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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

New Server Installation


Before beginning the installation, complete Getting Started.


If installing the SAM and supporting services (SAM-SS) on a machine with a Windows Regional locale setting other than English (US), please contact SMA Technologies before installation.

To install the OpCon Server on a server for the first time, use the procedures in this chapter. To successfully complete a new installation of an OpCon Server, it is important to complete all of the procedures in this chapter from beginning to end.

  • To install the OpCon Server interactively, refer to the next section.
  • To install the OpCon Server in silent mode, refer to Silent Mode.

Interactive OpCon Server Installation

Install the OpCon Server


The SAM installation configures the SMA Service Manager as a stand-alone service. If manual or hot failover is desired, refer to Failover Scenarios in the Database Information online help.


When high numbers of LSAMs are in the database, multiple SMANetCom instances can improve performance. To set up multiple SMANetComs, add another section for SMAServMan and give it a unique name. For more information, refer to TLS Security in the Server Programs online help.

On the OpCon Server:

  1. Log in as a Windows user with Local Administrative Rights.
  2. Exit all running applications on the desktop.
  3. Download the OpCon Web Installer (OWI) zip file from
  4. Extract the files and run the OWI to download and launch the installers for the desired components. The server should include the following components at a minimum:
    • SMA OpCon
    • SMA OpCon Enterprise Manager
    • SMA OpCon Agent for Microsoft
  5. Complete the installer wizard for each component you selected. For details about the specific installers, refer to Component Installations.

Installation of the SMA OpCon Database Scripts, SMA OpCon SAM, and SMA OpCon Solution Manager components have been consolidated into a single installer. The SMA OpCon Install.exe file installs and configures all three components.

Configure the Server

For information on configuring the server, refer to OpCon Server Configuration.