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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

OpCon Server Configuration

This chapter contains the information you will need to configure the OpCon Server after new installation. After an upgrade, please review these items to ensure the server is still configured correctly.

Implement Temporary License

For a new installation, the temporary license will allow you run OpCon immediately while you wait for your permanent license. Later in this chapter, you will find the procedure to request a permanent license file.

  1. Copy the 0.lic file from the root of the distribution media.
  2. Paste the file to the <Configuration Directory>\SAM\ folder.

Configure Database Scripts

As part of the database scripts installation, the database environment and installation scripting variables are updated. To update the database maintenance, mirroring, and replication scripts, however, you will need to use the SMA OpCon Configuration Utility.

  1. Use menu path: Start > All Programs > OpConxps > Utilities > SMA OpCon Configuration Utility.
  2. Ensure that the Database Scripts option [left side of utility] is selected.
  3. Click the Maintenance tab to configure Database Maintenance information. If the database is on the same machine as the SAM, you can browse to the folders.
  4. Select the Maintenance Variables Verified checkbox and click Update Scripts.
  5. Click the New button in the Profiles section at the button of the screen.
  6. Enter a name for the profile and click Save. This will store all your Database Script settings for future use by this program.

Configure Database Connections

OpCon uses a single database to manage all data for the system. You must configure all the components to connect to that database.

Server and User Interface Connections

You will need to make sure the Enterprise Manager is configured to communicate with the OpCon database.


The OpCon Server component's database connection should have been automatically configured during the SMA OpCon SAM installation. For more information, refer to the SMA Connection Configuration Tool in the Server Programs online help.

Configure the Database Connection Information for the OpCon Server

  1. Use menu path: Start > All Programs > OpConxps > Utilities> SMA Connection Config.
  2. In the SMA Connection Configuration window: In the Server\Instance Name field, enter the Server Name (include the instance name if necessary using the Server\Instance Name syntax).
  3. Enter the database name in the Database Name field.
  4. Configure the authentication method:
    • Select the Use Windows Authentication checkbox - or -

      If you want to use Windows Authentication, then you must make sure that the SMA Service Manager runs as a user that has privileges to the OpCon database. For more information, refer to OpCon Server Configuration.

    • Enter the SQL Authentication credentials.
      • Enter opconsam in the Database Login ID field.
      • Enter opconsam's password in the Database Password field.
  5. Configure the database connection by selecting one of the following Configuration drop-down options:
    • None: Specifies no setting. This is the default.
    • SQL Always On: Specifies that SQL Server has been configured to use SQL high availability.
    • SQL Mirroring: Specifies that SQL Server has been configured to use mirroring.
  6. Click Connect.
  7. Click OK to confirm the connection.
  8. Click OK to close the program.

Create a Profile for the EM to Connect to the Database

  1. Use menu path: Start > All Programs > OpConxps > Enterprise Manager.
  2. On the Welcome screen: Click OK.
  3. On the Database Connection Profile screen: Enter a Profile Name in the Profile Name text box.
  4. Choose your authentication method and connect to the database. Choose option 1 or 2 .
    1. To use SQL Authentication, enter opconui in the Username field and enter opconui's password in the Password text box.
    2. To use Windows Authentication, select the Use Windows Authentication checkbox.
  5. Enter the Server name or IP Address in the SQL Server text box.

    If connecting to a Server with a backslash (\) in the name, this means the server uses SQL Instance Names. The SQL Server Browser services must be running on that server for the EM to successfully connect to the database.

  6. Select the database in the Database drop-down list or click the Database button to show the available databases.

    The list of databases will only be made available once each of the previous text boxes have been filled in.

  7. (Optional) Type the Timeout (sec) (It is set to 30 by default).
  8. (Optional) Click on the Color button, select the desired Profile color, and click OK.
  9. Click Next to advance to the next window.

    The next window will indicate whether the database connection has tested successfully.

  10. If the test was not successful: Click the Back button to correct the problem and try again.
  11. If the test was successful: Click the Next button to go on to set up the OpCon Installation details.

    For the default [[SERVER]] token in the UNC path to the OpCon directory on the SAM server, the EM will automatically replace that token with the database server IP/Hostname specified in the profile (refer to Step 4a). With this token in place, if you change the database server in the profile you will not need to change the UNC path (as long as the share directory is the same).

