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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Schedule and Job Status Change Commands

The schedule and job status change commands are used with events and graphical interfaces. Depending on the object identified, the results are different.

  • With one or more schedule date(s) identified, Schedule Status Change commands affect all schedules on that date. The graphical interfaces also provide a status filter to only affect schedules in specific statuses.
  • With one or more schedule(s) identified, Schedule Status Change commands affect only the identified schedule(s).
  • With one or more schedule(s) identified, Job Status Change commands affect all jobs on those schedules. The graphical interfaces also provide a status filter to only affect jobs in specific statuses.
  • With one or more jobs selected, Job Status Change commands affect only the identified job(s).

Schedule Status Change Commands

  • Hold Schedule: Suspends the processing of the identified schedule(s). All currently running jobs continue to process to completion, but no new jobs on the schedule(s) start. If there are subschedules under the selected schedule and they are in a status of Waiting or In Process, those subschedules are placed in a status of Parent Hold.
  • Release Schedule: Releases the identified schedule(s) from a Held state. Jobs on the schedule(s) continue processing from the point where they were stopped. If there are subschedules under the defined schedule and they are in a status of Parent Hold, those subschedules will also be released.
  • Start Schedule: Overrides the identified schedule's start date(s) and time(s), and causes them to run immediately. The SAM begins processing the schedule(s) as soon as this option is selected. If there are subschedules under the defined schedule and they are in a status of Parent Hold, those subschedules will also be started.

Jobs Status Change Commands

  • Hold: Places the selected job(s) on hold.
  • Cancel: Cancels the selected job(s). The job does not process unless manually started by a user or an event.
  • Skip: Places the selected job(s) in a Job to be Skipped state until the job(s) qualify to start. When the job(s) qualify, they are skipped and the job dependencies of all subsequent jobs are met.
  • Kill: Sends a request to abort one ore more jobs on an LSAM machine. If the kill is successful, the graphical interfaces report a killed job as Failed. If the Kill is not successful, the job continues to show a Running status in the graphical interfaces. This option is not available for the BIS, OpenVMS, and OS 2200 platforms. To enable/disable the kill feature, refer to the Advanced Machine Configuration.
  • Release: Releases the selected job(s) from a Held state. - Force Start: Force starts the selected job(s). This causes the job(s) to ignore all dependencies, and to start immediately.
  • Restart Commands: The restart commands include different options for placing a job back in a Qualifying status after it has previously finished. The options include:
    • Restart: Places the selected job(s) back in a Qualifying state. All dependencies must be met before the job(s) are submitted.
      • If Container jobs exist in the schedule, a list of all Container jobs that have matching statuses to the status filters chosen in the Jobs to Update section will display. The Container jobs will display with choices to delete and rebuild completed subschedules, leave the subschedules alone, or restart jobs with matching statuses in the subschedule.
    • Force Restart: Force restarts the selected job(s) and ignores the start time and all dependencies. The job(s) restart as soon as this option is selected as long as a machine is available. You must have privileges to Force Start jobs and to Restart jobs to use this feature.
    • Restart Without Prerun: Places the selected job back in a Qualifying state. All dependencies must be met before the job is submitted. The job is submitted without the associated prerun. This option is not available for the SAP R/3 and CRM, SAP BW, File Transfer, Container, and Null platforms.
    • Restart On Step: Restarts the job based on a selected step. This option is only available for the SAP R/3 and CRM, SAP BW, UNIX, and z/OS platforms.
    • Restart on Hold: Places the selected job(s) automatically in an On Hold state on restart.
    • Mark Finished OK: Changes the selected job(s) to a Finished OK status regardless of the job's current status. All events are processed as if the job(s) had Finished OK without intervention. If a job is Marked Finished OK before it starts, both the start and finish time saved in history equal the time the job is marked.
  • Mark Failed: Changes the selected job(s) to a Failed status regardless of the job's current status. All events are processed as if the job(s) had failed without intervention. If a job is Marked Failed before it starts, both the start and finish time saved in history equal the time the job is marked.
  • Under Review: Places the selected job(s) in an Under Review status that reflects that the job is being reviewed while corrective action is taken to resolve errors. Only jobs in a Failed, Marked Failed, or Initialization Error status can be marked Under Review.
  • Fixed: Places the selected job(s) in a Fixed status to indicate that action has been taken after job failure or error and the job is now considered fixed. Only jobs that are in a Failed, Marked Failed, Initialization Error, or Under Review status can be marked Fixed.