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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

User Accounts

User Accounts are required for authentication to OpCon. Once authenticated, a user account inherits privileges through their roles.

A user must be a member of a role with All Administrative Functions, All Function Privileges, or must be in the ocadm role to manage User Accounts.

The following information applies to User Account management:

  • User Account Name: Defines a name for logging into OpCon. The name must be a unique entry.
    • For manual login accounts, enter any unique name. The user will have to type this name and the associated password in all OpCon graphical interfaces to log in.
    • For automatic login, enter the name of the User Login ID to match the user's network account name (e.g., Domain\User or Machine\User). In all OpCon interactive applications, the user will not supply a User Name or Password. They must log in to the machine with the network account, and the security will pass through the graphical interface for authentication in OpCon.
      • Optionally, you can enable the SMA LDAP Monitor service to integrate your network security for user accounts with the automatic logins to OpCon. For more information, refer to SMA LDAP Monitor in the Server Programs online help.
    • User Password: When a new user is created, OpCon generates a random password for the user. Users with manual login accounts should change their passwords the first time they log in. Users with automatic login accounts will not use the password unless they are signing in to OpCon on a machine where another network account is active.
      • When a user changes their password, it must be no more than 12 characters and must conform to the rules defined in the Password Requirements of the Global Options.
      • When a user's password is reset, it will be randomly generated and emailed to the user if an email address is defined.
  • Full User Name: Defines the full name of the person using the User Login ID (maximum 60 characters). This is a required field.
  • Notes: This field may contain notes about the user.
  • E-mail Address: Defines an SMTP email address for the User Login ID.
  • Comments: This field may contain additional information about the user.
  • Role Assignment: Provides the Roles assigned to the User Login ID. A User Account must have at least one assigned role to be able to log in. If a user is assigned to multiple roles, the combined privileges for all of those roles are applied to the user. For more information, refer to Roles.
  • Force User to Change Password at Next Log On: Determines if the user must change their password during the next log on.
  • Login Disabled: Determines if the user's login is disabled. If the user login is disabled, they cannot log into OpCon from any OpCon application. The applications behave differently depending on the way the user signs on:
    • If the user signs on with an OpCon User Login ID and password, the applications will inform them that the account is disabled and will present the login screen again. This allows the user to try to sign on with a different User Login ID and/or Data Source.
    • If the user has automatic sign on with their Network Account name (e.g., Domain\User), the applications will inform them that the account is disabled and shut down the program. Because their Network Account name was integrated with OpCon for automatic sign on, the applications do not all alternate sign on opportunities.
  • External Token Disabled: Determines if the user is disabled from defining external events. If the external token is disabled, they cannot create external events. This option is only available to users with administrative permissions and is selected by default. If this option is unselected, the Generate External Token option in the EnterpriseManager > Password Update menu path will be enabled.
  • Password Never Expires: If password expiration is turned on in the Password Requirements of the Global Options, this setting determines if user's password should never expire. If password expiration is turned off, this setting is ignored.
  • Self-Service: Determines if the user is a Self Service user.
    • Only users who have this flag set will be able to use Self Service.
    • The total number of users who can have this flag checked depends on the client's license agreement.
      • If the client has unlimited licenses for Self Service, then all users are checked by default and cannot be unchecked.
      • If client has no licenses, then all users are unchecked and cannot be checked.
      • If client has at least one license, then ocadm is always checked and others may be set as Self Service users up to the maximum number of the license's limit.