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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Threshold/Resource Dependencies

Threshold Dependencies

Each OpCon job can depend on the numeric value of a defined threshold. For additional information, refer to Thresholds. After threshold dependencies are defined for a job, OpCon stores the defined threshold dependencies in the database.

The following information applies to defining threshold dependencies:

  • Schedule Name: Defines the name of the schedule.
  • Job Name: Defines the name of the job.
  • Frequency Name: Defines the name of the frequency if the threshold dependency is defined for a specific frequency.
    • Leave the frequency blank to associate the threshold dependency at the job level and always include the dependency for the job.
    • Select a frequency name to associate the threshold dependency only when the job runs with the associated frequency.
  • Threshold Name: Defines the name of the threshold whose current value must meet the requirements of the Operator and Value settings (below) when the SAM performs the dependency check for the job.
  • Operator: Defines the operator the SAM should use when the SAM performs the dependency check for the job to compare the current threshold value to the dependent Value (below). Valid operators include: EQ (equal), GT (greater than), LT (less than), GE (greater than or equal to), LE (less than or equal to), NE (not equal).
  • Value: Defines the dependent value the SAM applies the Operator to for comparison with the current threshold value.

Resource Dependencies

Each OpCon job can depend on a specific number of resources being available. The job can require one or more resources out of a total number allocated to the resource object. For additional information, refer to Resources. After resource dependencies are defined for a job, OpCon stores the defined resource dependencies in the database.

The following information applies to defining resource dependencies:

  • Schedule Name: Defines the name of the schedule.
  • Job Name: Defines the name of the job.
  • Frequency Name: Defines the name of the frequency if the resource dependency is defined for a specific frequency.
    • Leave the frequency blank to associate the resource dependency at the job level and always include the dependency for the job.
    • Select a frequency name to associate the resource dependency only when the job runs with the associated frequency.
  • Resource: Defines the name of the resource that must have enough resources available to meet the requirement defined in the Value (below).
  • Value: Defines the number of resources the job requires.
    • The SAM checks to make sure the number of available resources is greater than the number required before the dependency is met.
    • If the value is All, the job must consume all resources when it runs. In this case, the SAM will lock the resource when the job qualifies to run so that no additional jobs with the same or lower priority can use the resource. The SAM will wait until the Resources In Use value is zero before starting the job.

If the job is placed On Hold for more than two minutes while waiting for the value to become zero, the SAM will release the lock.