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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Migrating Data

Users who have upgraded from an earlier release of OpCon to OpCon 20.00.00 or higher may be required to have their data migrated before they can access the system. Follow the steps provided in this topic to perform data migration.


Data migration must be performed by users in the ocadm role.

To perform data migration:

  1. Log into the Solution Manager. If the Migration page is already displayed after login, then proceed to Step 3.
  2. Click on the Migration button located in the Navigation menu, as shown in the graphic.
  3. Complete the form by providing valid input for Service Request Date Patterns, Service Request Regular Expression Patterns, and/or Filter Profiles. You can import the settings as well.
  4. Click the Migrate button to initiate the data migration. Once migration is completed, proceed to Step 5.
  5. Click the Finish Migration button.

During migration, you can export migration settings for future use and/or download a full report of the migration.