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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Legacy Audit Management

The Legacy Audit Management program allows administrators to view audit information, as well as maintain the audit table. To remove obsolete records, the Audit Management utility provides the ability to selectively archive information from the audit table and delete information from the archive audit table. Archiving and deleting can be done manually or automatically. For information on automatic audit maintenance for the legacy audit data, refer to Maintaining Audit History Interactively.

With OpCon X5, SMA Technologies replaced the auditing mechanism with a more comprehensive model. For information on the current Auditing scheme, refer to Auditing in the Concepts online help. All auditing data stored prior to release 5.0 is maintained in the legacy tables (AUDITHIST and AUDITARCH). This audit trail may be viewed and maintained with the Legacy Audit Management Utility. This utility is no longer installed with OpCon, but is available on the distribution media. Copy the LegacyAudit.exe executable from the <media>\Install\SMA OpCon Toolkit\Legacy Audit folder to the <Target Directory>\Utilities folder on the SAM application server or any machine where an ODBC connection can be configured to the OpCon database.

To use the Audit Management utility interactively, double-click the LegacyAudit.exe program in the Utilities folder. Log in to this utility with a User Account that has the privilege to Maintain Audit History. Choose the Data Source that will connect the utility to the same database the SAM is connected to. For information on creating a System DSN, refer to Create System DSNs in the OpCon Installation online help.

The following information appears in the legacy audit tables for the legacy auditing data:

  • Date and time the SQL statement was issued.
  • The user who executed the SQL statement.
  • The number of records affected by the SQL statement.
  • The SQL statement that was processed.

The menus available are File, Options, View, and Help.


  • Purge Records: Deletes the audit history from the archive table according to the Cut-off Date, and Days to Keep settings.
  • Archive Records: Moves audit history to the archive table according to the Cut-off Date, and Days to Keep settings.
  • Refresh: Pulls the latest audit history information from the database.
  • Change Login: Logs out of the current connection and shows the Login page again. This allows the user to change their Login Name or DSN.
  • Exit: Closes the Audit Management program.


  • Cut-off Date: Determines the date to start archiving or deleting records.
  • Days to Keep: Determines the date, as an offset to the current date, to start archiving or deleting records.
  • Filter: Displays the Filter Options dialog that allows users to determine record selection criteria.


  • Audit Trail: Displays the primary audit trail information.
  • Archived Audit Trail: Displays all audit history that has been archived.


  • OpCon Help: Displays relevant OpCon documentation.
  • About: Displays product versions and Technical Support information.


The toolbar provides shortcuts to the menu options.

  • Purge Records: Deletes audit records according to the Cut-off Date, and Days to Keep settings.
  • Archive Records: Moves audit history to the archive table according to the Cut Off Date, and Days to Keep settings.
  • Cut-off Date: Determines the date to start deleting records.
  • Days to Keep: Determines the date, as an offset to the current date, to start deleting records.
  • Filter: Displays the Filter Options dialog that allows users to determine record selection criteria.
  • Refresh: Pulls the latest audit history information from the database.

Audit History

The audit trail information is presented in a columnar format. Depending on the number of records to be retrieved and the network traffic, it may take several minutes to display the entire audit history.

Date/Time StampDate and time the SQL statement was issued.
User Login IDThe user who executed the SQL statement.
Records AffectedThe number of records affected by the SQL statement.
Action TypeThe type of SQL transaction that was processed (Insert, Update, Delete, or User Login).
SQL Part 1 – 12The SQL statement that was processed. Entries made by actions made in the legacy User Interface appear as the exact SQL strings passed by that program. Region (Required) is the area of the data being changed. Valid values include:MachinesSchedulesJobs Update Level (Optional) is the level at which the data was updated. Valid values include:MachinesDateSchedulesJobsAction is the type of action the user attempted. Identity (Required) is one or more fields separated by semicolons (;) that identify the item affected by the change. The identity will include one or more of the following to uniquely identify the item:Machine NameSchedule DateSchedule NameJob Name. Result (Required) is the result of the query action in the database (e.g., Failed, Succeeded, etc.).

Logging into Legacy Audit Management

On the machine with the Legacy Audit Management utility:

Log in as a Windows user with Local Administrative Rights.


If you disable a login that is defined as a user's Network Account name (e.g., Domain\User), the user will not be able to log in to any interactive applications. The Legacy Audit Management will inform the user that they are disabled and shut down the program.

Right-click on Start and select Explore.