  12. On the OpCon installation details screen: Confirm the path to the OpCon directory on the SAM server.
  13. Click Finish to save the profile.

The OpCon Installation details can be set up in Profiles or Preferences. Refer to Setting up New Profiles in the Enterprise Manager online help.

Utilities Connections

Set Privileges for Utilities

Before configuring database connections, you will need to configure some utilities for compatibility with the Windows operating system.

  1. Locate the executable for Legacy Audit (LegacyAudit.exe) in the following location: <Target Directory>\OpConxps\Utilities\.
  2. Right-click LegacyAudit.exe.
  3. Select Properties from the menu.
  4. Click on the Compatibility tab.
  5. Select the Run this program as an administrator checkbox and click OK.
  6. Locate the executable for SMA ODBC Configuration tool (SMAODBCConfig.exe) in the following location: <Target Directory>\OpConxps\DDI\.
  7. Right-click SMAODBCConfig.exe.
  8. Select Properties from the menu.
  9. Click on the Compatibility tab.
  10. Select the Run this program as an administrator checkbox and click OK.

Create System DSNs

All of the utilities require a system data source name (DSN). If the required system DSNs do not exist, complete the procedures below.


Verify that the most recent Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) driver for Microsoft SQL Server is installed before creating the system Data Source Name (DSN).

Select a Driver

Use Schedule Import Export to configure the System DSNs for the server. The utility must Run as Administrator to have the privileges to configure the DSNs. The SQL DSNs are shared by multiple utilities.

  1. Log in as a Windows user with Local Administrative Rights.
  2. Locate ImpEx.exe in the following location: <Target Directory>\Opconxps\Utilities\.
  3. Right-click ImpEx.exe and select Run as administrator from the menu.
  4. Click the ODBC button.
  5. Click the System DSN tab.
  6. Click Add.
  7. Select the SQL Server Native Client driver in the Name column and click Finish.
  8. In the Create a New Data Source to SQL Server window: Enter a unique Data Source name in the Name field. SMA Technologies suggests using the name of the database.

    Do not use the same name as the SQL server instance name.

  9. (Optional) Enter Connection to the OpCon scheduling database in the Description field.
  10. Enter, in the Server field, the Host Name of the server hosting the database with which the SAM will be communicating and click Next.
  11. Select the With SQL Server authentication using a login ID and password entered by the user radio button.
  12. Enter opconui in the Login ID field.
  13. Enter opconui's password in the Password field then click Next.

    The default opconui password is 0pC0nxp$. The '0's are zeros, and the character after the 'p' is a dollar sign.

  14. Select the Change the default database to checkbox.
  15. Select the OpCon database.
  16. Accept the remaining default values on the screen and click the Next button.
  17. Accept all default values on the last screen and click the Finish button.
  18. In the ODBC MS SQL Server Setup window: Click the Test Data Source button.
    • If the test succeeds, exit the ODBC administrator by clicking OK on subsequent screens.
    • If the test fails, click Cancel.
      • Click the Back button until the screen from Step 7 is displayed.
      • Repeat Steps 7 - 17 until the test is successful.
  19. In the ODBC Data Source Administrator window: Click OK.
  20. To set up System DSNs to the Access databases for the Schedule Import Export utility, follow these steps: Click Add.
  21. In the Create New Data Source window: Select Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb) in the drop-down list and click Finish.
  22. In the ODBC Microsoft Access Setup window: Enter a data source name in the Data Source Name text box.
  23. (Optional) In the Description text box, enter a description.
  24. Click the Select button.
  25. In the Select Database window: Go to the Directories frame and browse to the Utilities directory (e.g., C:\Program Files (x86)\OpConxps\Utilities\).
  26. Click the IMPEX.mdb file in the Database Name frame and click OK.
  27. In the ODBC Microsoft Access Setup window: Click OK.
  28. In the ODBC Data Source Administrator window on the System DSN tab: Click OK.
  29. On the Access Database DSN screen: Select the new data sourcein the list box and click OK.

Configure SMADDI

If you chose to include SMADDI in your OpCon Server installation, refer to Configuring the Database Connection.

