Notification Definitions
The Notification Definitions frame provides tabs for configuring notification types.
ENS allows the insertion of any OpCon Property in all notification fields. For additional information, refer to Defining Global Properties.
Initially, the frame will display only a General tab, which provides information on the defined notifications for the selected trigger. The tab has the following options:
Description: This option allows you to provide a description and purpose for the notification triggers to be sent.
Notification Types: These options allow you to specify the notification types by selecting the applicable checkboxes. Each selection enables a tab for defining the notification details.
For the fields supporting Tokens, use the Global Property Selector by pressing the Ctrl/t keyboard shortcut to find and define Tokens for Global Properties easily. You may also type a Token manually. For more information on Tokens, refer to Tokens in the Concepts online help.
Click on any of the following quick links to access the instructions on how to define and send that notification type:
Active/Inactive Notification Status: The power symbol to the left of each checkbox indicates the Active(green) or Inactive (red) status for each type of notification. By default, the power symbols are gray. You can click the power symbol to toggle the status from Active to Inactive.
Include Internal Job Number in Job Name frame: This option determines whether the job name included in the Prefix Information for the notification message will be unique each time a notification is processed. The unique job name comprises the original job name and a unique SAM-generated job number.
Escalation Rule: This option specifies the optional escalation rule to apply to an email notification. By default, this drop-down list and search function are disabled and only become active if the Send Email (SMTP) checkbox is selected.
Save: This button saves changes to the defined notifications and applies to all defined notification tabs. This button is only active when:
- New notification details are being defined
- Changes have been made to the current selection
Cancel: This button cancels all changes made on the screen without committing them to the database.
[Test All](/opcon/core/v25.0/Files/UI/Enterprise-Manager/Sending-Notification-Tests): This button will send a test for all active notifications.
- On all the specific notification tabs, the third button beneath the tabs is Test. When you select Test, the notification for the current tab will send a test.
- If the notification has "default information," the Event Trigger value will be set to Test Notification.
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