In the Explorer window:

Browse to the <Target Directory>\OpConxps\Utilities\ directory.

Double-click LegacyAudit.exe.


For procedures on creating OpCon User Accounts, refer to Managing User Accounts in the Enterprise Manager online help.

On the Login to Audit Management screen:

Do one of the following in the Username text box:

  • For manual login, enter a case-sensitive User Login ID (e.g. ocadm).
  • For first time automatic login, do not enter a username in this field. The Legacy Audit Management utility will get your network login and pass it through to the database.

Do one of the following in the Password text box:

  • For manual login, enter the case-sensitive password for the user.
  • For first time automatic login, do not enter a password in this field.

For automatic login, Legacy Audit Management utility remembers your profile and automatically logs in the next time you start the program.

Select the desired data sourcein the Data Source Name combo box. If a data source has not been set up, refer to Create System DSNs in the OpCon Installation online help.

Select the Save Settings checkbox to save the connection information for the next login and click OK.

If the Password Change Required message box appears:

Contact the OpCon Administrator to change your password, or change the password yourself. Refer to Changing User Passwords in the Enterprise Manager online help.

Viewing Audit Trail/Archived Audit Trail

First, log into Legacy Audit Management before continuing with this procedure.

  1. Use the following menu path to view the audit trail: View > Audit Trail.
  2. Use the following menu path to view the archived audit trail: View > Archived Audit Trail.
  3. View the audit history information.
  4. Click the Refresh button located on the toolbar to refresh records.

Filtering Audit Records

Because of the vast amount of data in Audit Management, administrators can use the Filter option to specify record selection criteria. To activate the Filter screen, use menu path: Options > Filter. Upon activation, the Filter screen displays the following fields:

  • User Login ID: This is a selectable list of all User Accounts in OpCon for searching SQL operations issued by a specific user. The default is <All Users>.
  • Search in SQL Statement: The administrator can provide a string to isolate records that contain the statement. The search looks for an exact match. If the database has binary sort order, the string is case-sensitive. Note that all parts of the SQL commands are upper case, except the data strings enclosed in single quotes.
  • Query Result: Select audit records of SQL operations that failed, that did not affect any records, and that affected records according to user-defined criteria. If the Records Affected combo box is blank, then all queries that affected one or more records are returned. The administrator can select or type the logical relationship of the criteria and assign a number (e.g., >= 4, which returns queries that affected four or more database records). Initially, all query result types are selected.
  • Record Selection Range: Select an inclusive range with a beginning and an ending date to further narrow the search. The fields accept any valid date format from the machine's Regional Settings (found in Control Panel).
  • Action Type: Select the types of SQL query to display. For example, the administrator may select to view only the Delete queries. Initially all three query types are selected.

Click OK or press the Enter key to accept the new record selection criteria. Click Cancel or press ESC to cancel the changes in the record selection criteria. Click Reset to reset the record selection criteria to all-inclusive. The record selection criterion remains in effect for the duration of the session or until the administration changes the criteria through the Select option.

Filtering for Specific Records

First, log into Legacy Audit Management before continuing with this procedure.

  1. Click the Filter button.
  2. (Optional) Select a User Account in the Users Login ID drop-down list.
  3. (Optional) Enter a SQL string in the Search in SQL text box.
  4. (Optional) Go to the Query Result frame and select one or more query results.
  5. (Optional) Go to the Record Selection Range frame and enter a Beginning date and an Ending date.
  6. (Optional) Go to the Action Type frame, select an action type(s), and click OK.

Maintaining Audit History Interactively

When auditing is activated, large amounts of data accumulate in the OpCon database. SMA Technologies recommends archiving or deleting old audit records regularly. There are two options for limiting the amount of data in the OpCon database: Cut-off Date and Days to Keep.

Cut-off Date

Select this option to determine the starting date to archive or to delete records. Future dates cannot be specified. When specifying the Cut-off Date, the Days to Keep are also calculated. The date can be any valid date specification for the Windows Regional settings being used. If you input an invalid date, the old date remains in effect. The minimum date is the current day's date. The maximum Cut-off date is computed with the maximum of 32,000 Days to Keep.

Entering a Cut-off Date

First, log into Legacy Audit Management before continuing with this procedure.

  1. Click the Cut-off Date button on the tool bar.
  2. Enter a cut-off date from which to begin deleting records in the audit table and click OK.

