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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

SMA Resource Monitor Service

The SMA Resource Monitor service reads the Rule files to determine what to monitor. When a monitored resource rule is met, the service reads the Actn files to send OpCon events to the SAM.


When a mapped drive or UNC path is specified in File Name Path, the Resource Monitor Service needs to be running as a domain user who has access to mapped drives or the UNC path being monitored.

Configure the SMA Resource Monitor Service Log On

  1. Use menu path: Start > Settings > Control Panel.
  2. Double-click the Administrative Tools icon.
  3. Double-click the Services icon to run the Service Control Manager.
  4. Double-click the SMA Microsoft Resource Monitor in the Services list.
    • If not selected already, select Automatic (Delayed Start) from the Startup Type drop-down list box.

      SMA Technologies recommends leaving the SMA Microsoft Resource Monitor service set to Automatic (Delayed Start) to avoid potential issues at startup time while other services and programs start up.

  5. Click the Log On tab.
  6. To run the service as the Local System Account:
    • Click Local System account radio button.
    • Click OK.
  7. To run the service as a Domain User:
    • Click This account radio button.
    • Click Browse to find the Domain User.
    • Click the Domain User.
    • Click OK.
  8. Close ☒ the Services window.

Start the SMA Resource Monitor Service

  1. Use menu path: Start > Settings > Control Panel.
  2. Double-click the Administrative Tools icon.
  3. Double-click the Services icon to run the Service Control Manager.
  4. Click the SMA Microsoft Resource Monitor in the Services list.
  5. Use menu path: Action > Start.
  6. Confirm the SMA Microsoft Resource Monitor's Status is Started.
  7. Close ☒ the Services window.

Stop the SMA Resource Monitor

  1. Use menu path: Start > Settings > Control Panel.
  2. Double-click the Administrative Tools icon.
  3. Double-click the Services icon to run the Service Control Manager.
  4. Click the SMA Microsoft Resource Monitor in the Services list.
  5. Use menu path: Action > Stop.
  6. Confirm the SMA Microsoft Resource Monitor's Status is Stopped.
  7. Close ☒ the Services window.



The Output Directory was configured during installation. For more information, refer to File Locations in the Concepts online help.

The SMA Resource Monitor creates a single log file located in the: <Output Directory\>\\SMAResourceMonitor\\Log\\ directory.

The log file is named SMAResourceMonitor.log

The SMA Resource Monitor archives log files when they reach the maximum log file size configured in the .ini file. All archived log files reside in the: <Output Directory\>\\SMAResourceMonitor\\Log\\Archive folder.

If an archive folder for the day does not already exist, the SMA Resource Monitor creates one. The folder names use the following naming convention: yyyy_mm_dd (Weekday). The logging mechanism generates the weekday name matching the format recognized by the regional settings of the user running the SMA Resource Monitor service.


Make sure the file is done arriving before it is created.

For large file transfers, it takes time for the complete file to arrive. Set the 'Wait Verify' value high enough to make sure that the file should not have changed size in that time. As soon as the size matches the same previous size and the file is no longer in use, the action group(s) will be triggered.

As a log file fills up, SMA Resource Monitor moves it to the current archive folder and renames it using the following naming convention: SMA Resource Monitor StartTime - StopTime.log.


An SMA Resource Monitor archive file for the time range of 12:58:16 to 13:58:00 would be named SMAResourceMonitor 125816 - 135800.log.

Once per day the SMA Resource Monitor deletes old archive folders. The SMA Resource Monitor retains 10 days of archived logs by default. If desired, change the Log Archive Max Retention setting in the .ini file.


The configuration for the SMA Resource Monitor service and UI is managed through a single .ini file named SMAResouceMonitor.ini.

Modify the SMAResourceMonitor.ini File

  1. Right-click on Start and select Explore from the menu.
  2. Browse to the <Configuration Directory>\SMAResourceMonitor\ directory on the OpCon server.
  3. Find the SMAResourceMonitor.ini file.
  4. Right-click the file and select Open With.
  5. Select an ASCII text editor (e.g., Notepad) from the Choose the program you want use list box.
  6. Make any necessary modifications to the .ini file in the text editor. For complete information on the SMAResourceMonitor.ini settings, see the tables in the next section.
  7. Use menu path: File > Save.
  8. Close ☒ the text editor.


