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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Schedule Import/Export

The Schedule Import Export utility enables users to migrate one or more schedules from one database to another while maintaining relational integrity in the new environment. This utility is not a replacement for regular database backups. Even if a user exports all schedules from a database, some information may be left behind.

To open the Schedule Import Export utility:

  • Use menu path: Start > All Programs > OpConxps > Utilities > Schedule Import Export. This utility requires the same User Login ID and password as the Enterprise Manager. For information on logging in to the Enterprise Manager, refer to Logging In/Out in the Enterprise Manager online help.
  • The Schedule Import/Export utility uses a Microsoft Access database (.mdb) file as the transport medium between the source and target databases. This mechanism allows the two databases to be physically detached. Even if the databases are on the same network, the transport database is still necessary.
  • To make schedule transfers, the Schedule Import Export utility requires the appropriate ODBC drivers for the SQL database. OpCon installation does not provide SQL ODBC drivers; however, the installation does include Microsoft Access ODBC drivers for the transport database.
  • For information on configuring the SQL and Access DSNs, refer to Create System DSNs in the OpCon Installation online help.

The menus available are File and Help. b


  • Select ODBC DSN: Allows users to change the SQL database connection.
  • Select Access DSN: Allows users to change the transport database connection.
  • Export: Export the selected schedule(s) from the SQL database to the transport database.
  • Import: Import the selected schedule(s) from transport database to the SQL database.
  • Refresh: Pulls the latest schedule information from the database.
  • Exit: Closes the Schedule Import Export utility.


  • About: Displays product versions and Technical Support information.


The toolbar provides shortcuts to the File menu options.

  • Import from Transport Database: Import the selected schedule(s) from transport database to the SQL database.
  • Export to Transport Database: Export the selected schedule(s) from the SQL database to the transport database. Clicking export will cause the application to display several messages to set options for the export.
  • Select ODBC DSN: This option allows the user to login to a different SQL database. Select a new DSN, and supply the User Login ID and password. Use menu path: File > Select ODBC DSN.
  • Select Access DSN: This option allows the user to select a different Access database associated with another DSN. Normally, this operation should not have to be performed, unless different .mdb filenames are used for different sites. Use menu path: File > Select Access DSN.
  • Refresh: Pulls the latest information from the ODBC database and the Transport Database.
  • Force Machine Mapping: Determines if machine mapping should be required during the import process. If this checkbox is marked for an export, the transport database will be marked with this setting. As a result, when that transport database is used to import to a SQL database, the import will default to forcing the Machine Mapping. The option can still be turned off before import if desired.

Log in to Schedule Import/Export


If you disable a login that is defined as a user's Network Account name (e.g., Domain\User), the user will not be able to log in to any interactive applications. The Import Export Utility will inform the user that they are disabled and shut down the program.

Use menu path: Start > All Programs > Opconxps > Utilities > Schedule Import Export.

On the Log in to Schedule Import/Export screen:


For procedures on creating OpCon User Accounts, refer to Adding User Accounts in the Enterprise Manager online help.

  1. Do the following in the Username text box:
    • For manual login, enter a case-sensitive User Login ID (e.g., ocadm) - or -
    • For first time automatic login, do not enter a username in this field. The Schedule Import/Export utility will get your network login and pass it through to the database.
  2. Do the following in the Password text box:
    • For manual login, enter the case-sensitive password for the user - or -
    • For first time automatic login, do not enter a password in this field.

      For automatic login, Schedule Import/Export utility remembers your profile and automatically logs in the next time you start the program.

  3. Select the OpCon database in the Data Source field.
  4. Select the Save Settings checkbox to save the connection information for the next login and click OK.

To log in to the Schedule Import Export utility, a user must have one of the following privileges: "All Administrative Functions" or "Import and Export Schedules".


Once a user has logged in to the utility with one of these functions, they will have access to all schedules in the OpCon database for exporting and importing.

Schedule Transfers

In the Schedule Import Export main window, the lower list contains the schedules in the SQL database. The upper list contains the schedules in the transport (Access) database. Upon first use, the transport database is empty.

When exporting a schedule(s) from the SQL database, the original schedule(s) are left intact; however, the Schedule Import Export utility clears the transport database each time it exports new schedules. There is no provision to merge new schedules to existing schedules in the Access database.


If the contents of the Access database need to be preserved, the .mdb file should be copied to another file/directory. Do not rename the .mdb file in the Utilities directory because the program does not have the ability to create a new Access database template. It is a good practice to maintain a backup copy of the original IMPEX.MDB file.

