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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Threshold/Resource Updates

Threshold Updates

When the job enters a specific status, OpCon can process a threshold update to change the value of a defined threshold. After threshold updates are defined for a job, OpCon stores the defined threshold updates in the database.

The following information applies to defining thresholds updates:

  • Schedule Name: Defines the name of the schedule.
  • Job Name: Defines the name of the job.
  • Frequency Name: Defines the name of the frequency if the threshold update is defined for a specific frequency.
    • Leave the frequency blank to associate the threshold update at the job level and always include the threshold update for the job.
    • Select a frequency name to associate the threshold update only when the job runs with the associated frequency.
  • Job Status: Defines the status of the job that will cause the threshold update to process. Valid statuses include:
    • Exceeded Max Run Time: This status occurs when the job runs for longer than the specified Max Run Time.
    • Finished OK: This status occurs when the job terminates successfully.
    • Late to Start: This status occurs when time is past the late to start time for the job, and the job has not yet started.
    • Late to Finish: This status occurs when time is past the late to finish time for the job, and the job is still running.
    • Job Still Attempting Start: This status occurs when the job is still in a Start Attempted status when the SAM checks on the job again after the minutes between checking running jobs.
    • Failed: This status occurs when the job fails.
    • Missed Latest Start Time: This status occurs when the job misses its latest start time.
    • Skipped: This status occurs when the job is skipped.
    • Start Attempted: This status occurs just before the job start information is sent to the LSAM. If for any reason the threshold/resource update does not get processed, SAM will put the job On Hold.
  • Threshold: Defines the name of the threshold to update based on the defined job status.
  • Value: Defines the value to assign to the threshold during the update.

Resource Updates

When the job enters a specific status, OpCon can process a resource update to change the maximum number of resources for a defined resource. After resource updates are defined for a job, OpCon stores the defined resource updates in the database.

The following information applies to defining resource updates:

  • Schedule Name: Defines the name of the schedule.
  • Job Name: Defines the name of the job.
  • Frequency Name: Defines the name of the frequency if the resource update is defined for a specific frequency.
    • Leave the frequency blank to associate the resource update at the job level and always include the resource update for the job.
    • Select a frequency name to associate the resource update only when the job runs with the associated frequency.
  • Job Status: Defines the status of the job that will cause the resource update to process. Valid statuses include:
    • Exceeded Max Run Time: This status occurs when the job runs for longer than the specified Max Run Time.
    • Finished OK: This status occurs when the job terminates successfully.
    • Late to Start: This status occurs when time is past the late to start time for the job, and the job has not yet started.
    • Late to Finish: This status occurs when time is past the late to finish time for the job, and the job is still running.
    • Job Still Attempting Start: This status occurs when the job is still in a Start Attempted status when the SAM checks on the job again after the minutes between checking running jobs.
    • Failed: This status occurs when the job fails.
    • Missed Latest Start Time: This status occurs when the job misses its latest start time.
    • Skipped: This status occurs when the job is skipped.
  • Resource: Defines the name of the resource to update based on the defined job status.
  • Value: Defines the Max Resources value to set for the resource during the update.