The SMAResourceMonitor.ini file resides in the <Configuration Directory>\SMAResourceMonitor\ directory.


The Configuration Directory location is based on where you installed your programs. For more information, refer to File Locations in the Concepts online help.

All settings in the configuration file apply to the machine on which the file resides. The INI file contains the following major sections: General and Debug Options.


The General table contains basic information for SMA Resource Monitor processing.

GeneralDefaultDescriptionDynamic (Y | N)Required
ShortServiceName=SMA_MSRESOURCE_MONITOR- Defines the hidden internal (e.g., registry) service name Windows refers to.NY
DisplayServiceName=SMA Microsoft Resource Monitor- Defines the service name displayed in the Service Control Manager.NY
PathToRuleAndActionFiles".\Rules"- Defines the full path to the directory containing the Rules and Actions files.
- The default path is a relative path from your <Configuration Directory> to a sub folder named "Rules".
MSGINDirectoryN/A- Defines the path to the <Configuration Directory\>\MSLSAM\MSGINdirectory for placing OpCon Events.NY
ExternalEventUserBlank- Defines the OpCon user for all events sent by the SMA Resource Monitor.
- Maximum characters allowed: 15

- You may specify a cleartext password. Then restart the SMAResourceMonitor service. When the service reads the INI file and finds an unencrypted password, it will encrypt the password and update the ini file.
- To manually encrypt the password, use the Password encryption tool in the Enterprise Manager. Then, copy and paste the encrypted password for the value of this setting. For more information, refer to Encrypting Passwords in the Enterprise Manager online help.
ExternalEventPasswordBlank- Defines the OpCon External Event Password for the OpCon User. This password is used for all events sent by the SMA Resource Monitor.
- Maximum characters allowed: 20

- You may specify a cleartext password. Then restart the SMAResourceMonitor service. When the service reads the INI file and finds an unencrypted password, it will encrypt the password and update the ini file.
- To manually encrypt the password, use the Password encryption tool in the Enterprise Manager. Then, copy and paste the encrypted password for the value of this setting. For more information, refer to Encrypting Passwords in the Enterprise Manager online help.
SampleFrequency5- Defines (in seconds) how often samples are taken for Counter Monitors in order to establish an average.
- Minimum Value: -1
- Maximum Value: - 300
NetworkRetryTimer30- Defines the number of seconds to wait before retrying a network connection that is down (this is a connection on which the SMA Resource Monitor is monitoring a file.)NY
InitializationScriptBlank- The full path to the initialization script. The initialization script executes when the SMAResourceMonitor service starts. SMA Technologies recommends using this script to map network drives or to perform any other required initialization procedure. Enclose the path in double quotes ("<path>").NN
TerminationScriptBlank- The full path to the termination script which executes when the SMAResourceMonitor service stops. SMA Technologies recommends using this script to disconnect network drives or to perform any other required termination procedure. Enclose the path in double quotes ("<path>").NN
WebServiceURLBlank- Defines the web services URL for the OpCon Web Services. Example: http://localhost:85NN

Debug Options

Debug OptionsDefaultDescriptionDynamic (Y | N)Required
ArchiveDaysToKeep10Determines the number of days of history (i.e., archive folders) to keep. Each Time it archives a log, the SMA Resource Monitor checks for expired archive folders to delete.YN
MaximumLogFileSize15000Defines the maximum size in bytes for each log file. Determines when the current log file is closed and a new file is started. When the file reaches this maximum size, it is "rolled over". This setting creates small manageable log files. SMAResourceMonitor.log resides in the <Output Directory\>\SMAResourceMonitor\Log directory. Once per day the SMA Resource Monitor deletes old archive folders.YN
TraceLevel0Determines the detail of debug trace logs. Valid Values:
  • 0 = None
  • 1 = Basic (non-detailed trace)
  • 2 = Detailed
  • 3 = Very Detailed (Traces all the possible debug information in the application.)