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In OpCon, a Machine is a representation of an Agent (LSAM) - LOCAL SCHEDULE ACTIVITY MONITOR in the OpCon database.

  • All systems with an LSAM installed must be defined as a machine in the OpCon database
    • Once a machine is defined in the database, the SAM and supporting services can begin scheduling jobs on it
  • The LSAM/Agent listens for commands from OpCon’s main engine to kick off and monitor specified tasks
  • Machines define where a task will be run

Machine Status

  • Machine Status displays the Connection Status of all Machines configured in the OpCon database
    • Displayed in Grid format
    • Status can be updated from this screen

Agent List Screen

Agent Details

Machine Groups

A machine group displays the user-defined machines with common characteristics and usage. All machines in a group must have a common operating system. Additionally, all machines in a group must have the same data structure for their jobs (i.e., all must be using either Non-XML or all must be using XML).

The following information applies to defining machine groups:

  • Name: Defines the name for the machine group.
  • Machine OS Type: Defines the OS Type for the machine group.
  • Description: Provides an area for descriptions, explanations, and notes that can be updated for the defined machine group. in the Enterprise Manager online help.
  • Machine Assignment: Defines all assigned machines for the defined machine group. Machines in the group must have matching operating systems and communication protocols.

Practice Activity

Create a Machine

For more information

The links below provide concept documentation for creating and using Machines in OpCon.


Managing Agents

Performing Agent Status Updates

Machine Groups