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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Understanding the User Interface Layout

Once logged in, you will see the Home page from the desktop layout.

Solution Manager Home Page

The Navigation menu is located to the left on the page. This menu allows you to log out, navigate through the available Solution(s), and access the page to update your OpCon user profile. When viewing the Solution Manager application from a web browser (desktop mode), you can toggle between showing and hiding this menu by clicking the menu display button (Menu Display Button) at the top of the page.


The Solution(s) are located to the right of the Navigation menu. The solutions are the OpCon modules to which users have privileges to access.

Status Bar

The Status Bar is located at the footer of the page and contains icons and indicators, each of which have been described in the next sections.

Heartbeat Indicator

The Heartbeat indicator quickly identifies the status of the SAM and/or the Agents. Depending on the current state of the SAM and Agents, this indicator will have one of the following visual aspects:

  • Heatbeat Indicator     1 - This indicates that the communication between Solution Manager and OpCon Rest API is broken.
  • Heatbeat Indicator     2 - This indicates that the SAM is DOWN.
  • Heatbeat Indicator     7- This indicates that the SAM is DOWN and at least one Agent is waiting on communication.
  • Heatbeat Indicator     3 - This indicates that the SAM is UP and all started Agents are communicating (whether limited or not).
  • Heatbeat Indicator     4 - This indicates that the SAM is UP, but at least one Agent is waiting on communication (and none is in error).
  • Heatbeat Indicator     5 - This indicates that the SAM is UP, but at least one started Agent does not respond (and at least one is started or waiting).
  • Heatbeat Indicator     6 - This indicates that the SAM is UP, but all started Agents do not respond (in error).

Notification Indicator

The Notification indicator Notification Icon allows you to access the Notification Acknowledgment page which lists any escalated notifications that have been received. Refer to Viewing Notification Acknowledgement for more information.

InstantLog Mode

InstantLog Mode allows you to capture logs temporarily and send them to SMA Technologies Customer Support. The primary use for this feature is in instances where you can or know how to reproduce the issue in the application.

To activate this mode:

  1. Start from a fresh login and navigate to the Home page.
  2. Press Ctrl+Alt+L. A red bug icon InstaLog     Icon should appear in the bottom-right of the status bar.
  3. Reproduce your issue by navigating in the page where the issue occurs.
  4. Press Ctrl+Alt+L again to generate the debug.log file.
  5. Send the generated file to SMA Technologies Customer Support.

For all buttons in the Solution Manager, you only have to click once to trigger the action.