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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Managing Server Options

The Server Options editor controls the global settings for OpCon. The editor provides the server parameter values and source information that can be viewed and/or edited. For conceptual information, refer to OpCon Server Options in the Concepts online help.


Only the ocadm role is able to access this editor.

Modifying Server Option Parameter(s)

To modify a server option parameter:

  1. Double-click on Server Options under the Administration topic. The Server Options screen displays.
  2. Click on the tab where the parameter to be modified is located.
  3. Click on the parameter to be modified.
  4. Enter or select (depending upon the Parameter selected to modify) the Parameter Information.
  5. Click the Update button to save the changes made to the parameter or click the Defaults button to reset the parameter to the system default.
  6. Repeat Steps 3 - 5] until all parameters that require editing have changed.
  7. Click Save icon Save on the Server Options toolbar.
  8. Click Close ☒ (to the right of the Server Options tab) to close the Server Options screen.