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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Using Administration Tools

The Administration tools will perform the functions specified below, depending on the specific editor or view in which you are currently working.

Find (Ctrl+F): This tool will open the Quick Search dialog to find a specific record or any node on the Workflow Designer layout.
Add (Ctrl+ N): This tool will add the appropriate editor information.
Remove (Ctrl+ D): This tool will delete the appropriate editor information.
Save (Ctrl+ S): This tool will save the appropriate editor information.
Cancel (Ctrl+ R): This tool will cancel the appropriate editor information.
Cross References: This tool will open a dialog to view the schedules, jobs, or frequencies that are using the selected administrative item.
View History: This tool will allow you to view the appropriate editor history details.
Merge Schedule: This tool allows schedules to merge.
Copy: This tool will copy the appropriate editor information.
Paste: This tool will paste the appropriate editor information.
Edit: This tool will open a secondary screen to edit the selected item on the screen.
Up: This tool will move the priority up one level for the selected item in a table.
Down: This tool will move the priority down one level for the selected item in a table.
Edit Jobs: This tool will send you to the Job Master screen in order to edit jobs.
Move (Shift+Insert): This tool will allow you to move jobs to different schedules.
Edit Master Schedule: This tool will send you to the Schedule Master screen in order to edit schedules.
View Audit: This tool will send you to the Audit Management dialog in order to view the specific user audit record.
Edit Resource in Use value: This tool will allow the editing for the resource value currently in use. The Locked label will appear if one or more jobs require "All" of the resource.
Reset Job Type (Ctrl+Shift+D): This tool will reset the job type to a Null job.Warning: Once the Reset Job Type action is confirmed, all job detail information is lost and cannot be recovered.
Show/Hide: This tool will show/hide the left part of the screen that contains the menu and minimap.
Create Schedule: In the Workflow Designer, this tool will open a dialog to allow you to create a new schedule with default settings.
Arrange All: In the Workflow Designer, this tool will rearrange all items on the display to the selected layout option without refreshing the data from Job Master.
Minimize: This tool will cause the editor and/or view to be minimized and an icon for the editor and/or view will be placed in the sidebar.
Maximize: This tool will open an editor and/or view to its maximum size. When opened to the maximum size, the Maximize button changes to a Restore button.
Print: In the Workflow Designer, this tool will display the options to print the layout.
Restore: This tool will change the editor view back to its original location and size.
Show/Hide Thresholds and Resources: In the Workflow Designer, this tool will work as a toggle switch to show or hide the threshold or resources on the layout.
Take Screenshot: In the Workflow Designer, this tool will provide the function to take a screenshot and save an image of the current Workflow Designer layout.
Zoom: In the Workflow Designer, the zoom percentage drop-down list will allow selection of the preferred size of the objects being displayed.