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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

User Roles

The Users page is found in Library > Access Management > Users, and provides the views to manage Users. When you click on the Users tab, you will see a list of all the users that have been created in the system. You can click on the name of a user to view and modify the details of that user.

A series of tabs is displayed on the Users page. The Roles tab displays all roles in the system and indicates which roles the selected User is assigned to.

To modify a User, edit the preferred fields and click Save.

User Roles

Email Dialog

If Server Options -> Security -> "Ask user to enter a recovery email address upon login" is enabled.

When saving, a dialog to enter a User email will be displayed if user does not have an email set and does not have contain a SSO role.
Please enter an email to continue, clicking cancel will cancel the save.

Email Dialog

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