Configure SMA Resource Monitor

If you chose to include SMA Resource Monitor in your OpCon Server installation, refer to the information about configuration beginning with the Modify the SMAResourceMonitor.ini File procedure.

Configure SQL Permissions

You can configure SQL Permissions for either of the following:

SQL Authentication

To execute SMA Technologies' database maintenance scripts using SQL Authentication, the SQL user who will execute the commands for those scripts must have the db_owner database role. The users are defined in the Maintenance Scripting Variables file through the DB Backup User and DB Restore User variables. By default, opconsam is the DB Backup User, and sa is the DB Restore User. If you use sa for either of these users, you can skip this procedure.

Grant db_owner Permissions for SQL Users

On the preferred Database Server:

  1. Log in as a local administrative user.
  2. Use menu path: Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server > SQL Server Management Studio.
  3. In the Connect to Server window: Select Database Enginein the Server type list box.
  4. Select the OpCon Database Serverin the Server name list box.
  5. Choose your authentication type in the Authentication section and provide credentials.
    • Log in as sa if you choose SQL Server Authentication - or -
    • Make sure the Windows User for Authentication has system administration privileges.
  6. Click the Connect button.
  7. In the Object Explorer frame: Expand the SQL Server hosting the OpCon database.
  8. Expand the Security folder.
  9. Expand the Logins folder.
  10. Right-click on the user that you are setting as the DB Backup User and select Properties.
  11. In the Select a page panel on the left: Click User Mapping.
  12. In the Users mapped to this login table: Select the checkbox for the OpCon Database.
  13. In the Database role membership for: Select the checkbox for db_owner permissions.
  14. In the Users mapped to this login table: Select the master database if this user will back up the system databases.
  15. In the Database role membership for: Select the checkbox for db_owner permissions.
  16. In the Users mapped to this login table: Select the msdb databases if this user will back up the system databases.
  17. In the Database role membership for: Select the checkbox for db_owner permissions and click OK.
  18. In the Object Explorer frame under Logins: Right-click on the user that you are setting as the DB Restore User and select Properties.
  19. In the Select a page panel on the left: Click User Mapping.
  20. In the Users mapped to this login table: Select the checkbox for the OpCon Database.
  21. In the Database role membership for: Select the checkbox for db_owner permissions and click OK.

Windows Authentication

Complete the procedures so that the OpCon user applications can authenticate.

Add the OpConxps Active Directory Group to the SQL Server

On the SQL Server Machine:

  1. Log on as a local administrative user.
  2. Use menu path: Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server > SQL Server Management Studio.
  3. In the Connect to Server window: Select Database Enginein the Server type list box.
  4. Select the OpCon Database Serverin the Server name list box.
  5. Choose your authentication type in the Authentication section and provide credentials.
    • Log in as sa if you choose SQL Server Authentication - or -
    • Make sure the Windows User for Authentication has system administration privileges.
  6. Click the Connect button.
  7. In the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio window: Click the menu bar path: View > Object Explorer.
  8. In the Object Explorer frame: Expand the SQL Server hosting the OpCon database.
  9. Expand the Security folder.
  10. Right-click the Logins folder and select New Login from the menu.
  11. In the Login - New window: Click the Search button next to the Login Name field.
  12. In the Select User or Group window: Click the Object Types button.
  13. In the Object Types window: Select the Groups checkbox and click OK.
  14. In the Select User or Group window: Click the Locations button.
  15. In the Locations window: Expand Entire Directory, select the preferred directory name, and click OK.
  16. In the Select User or Group window: Click the Advanced button.
  17. Click the Find Now button.
  18. Select the OpCon Group in the list at the bottom of the window that was created in the procedure to Create the OpConxps Active Directory Group and click OK.
  19. Click OK again.
  20. In the Login - New window: Select the OpCon database in the Default database list.
  21. Select the User Mapping page in the Select a page navigation pane.
  22. In the Users mapped to this login table: Select the OpCon Database checkbox in the Map column.
  23. In the Database role membership for: Select the checkbox for the opconxps role.
  24. Select the Securables page in the Select a page navigation pane.
  25. Click Search.
  26. Select the The server 'Servername\Instance' radio button and click OK.

    The bottom box will be populated with Explicit permissions for ServerName\Instance.