Days to Keep

Select the option Days to Keep to determine how many days from the current date should be maintained in the database. This option allows the Cut-off date to be specified as a relative offset from the day of the operation. The offset can only be positive and refers to the past. When specifying the number of Days to Keep, the Cut-off date is also calculated.

Entering 0 in the Days to Keep parameter means all records are archived or are deleted. Entering 2 in the Days to Keep parameter means all records are archived or deleted, except those having a date stamp for the current date and the date before. The minimum value for Days to Keep is zero and the maximum value is 32,000.

Entering Days to Keep in Audit History

First, log into Legacy Audit Management before continuing with this procedure.

  1. Click the Days to Keep button on the tool bar.
  2. Enter a number of days of audit history to keep in the database and click OK.

Archiving Records

Select the option Archive Records to move audit trail history to the archive table according to the specifications of the Days to Keep and Cut-off Date options described above. The default is to archive all records. For more information, refer to Maintaining Audit Records from the Command Line.


The archive option is not available when viewing the archive audit history table.

First, log into Legacy Audit Management before continuing with this procedure to archive the audit history of a single job.

  1. Use menu path: View > Audit Trail.
  2. Set the desired limits for the Cut-off Date or Days to Keep. For more information, refer to Legacy Audit Management.
  3. Click the Archive Records button on the toolbar and click OK.

Purging Records

Select the option Purge Records to delete the audit history from the archive table according to the specifications of the options described above. The default is to purge all records. After setting either the Cut-off Date or the Days to Keep, purge the archived audit records.

Without setting the Cut-off Date or the Days to Keep, the Purge Records button purges all archived audit records. SMA Technologies strongly recommends retaining at least two weeks of data.

First, log into Legacy Audit Management before continuing with this procedure.

  1. Use menu path: View > Archived Audit Trail.

  2. Click the Days to Keep or Cut-off Date button on the toolbar.

  3. Enter a value in the text field and click OK.

  4. Click the Purge Records button on the toolbar and click OK.

Maintaining Audit Records from the Command Line

Records in the legacy audit table should be deleted as soon as the records become obsolete. To ensure regular maintenance of audit records, use the command line interface to schedule the legacy audit management utility. The job can be scheduled using the Microsoft LSAM on the SAM application server.


From the <Target Directory>\Opconxps\Utilities\ directory, use the following syntax on the command line or in a command file:

LEGACYAUDIT.EXE DSN,UID,PWD,{Days to Keep\|Cut-off Date}, \[-e\] \[-l\]


  • LEGACYAUDIT.EXE: The name of the audit management program.
  • DSN: The ODBC Data Source Name corresponding to the OpCon database. This name can be found on the Legacy Audit Management login screen.
  • UID: Any valid, case-sensitive OpCon User Login ID.
  • PWD: The case-sensitive password corresponding to the User Login ID above.
  • Days to Keep: A number between 0 and 32,000. If desired, the administrator may enter a Cut-off Date instead of Days to Keep. The syntax always requires a comma after this parameter. For additional information, refer to Legacy Audit Management.
  • -e: Provides the full path (including drive letter) and file name for the E.C.O.F. When the job is defined in the Enterprise Manager, make sure to specify the E.C.O.F. path and file name as specified by -e parameter, or the job is always be considered a success. For additional information, refer to The E.C.O.F. in the Job Definition in the Microsoft LSAM online help.
  • -l: (lower case L) Provides the full file path (including drive letter) and filename for the legacyaudit.exe log file. If -l is not given, then an audit log file is placed in the same directory as the legacyaudit.exe file. The syntax for the default log file name is Audit_<date-time stamp>.log. The log file provides detailed information of errors generated during job execution.
  • -p (Optional): Informs legacyaudit.exe to purge the audit archive table (AUDITARC).

The example below connects to a data source called OPCONXPS. The user is batchuser and the password is batchpwd. The Days to Keep was set to 30, which means the previous month's audit history is kept.

legacyaudit.exe OPCONXPS,batchuser,batchpwd,30,


During installation, the SMAUtility schedule should have been imported. That schedule contains jobs to maintain the new auditing data for OpCon. SMA Technologies recommends adding jobs to the SMAUtility schedule to archive and or purge the legacy audit data.

Exit Codes

The legacyaudit.exe program writes the following exit codes to the E.C.O.F.:

Status NumberStatus Description
0Batch run successful.
35001Program aborted.
35002Invalid DSN, UserID, and/or Password.
35003Invalid parameters given.