When importing a schedule to the SQL database, the destination schedules can be altered if a duplicate schedule exists. Refer to Importing Schedules.

Data Transfer Limitations

When exporting and importing, the Schedule Import Export Utility transfers many of the administrative records associated with a schedule; however, there are several limitations associated with the transfer process. Please review the complete list below to understand what the transfer process does and does not include.

  • The utility transports the Roles and associated User Login IDs with privileges to exported schedules. The exported privileges include the appropriate individual privileges for each Role for the schedules, machines, and machine groups associated with the exported schedules; however:
    • The utility does not export the "Inherits Privileges to All Schedules", "Inherits Privileges to All Machines" or "Inherits Privileges to All Machine Groups" functions. This is a security measure. Just because a user inherits privileges in a "test" database, does not mean they should inherit privileges in a "production" database.
  • The utility transports the departments associated with the exported schedules and the Role function privileges for those departments as well as that Role's non-departmental privileges; however:
    • The utility does not export departmental privileges that are valid for all departments.
    • The utility does not export departmental privileges associated with un-exported departments.
    • When the Role privileges are imported, only a new users' Role's privileges are accepted. If the Role exists in the target database, the privileges in the target database are retained and users in the transport database (that do not exist in the target database) are imported and assigned to the Role in the target database. If the user Role does not exist in the target database, the privileges are imported from the transport database and the users from the transport database are included in the role for the target database.
  • The utility exports access codes associated with the exported schedules and the Role privileges for those access codes.
  • The utility exports Machines selected as a Primary Machine, or any of the three Alternate machines on exported schedules.
  • The utility exports machine group names, but not the machine group itself. This enables exporting to a new environment (with different machines) while maintaining a customer's scheduling structure.
  • The utility exports optionally exports all Global Properties or only those Global Properties associated with exported schedules.
  • The utility exports either all Thresholds/Resources, or only those Thresholds/Resources associated with exported schedules.
  • The utility exports all holiday dates, including those from the Master Holiday Calendar or Additional Holiday Calendar if they are associated with the exported schedules.
  • The utility optionally exports all of the job data from the SAP Server(s) for any SAP R/3 and CRM jobs in the exported schedules.
  • Upon import, the utility can match the SAP Job Name and Job ID to the SAP Server or create new jobs for any SAP R/3 and CRM jobs in the transport database. The goal is to ensure the imported SAP R/3 and CRM jobs in the destination OpCon database will have valid SAP Job Names and IDs.

When importing schedules, there are several items that need to be considered:

  • The Schema versions must be the same for the two databases between which the schedule is being moved.
  • When a new machine is created in the destination database, the Schedule Import/Export utility will mark the machine status "Down" to allow the management of the LSAMs within the license. The machine will need to be marked "Up" for jobs to process on it.
  • Batch User IDs submitted with jobs are only imported if those Batch User IDs exist in the destination database. When the import is complete, the details of imported jobs need to be verified to make sure appropriate Batch User IDs are listed. Jobs fail if no Batch User ID is listed.
  • OpCon Global Properties, Thresholds, and Resources will only be exported if the options are selected to do so. Imported jobs and events making use of these items may fail unless those properties are transferred.
  • When OpCon Global Properties, Thresholds, and Resources are imported, only new items will be accepted. If the item exists in the target database, the item and its value are retained. If the item does not exist in the target database, the item and its value will be imported from the transport database.
  • A conflict arises if source schedules already exist in the SQL database. If a user chooses to merge the source and target schedules, it is vital there be no duplication of jobs for schedules. In the event duplicate information does exist during the transfer, an error message is displayed and the entire transfer operation is terminated with an error. All changes made to the target database are then rolled back.
  • Internal and cross-schedule job dependencies must be resolved when schedules are imported. If there are cross-schedule dependencies on schedules that do not exist in the target database, a warning is displayed. Click OK to ignore the missing job dependency and continue the schedule transfer. Click Cancel to terminate the schedule transfer.
  • If the schedule uses the Master Holiday Calendar, the master holiday dates from the new database do not automatically populate in the imported schedule.
  • If a schedule or job has a Frequency Name assigned that is a duplicate frequency name in the destination database, the utility automatically changes the imported frequency name and appends an alphabetic character to the end (incrementing the letter until a unique name is achieved).