  27. Scroll to the bottom of the list.
  28. Select the Grant checkbox for the View Server State Permission.

Add the SQL Server Logins for SMA Service Manager

If you want to run SMA Service Manager as the local system account (NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM) and you want to use Windows Authentication for the database connection, then you have to make sure the service has a login to SQL Server. There are different options when SQL Server is local or remote.

In the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio window:

  1. Expand (+) the Database Engine containing the OpCon Database.

  2. Expand (+) the Security folder.

  3. If the SAM and the database are on a different machine:


    On a domain named "ABCCompany" with a SAM Application Server named "OpConxpsServer", the Login name for the SQL server would be:


    • Right-click Logins and select New Login from the menu.
    • Enter the domain and SAM Application Server name in the Login name text box, using the following syntax: DomainName\\ServerName$
    • Proceed to Step 5.
  4. If the SAM and the database are on the same machine, double-click on NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM under the Logins folder.

  5. Select the OpCon Database in the Default database list box.

  6. Select the User Mapping page in the Select a page navigation pane.

  7. In the Users mapped to this login table: Select the OpCon Database checkbox in the Map column.

  8. In the Database role membership for: Select the opconxps role checkbox.

  9. If you are creating the user:

    • Click OK.
    • Double-click on the newly-created user under the Logins folder.
  10. Select the Securables page in the Select a page navigation pane.

  11. In the Permissions for <Server> Explicit table: In the Grant column, select the Grant checkbox for the View server state permission.

  12. Click OK.

Grant db_owner Permissions for a Windows User

To execute SMA Technologies' database maintenance scripts using Windows Authentication, the Windows user who will execute the jobs for those scripts must have the db_owner database role.

  1. Expand (+) the Database Engine containing the OpCon Database.
  2. Expand (+) the Security folder.
  3. Expand the Logins folder.
  4. Right click on Windows Account that will execute the scripts and select Properties.
  5. Click User Mappings.
  6. Select the checkbox for the OpCon Database.
  7. Select the checkbox for db_owner permissions.
  8. Select the master database if this user will back up the system databases.
  9. Select the checkbox for db_owner permissions.
  10. Select the msdb databases if this user will back up the system databases.
  11. Select the checkbox for db_owner permissions.
  12. Click OK.

Configure Optional Services

If you chose to enable any of the optional services when configuring the OpCon Server, you must configure them for proper operation. If you do not have optional service enabled, skip down to Configure OpCon.

Configure SMA LDAP Monitor

If you chose to enable the LDAP Monitor when configuring the OpCon Server, you must configure this component to connect to your LDAP environment. For information on the details of the SMA LDAP Monitor configuration, refer to SMA LDAP Monitor Configuration.

  1. Right-click the Start button and select Explore from the menu.
  2. Browse to the <Configuration Directory>\SAM directory.
  3. Double-click the SMALDAPMon.ini file.
  4. Define the DirectoryType. Valid values are ADS and OpenLDAP.
  5. Add the Host and Port settings.
  6. (Optional) Define the UserNamePrefix (required for automatic sign-on) and Domain.
  7. Enter the secure information. UserName, Password, and DefaultUserPassword must be encrypted in the INI file. To encrypt these values, you can either use the Enterprise Manager password encryption tool (refer to Encrypting Passwords) or the built-in --credentials command-line option with SMA LDAP Monitor using the following example:
SMALDAPMon.exe --credentials --user=[username] --password=[password] --defaultpassword=[defaultUserPassword]

If you wish to change the default RefreshInterval behavior of 60 seconds, delete the value and enter the interval (in seconds) that you would like SMA LDAP Monitor to wait between synchronizations. Values must be more than 60 seconds.

Configure SMASAPProxy

If you chose to enable the Connector for SAP and/or SAP BW when configuring the OpCon Server, you must configure the component to connect to your SAP environments. For information on the details of the SAPQueryProcessor configuration, refer to SAPQueryProcessor.ini.

  1. Right-click the Start button and select Explore from the menu.
  2. Browse to the <Configuration Directory>\SAM directory.
  3. Double-click the SAPQueryProcessor.ini file.
  4. Under the [TCP/IP Parameters]:
  5. (Optional) Set the value for SocketNumber for connecting to the SAP R/3 environment.
  6. (Optional) Set the value for BWSocketNumber for connecting to the SAP BW environment.
  7. Use menu path: File > Save.
  8. Close ☒ Notepad.

