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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)


The menu bar at the top of the Enterprise Manager screen is always available whether you are working with editors or views. The menu bar has two options: Enterprise Manager and Help.

Enterprise Manager

The Enterprise Manager menu displays the following options when selected:

Refresh (F5): This menu item refreshes all active windows.
Pause Refresh (Ctrl+P): This menu item will cause the automatic refresh process to pause.
Logout (Ctrl+L): This menu item disconnects the User from the database without exiting the Enterprise manager.
Password Update: This menu item allows the user to change their Password, generate an external token, or encrypt a password.
Preferences (Ctrl+Alt+P): This menu item allows the user to set various preferences for several of the views.
Exit (Ctrl+Q): This menu item will close the Enterprise Manager.

Underneath the menu bar, the Logout, Refresh, and Pause Refresh toolbar icons display.

Encrypting Passwords

You will need to use the Enterprise Manager encryption tool if a configuration value in OpCon requires an encrypted password.

To encrypt a password:

  1. Log in to the Enterprise Manager.
  2. Use menu path: EnterpriseManager > Password Update > Password Encryption Tool. The Password encryption tool dialog displays.
  3. (Optional)Select the Visible checkbox to make the password characters visible.
  4. Enter the password in the Password field.
  5. Click Encrypt.
  6. Click the Copy to clipboard button to copy the encrypted password.
  7. Click Close to close the dialog.
  8. Paste the encrypted password to the desired location.

Generating External Tokens

To generate an external token:

  1. Log in to the Enterprise Manager.
  2. Use menu path: EnterpriseManager > Password Update > Generate External Token. The External Token Set dialog displays.
  3. Select one of the following options: a. Click the Yes button to copy the external token to the clipboard -- or -- b. Click the No button to close the dialog.
  4. Paste the external token to the desired location.


The Help menu displays the following options when selected:

  • Enterprise Manager (F1): This item or the F1 key on the keyboard will link to the conceptual information for the current location in Enterprise Manager. From the main screen, this option opens to the first topic of the Enterprise Manager online help.
  • Documentation: This item will provide links to all OpCon online product help. Click on the specific link to view the documentation.
  • Show Key Assist: This item will provide a list of functions and their associated keyboard shortcut keys.
  • Check for Updates: During startup for Enterprise Manager, a check will be made for a new version (if available). The Check for Updates is an Enterprise Manager preference. For more information on setting preferences, refer to the procedures for changing preferences.
  • Legend: This item opens the legend window that explains the colors and icons associated with the jobs, schedules, and dependencies displayed in the views.
  • About OpCon Enterprise Manager: This menu item displays SMA Technologies contact information, Product version details, and the option to Report a Problem. This menu also displays OpCon License information to users with granted privileges. For more information on reporting a problem, refer to Reporting Problems