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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

SMA Resource Monitor Tools

The SMA Resource Monitor User Interface includes the following tools:


When the Copy button is selected from the main SMA Resource Monitor User Interface screen, an action pane appears below the menu.

  • From: Select the monitor or action group to copy.
  • To: Type the name for the new Monitor or Action Group (maximum characters: 60).
  • OK: Click the OK button to copy the monitor or action group.
  • Cancel: Click the Cancel button to cancel the copy action.


Click on the gray box to the left of the row for the specific Monitor or Action Group item to delete. Select the Delete button. When the Delete button is clicked, a confirmation message displays:

  • If the Yes button is selected, the monitor or action group is deleted.
  • If the No button is selected, the screen returns without deleting the monitor or action group.


When the Find button is selected from the main SMA Resource Monitor User Interface screen, an action pane appears below the menu.

  • Name: Type the Monitor or Action Group name to be found.
  • Whole Words Only: Indicates if the whole word must be found to match the criteria.
    • If selected, the search will only find the whole word as it stands alone (e.g., typing 'rule' for the name would only find (if it existed) Rule, rule).
    • If not selected, the search will find the name not only if it stands alone, but will also find other words that match the same order of characters for the name (e.g., typing 'rule' for the name would find (if it existed) Rule, rule, Ruler, ruler, Ruled, ruled).
  • Case-Sensitive: Indicates if case-sensitivity should be applied to the search.
    • If selected, the search will only find matches for the uppercase or lowercase that was typed in the Name text box.
    • If not selected, the search will not match case.
  • Find/Next: Click the Find button to initiate the search. After the first search, the button changes to Next to find the next item.
  • Previous: Click the Previous (Prev) button to find the previous match in the table.
  • Done: Click the Done button to finish the search and close the Find pane.


When the Filter button is selected, an action pane appears below the menu. Depending on the tab selected, the Filter steps contain different details.

Filter File Monitors

  • Name Contains: Type all or part of the file name.
  • File State: Choose the file state (e.g., Create, Delete, SizeChange, AbsoluteSize, Modify, EOFMarker, ScanString, InUse) from the drop-down list.
  • Filter: Click the Filter button to apply the filter to the selected table. The table will refresh to only display those items matching the filter settings.
  • Done: Click the Done button to close the filter pane. The table will refresh to show all records.

Filter Counter Monitors

  • Name Contains: Type all or part of the counter name.
  • Performance Object: Choose the Performance Object from the drop-down list.
  • Counter Name: Choose the Counter Name from the drop-down list.
  • Filter: Click the Filter button to apply the filter to the selected table. The table will refresh to only display those items matching the filter settings.
  • Done: Click the Done button to close the filter pane. The table will refresh to show all records.

Filter Service Monitors

  • Name Contains: Type all or part of the service name.
  • ServiceState: Choose the ServiceState (e.g., Started, Not Started, Stopped) from the drop-down list.
  • Filter: Click the Filter button to apply the filter to the selected table. The table will refresh to only display those items matching the filter settings.
  • Done: Click the Done button to close the filter pane. The table will refresh to show all records.

Filter Process Monitors

  • Name Contains: Type all or part of the process name.
  • ProcessState: Choose the ProcessState (e.g., Running, Not Running) from the drop-down list.
  • Filter: Click the Filter button to apply the filter to the selected table. The table will refresh to only display those items matching the filter settings.
  • Done: Click the Done button to close the filter pane. The table will refresh to show all records.

Filter Action Groups

  • Name Contains: Type all or part of the name of the file for the filter.
  • Action Contains: Type information regarding the specific action.
  • Filter: Click the Filter button to apply the filter to the selected table. The table will refresh to only display those items matching the filter settings.
  • Done: Click the Done button to close the filter pane. The table will refresh to show all records.