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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Managing Self Service

SMA Technologies' flagship product, OpCon, is a comprehensive cross-platform workload automation solution. Self Service is a licensed module for OpCon in SMA Technologies' next-generation web interface. It is an innovative solution that empowers front-office staff to trigger OpCon workflows without having to engage the IT department.

License File Request and Storing

If you have purchased the Self Service solution, you will need a license to see and access it in this version of Solution Manager. To request and save the license file, follow these next procedures.

To request the license file:

  1. Launch Enterprise Manager.
  2. Use menu path: Help > About OpCon EnterpriseManager.
  3. Click the License Information tab.
  4. Select the System ID [e.g., (OpconServer_6410)] at the end of the first line.
  5. Right-click and select Copy.
  6. Send an email to to request an updated license file for OpCon that includes support for "SMA Self Service" and paste the System ID into the email request. You should receive the license within an hour during regular business hours.
  7. Click OK to close the About dialog.

After SMA Technologies responds to the license request, follow this next procedure to save the license file to the SAM directory.

To save the license file:

  1. Save the file to the <Configuration Directory>\OpConxps\SAM\ folder on your OpCon server when you receive your license file from SMA Technologies. SAM will automatically pick up this new file within 6 hours.
  2. (Optional) Stop and restart the SMA OpCon Service Manager in your Windows Services tool to pick up the file immediately.