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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Disabling or Hiding Service Requests

You can define rules (or OpCon expressions) for disabling or hiding Service Request buttons. A rule can be either of the following:


Both the "Disable Rule" and "Hide Rule" are optional. If neither rule is defined, then the Service Request button will be enabled and visible.

Disabling Service Requests


The "Disable Rule" evaluation result must resolve to "true" or "false". If the evaluation fails, then the Service Request button will be disabled (by design).

To define a rule for disabling a service request:

  1. Click the Edit button at the top-right corner of the Service Request button. The Edit Service Request page displays.
  2. Toggle the Disable Rule switch on. A text field displays for entering the expression.
  3. Enter a boolean value, a token, or a complex expression. Use the following examples as guides:

Hiding Service Requests


The "Hide Rule" evaluation result must resolve to "true" or "false". If the evaluation fails, then the Service Request button will be hidden (by design).

To define a rule for hiding a service request:

  1. Click the Edit button at the top-right corner of the Service Request button. The Edit Service Request page displays.
  2. Toggle the Hide Rule switch on. A text field displays for entering the expression.
  3. Enter a boolean value, a token, or a complex expression. Use the following examples as guides: