again as needed to update the configuration of the EM. The screen information involves the Releases/Root Folders directory, Installation Size choices, and panels for Machine Information (Statistics) and Help Information.

Releases/Root Folders

  • All Available Releases: Perform action on all Enterprise Manager directory structures found on this machine.
  • EM Installation Directory: Perform action on one specific Enterprise Manager directory on this machine.

If the EM Installation Directory field is blank, browse to and select the installation directory path (e.g., C:\Program Files\OpConxps\EnterpriseManager x64).

Installation Size

  • Small Installation: Max memory used by EM and BIRT reports (set to 256MB)
  • Large Installation: Max memory used by EM and BIRT reports (set to 512MB)
  • Enterprise Installation: Max memory used by EM and BIRT reports (set to 1024MB)


  • Save: Click this button to save all field information.
  • Reload: Click this button to cancel changes made to the screen.

Agents Screen

The Microsoft Agent and each of the other Windows-based proxy agents (SAP, SAP BW) can be installed onto one machine and are controlled by individual .ini files. This screen offers easy way to update each agent's .ini file for the TCP/IP ports for normal communication and for the Job Output Retrieval System (JORS). The default port values delivered by SMA Technologies within these .ini files (3100, 3110) are normally sufficient and rarely need to be changed, unless more than one agent is installed on the same machine.

The screen information involves the Releases/Root Folders directory, Microsoft Agent details, and a panel for help information.

Releases/Root Folders

  • OpCon Installation Directory: Perform action on one specific OpConxps directory structure.


  • Fix Chronoman.ini Paths: Click this button to update the root path values in Chronoman.ini to valid paths.
  • Auto Number All Sockets: Click this button to generate new port numbers for the agents.
  • Reload: Click this button to cancel changes on the screen.
  • Save: Click this button to save all field information to the ini files.