Configure OpCon

Since the majority of the SAM configuration options are in the database, the administrator must configure the options through the Enterprise Manager.

Change the ocadm Password and Configure SAM Options

  1. Use menu path: Start > All Programs > OpConxps > Enterprise Manager.
  2. On the OpCon Login screen: Enter ocadm in the Username text box.
  3. Enter, in the Password text box, 12 asterisks (************) as the default password.
  4. Select, in the Profile list box, the profile created in the Create a Profile for the EM to Connect to the Database procedure.
  5. Click Login.
  6. In the OpCon Enterprise Manager window: Use menu path: EnterpriseManager > Password Update > Change User Password.
  7. In the Password Update window: Enter 12 asterisks (************) in the Old Password text box.
  8. Enter a new password in the New Password text box.
  9. Reenter the new password in the Confirm Password text box and click OK.
  10. In the Navigation Panel under Administration: Double-click Server Options.
  11. In the Server Options editor: Verify that the General tab is selected.
  12. Review all parameters for correctness. Review all General Settings for more details.
  13. To modify a parameter's value:
    1. Click on the preferred parameter in the parameter table.
    2. Enter a valid value in the frame at the bottom of the screen.
    3. Click the Update button save the parameter changes, the Cancel button to disregard the changes, or the Defaults button to reset the parameter to the system default.
    4. (Optional) Select another parameter category from the tabs across the top of the editor.
    5. Repeat Steps 1 - 4 to modify other parameter(s).
  14. Click on the SMTP Server Settings tab.
  15. Review all parameters for correctness, and specifically look at the following parameters:
    1. Specify the SMTP Server Name (Primary Email).
    2. If the SMTP server requires SSL Encryption, set the value for SMTP Authentication - Enable SSL (Primary Email) to True.
    3. If the Enable SSL for SMTP Authentication (Primary Email) value is True or if the SMTP server requires authentication, then specify the SMTP Authentication User and Password (Primary Email).
    4. If the SMTP server does not require authentication, specify the SMTP Notification Address (Primary Email).
    5. If a Secondary SMTP server is available, repeat Steps 1 - 4 for the (Secondary Email) settings with the same names.
    6. If alternate servers should be used for all Text Messaging, repeat Steps 1 - 4 for all (Primary SMS) and (Secondary SMS) settings with the same names.
  16. If an email address is not specified, noreply\ is the default. Modify this address to specify the correct domain for your environment.

    If the SMTP server requires authentication, the SMTP Notification Address is ignored.

  17. Click the Automatic License Notifications tab.

    SMA Technologies strongly recommends enabling automatic license notifications. If for any reason the license is compromised and this feature is not enabled, only SAM Critical log will report the problem. Notifying SMA Technologies and local OpCon administrators automatically will ensure action can be taken before the license expires.

  18. Review the Send Email to SMA Office parameter.
    • Leave the value set to Disabled if SMA Technologies should not be automatically notified through email when:
      • The license is expiring - or -
      • At the beginning of the month, the task count report is due for Task Based licensed customers.
    • To enable automatic notifications, select the SMA Office that provides your sales and support from the list. The SAM will automatically send email notifications to the selected office when:
      • The license is expiring - or -
      • At the beginning of the month, the task count report is due for Task Based licensed customers.
  19. Review the Send Email Cc parameter.
    • If the value for Send Email to SMA Office is Disabled, then leave the value for Send Email Cc blank.
    • If the value for Send Email to SMA Office has an SMA Technologies office selected, set the value for Send Email Cc to one or more email addresses, separated by semicolons (;). These email addresses will be copied any time an automatic email is sent to the SMA Technologies office.
  20. For Task-based Licensed customers, review the Encrypt Task License Report parameter.
    • Leave the value set to False to keep the task license report readable in plain text.
    • Set the value to True to encrypt the task license report. Only SMA Technologies will be able to decrypt the report and read the information.
  21. In the top right-hand corner of the Server Options editor: Click the Save Save Button button.
  22. Close ☒ Server Options.

Create the Machine in OpCon for the Windows Agent on the Server

Because the SMA OpCon Agent for Windows was installed on the Server, you need to create a machine record with a unique Machine name and Socket number in OpCon so the Server can communicate with the Agent.

  1. Double-click on Machines.
  2. Click the Add Add Button button on the Machines toolbar.
  3. Enter, in the Name text box, the official host name or alias based on the OpCon Server machine.
  4. Enter, in the Documentation text box, any relevant documentation for this LSAM machine.
  5. Select Windowsin the Machine Type drop-down list.
  6. Set the value to a unique number (e.g., 3100) in the Socket Number box.
  7. (Optional) Enter the IPv4 or IPv6 address in the IP Address field.
  8. (Optional) Enter the namein the Fully Qualified Domain Name field.
  9. Click the Save Save Button button on the Machines toolbar.
  10. Click Open Advanced Settings Panel.
  11. Click the Communication Settings tab.
  12. Click the Requires XML Escape Sequences parameter.
  13. Verify the value for this setting is True. If the value is False, select True and click Update.
  14. Click the Save button to save and close the Advanced Settings Panel.

Configure Replication or Mirroring

If SQL replication is chosen as a failover method at this site, configure the OpCon database for replication. Refer to Manual Setup for Microsoft SQL Replication or Setup for Automatic Microsoft SQL Replication.

If SQL mirroring is chosen as a failover method at this site, configure the OpCon database for mirroring. Refer to Setup for Automatic Microsoft SQL Mirroring.

Import the OpCon Maintenance and Report Jobs

For the optimal performance of OpCon, SMA Technologies requires the scheduling of maintenance utilities. SMA Technologies provides two different transport databases with job templates for maintenance and report jobs in OpCon. If you have previously imported these schedules, skip this section and proceed to OpCon Server Configuration.

  • The AdHoc.MDB file contains three jobs for managing OpCon events for schedule builds, checks, and deletes. For additional information, refer to SMA_SKD Jobs on the AdHoc Schedule.
  • The SMAReports.MDB file contains a job to automate every OpCon Report provided by SMA Technologies. For additional information, refer to Report Generator Schedule.

Backing up the OpCon database and the transaction log regularly is an extremely important aspect of operating OpCon. If the transaction log is not backed up regularly, the hard drive eventually fills up and OpCon discontinues processing.

Create DSNs for the Transport Databases

The first time the utility is activated, there is a prompt to select a DSN for the Microsoft Access database. If this is not the first time the utility has been activated, log in to the OpCon database and create the DSN for the AdHoc database.

  1. Use menu path: Start > All Programs > OpConxps > Utilities > Schedule Import Export.
  2. Click the ODBC button.
  3. Click the System DSN tab.
  4. Click the Add button.
  5. Select Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb) in the drop-down list and click Finish.
  6. Enter a data source name (e.g., IMPEX) in the Data Source Name text box.
  7. (Optional) Enter a description in the Description text box.
  8. Click the Select button.
  9. Go to the Directories frame and browse to the Utilities directory (e.g., C:\Program Files x86\OpConxps\Utilities\).
  10. Click the IMPEX.mdb file in the Database Name frame and click OK.
  11. Click OK.
  12. Click the Add button.
  13. Select Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb) in the drop-down list and click Finish.
  14. Enter AdHoc in the Data Source Name text box.
  15. (Optional) Enter a description in the Description text box.
  16. Click the Select button.
  17. Go to the Directories frame and browse to the Utilities directory (e.g., C:\Program Files x86\OpConxps\Utilities\).
  18. Click the AdHoc.mdb file in the Database Name frame and click OK.
  19. Click OK.
  20. Click the Add button.
  21. Select Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb) in the drop-down list and click Finish.
  22. Enter SMAReports in the Data Source Name text box.
  23. (Optional) Enter a description in the Description text box.
  24. Click the Select button.
  25. Go to the Directories frame and browse to the Utilities directory (e.g., C:\Program Files x86\OpConxps\Utilities\).
  26. Click the SMAReports.mdb file in the Database Name frame and click OK.
  27. Click OK.
  28. Click OK.
  29. Select the SMAReports DSN and click OK.

Import the AdHoc Schedule

If you would like notification when any Schedule Build, Check, or Delete processes fail, then complete this procedure.

  1. Use menu path: File > Select Access DSN.
  2. Select the AdHoc datasource in the list box and click OK.
  3. Select the AdHoc schedule in the Transport Database.
  4. Click the Import from Transport Database button on the toolbar.
  5. Click the Import button.
  6. Click OK on the warning message about Batch User IDs.
  7. Click Yes to purge the jobs or click No to merge the jobs.
  8. Click Yes to purge the dates or click No to merge the dates.
  9. Click OK on the termination message.

Import the SMAReports Schedule

If you would like to automate OpCon reports, complete the procedure provided here.

  1. Use menu path: File > Select Access DSN.
  2. Select the new SMAReports data source in the list box and click OK.
  3. Select the Report Generator schedule in the Transport Database.
  4. Click the Import from Transport Database button on the toolbar.
  5. On the Machine tab, click the localhost machine in the left frame.
  6. In the right frame, click the Machine Name defined with the procedure to Create the Machine in OpCon for the Windows Agent on the Server.
  7. Click the Import button.
  8. Click OK on the warning message about Batch User IDs.
  9. Click OK on the termination message.

Validate Property Definitions

  1. In the EM Navigation Panel under Administration: Double-click Global Properties.
  2. On the Global Properties screen: Select SMADBCredentials in the Select Global Property list box.
  3. In the Global Property Value text box, verify the User Name and Password.
    • -uocadm is the default user name for logging in. SMA Technologies recommends updating the default value to a user other than ocadm.
    • -w************ is the default password for ocadm. Replace the 12 asterisks with the actual password for ocadm. The password should have been set in an earlier process. Refer to the procedure to OpCon Server Configuration.
    • Click Save Save Button.
  4. Select SMAOpConDataPath in the Select Global Property list box.
  5. In the Global Property Value text box, verify the path to the <Configuration Directory> on the SAM Application server.
    • If the path on the SAM Application server is different from the default (i.e., C:\ProgramData\OpConxps\), modify the value to match the correct path.
    • Click Save Save Button.
  6. Select SMAOpConOutputPath in the Select Global Property list box.
  7. In the Global Property Value text box, verify the path to <Output Directory> on the SAM Application server.
    • If the path on the SAM Application server is different from the default (i.e., C:\ProgramData\OpConxps\), modify the value to match the correct path.
    • Click Save Save Button.
  8. Select SMAOpConPath in the Select Global Property list box.
  9. In the Global Property Value text box, verify the path to the Utilities folder on the SAM Application server.
    • If the path on the SAM Application server is different from the default (i.e., C:\Program Files\OpConxps\), modify the value to match the correct path.
    • Click Save Save Button.
  10. Select SMAAdminEmail in the Select Global Property list box.
  11. In the Global Property Value text box:
    • Enter an email address for the OpCon administrator.
    • If desired, enter multiple address separated with semicolons (;).
    • Click the Save Save Button button.
  12. If UNIX LSAMs exist in the environment:
    • Select UNIXLSAMPath in the Select Global Property list box.
    • In the Global Property Value text box, verify the path to the "bin" directory on the UNIX machine.
  13. Select DB_SERVER_NAME in the Select Global Property list box.
  14. In the Global Property Value text box, verify the OpCon database server name.
    • If the name of the database server is different from the default, modify the value to match the correct database server.
    • Click SaveSave Button.
  15. Select SqlMaintUser in the Select Global Property list box.
  16. In the Global Property Value text box, verify the SQL maintenance user name.
    • If the user name is different from the default, modify the value to match the correct user name.
    • Click SaveSave Button.
  17. Select SqlMaintPassword in the Select Global Property list box.
  18. In the Global Property Value text box, verify the SQL maintenance password.
    • If the password is different from the default, modify the value to match the correct password.
    • Click SaveSave Button.
  19. Select DatabaseName in the Select Global Property list box.
  20. In the Global Property Value text box, verify the OpCon database name.
    • If the name of the database is different from the default, modify the value to match the correct database name.
    • Click SaveSave Button.
  21. Select PathToFullBackupFile in the Select Global Property list box.
  22. In the Global Property Value text box, verify the path to the full backup file.
    • If the name of the path to the full backup file is different from the default (C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL14.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Backup\SMADB_Backup.bak), modify the value to match the correct path.
    • Click SaveSave Button.
  23. Select PathToTranLogBackupFile in the Select Global Property list box.
  24. In the Global Property Value text box, verify the path to the transaction log backup file.
    • If the name of the path to the full backup file is different from the default (C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL14.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Backup\SMATLog_Backup.bak), modify the value to match the correct path.
    • Click SaveSave Button.

Configure Jobs and Set Up Notification for All Maintenance Jobs]

While most of the maintenance jobs will execute without further configuration, there are several jobs that will need configuration. For details on each job and the required configuration, refer to OpCon Data Maintenance in the Database Information online help. Additionally, there are no notifications set up by default for the imported jobs other than the AdHoc jobs. Use either Event Notification in the Concepts online help to configure notifications for groups of jobs, or go to the Job Events in the Enterprise Manager online help to configure for each job with the $NOTIFY:<Action> events. Refer to additional information about Defining Events in the OpCon Events online help.


If notifications are not configured, nobody will be notified when schedule builds or other critical maintenance processes fail.

Start the Services and Finalize Setup

The SMA Service Manager will only process if you have a good license file from SMA Technologies. Before completing the next procedures, review the following:

  • For an upgrade, your existing license file will continue to work.
  • For new installations:
    • If you have been supplied with a temporary license file, save it to the SAM folder before completing this procedure.
    • If you do not have a temporary license file, complete the procedure to start the service for the first time so that you can get the information needed to request a full license file.

Configure the SMA Service Manager and Start the Service

Since the SAM and all supporting services are managed by the SMA Service Manager, the only service requiring start up is the SMA Service Manager. The configuration of the startup type varies when implementing failover.

  1. Use menu path: Start > Control Panel.
  2. Double-click the Administrative Tools icon.
  3. Double-click the Services icon.
  4. Scroll down to the SMA OpCon Service Manager service in the Services list.
  5. Double-click on SMA OpCon Service Manager.
  6. Change the Startup type to Automatic (Delayed Start).
  7. Click the OK button.
  8. Click on SMA OpCon Service Manager.
  9. Click the Start button on the toolbar.
  10. View the various log files to verify the SAM-SS has connected successfully to the database. Use menu path: Start > All Programs > OpConxps > Log Monitors to view the Log File names.

Request a License File

  1. Log in to the Enterprise Manager.
  2. Use menu path: Help > About OpCon Enterprise Manager.
  3. Click the License Information tab.
  4. Select the System ID [e.g., (SMAServer_1234)] at the end of the first line.
  5. Right-click and select Copy.
  6. Send an email to with the subject line License File Request. Include the following information in the message:
    • Environment for the SAM and database (e.g., Production)
    • The System ID copied from the License Information tab (press Ctrl + V to paste the value from the clipboard)
    • Your company's name

Place the License File in the SAM Directory

After SMA Technologies responds to the license request, save the license file to the SAM directory.


If the license file is encrypted after being received from SMA Technologies (e.g., saved to a Windows folder set with the "Encrypt contents to secure data" option), SAM will not be able to read the license file.

  1. Open your email program to get the license file from SMA Technologies.
  2. Open the email message containing the license file.
  3. Right-click the license file and select Save As.
  4. Browse to the <Configuration Directory>\SAM directory.
  5. Click the Save button.

Start the SMA Service Manager after Applying the License File for the First Time

If this was a new installation and you have received a license file for the first time, you will need to start the SMA Service Manager.

  1. Use menu path: Start > Control Panel.
  2. Double-click the Administrative Tools icon.
  3. Double-click the Services icon.
  4. Scroll down to the SMA Service Manager service in the Services list.
  5. Click on SMA Service Manager.
  6. Click the Start button on the toolbar.
  7. View the various log files to verify the SAM-SS has connected successfully to the database. Use menu path: Start > All Programs > OpConxps > Log Monitors to view the Log File names.

Create User Scripts and Custom Programs

SMA Technologies recommends placing user scripts and custom programs in folders provided during installation. Placing scripts in these folders prevents them from being deleted during an upgrade.

  • Place user scripts in the <Configuration Directory>\Scripts\ folder.
  • Place custom programs in the <Target Directory>\OpConxps\Binn\ folder.