Exporting Schedules

This option is used to transfer the selected schedule(s) from the ODBC (SQL) database to the Transport (Access) Database. The menu item is equivalent to dragging-and-dropping the schedule(s) from the lower list to the upper list.


If two schedules have cross-schedule job dependencies and both are migrated, it is better to migrate them at the same time in order to maintain the cross-schedule dependencies. If the schedules are migrated separately, the job dependency references are lost because they cannot be resolved.

Remove Master Holiday Dates

If the Master Holiday Dates from the source database should not be retained in the destination database, complete the following procedure for each schedule being exported:

  1. Double-click Schedule Master.
  2. Unselect the Use Master Holiday checkbox.
  3. Click Save Save icon on the Schedule Master toolbar.
  4. Click Close ☒ to the right of the Server Options tab to close the Server Options screen.
  5. Log in to Schedule Import/Export.
  6. Select the desired data source in the Data Source Name list box.
  7. Click OK.
  8. In the ODBC Database section on the lower part of the window:
    • Click one schedule at a time to select one or more individual schedules or export. Alternatively, you can click one schedule then press Ctrl+A on the keyboard to select all.
  9. Below the toolbar:
  10. If desired, select the Force Machine Mapping checkbox.
  11. On the toolbar:
  12. Click the Export to Transport Database button.

    The schedule(s) may be dragged-and-dropped to the target database list. To complete the transfer of multiple schedules as a unit, press Ctrl and drag-and-drop the schedules to the target database list.

  13. For each message box:
  14. Click the Yes or No button when asked if the target database should be cleared.
    • If Yes, the target database is cleared and the new schedule(s) transported. Click OK when the completion message is displayed.
    • If No, the process is canceled.
  15. Click the Yes or No button when asked if all tokens should be transferred.
    • If Yes, the utility transfers all administrative token records.
    • If No, the utility does not transfer administrative token records.
  16. Click the Yes or No button when asked if all thresholds/resources should be transferred.
    • If Yes, the utility transfers all thresholds/resources.
    • If No, the utility transfers only the thresholds/resources associated with the extracted schedule(s).
  17. In the termination message:
    • Click OK.

If there are SAP R/3 and CRM Job details from one or more SAP Server(s) in the transport database, the Schedule Import Export utility will provide additional messages to import the details to the SAP server(s).

Exporting Schedules from the Command Line


When Exporting schedules through from the command line, the transport database will be purged before the export.

The following is the syntax for exporting schedules from the Schedule Import Export command line:

ImpEx.exe <AccessDSN>,<SQLDSN>,<UID>,<PWD>,<EXPORT>,<GlobalProperties?>,<Thresholds?>,<ScheduleName(s)> [-e] [-f] [-l] [-m] [-s]


There are no spaces after the variables for impex.exe.

  • ImpEx.exe: The name of the schedule import export program.
  • AccessDSN: The ODBC Data Source Name corresponding to the Access Database used as the transport database.
  • SQLDSN: The ODBC Data Source Name corresponding to the OpCon database. This name can be found on the Schedule Import Export login screen.
  • UID: A valid, case-sensitive OpCon User Login ID.
  • PWD: The case-sensitive password corresponding to the User Login ID above.
  • EXPORT: Tells the program a schedule export is required.
  • GlobalProperties?: Used to indicate which Global Properties to export from the SQL database. Valid entries include:
    • Y = Export all Global Properties from the source database.
    • R = Only export from the source database those Global Properties referenced by the extracted schedules and jobs.
    • N = Do not export any Global Properties from the source database.
  • Thresholds?: Used to indicate whether to transfer all of the thresholds and resources from the SQL database or not. Valid entries include:
    • Y = Export all thresholds and resources from the source database.
    • N = Only export from the source database those thresholds and resources referenced by the extracted schedules and jobs.
  • ScheduleName(s): The name(s) of the schedule(s) to be exported.
    • Any number of schedules may be specified, each separated by a comma.
    • When no schedule is specified all schedules are exported.
    • If the database has a binary sort order, schedule names are case-sensitive.
  • -e: The full file path (including drive letter) and filename where the Exit Code Override File (E.C.O.F.) is written. If not specified, a file called ImpEx.dat will be placed in the same directory as the ImpEx.exe file. The Exit Code Override File is used by the Microsoft LSAM to determine the success or failure of the job. The Microsoft LSAM will compare the failure criteria to the E.C.O.F. file instead of the standard exit condition of the job. For Schedule Import Export exit codes, refer to the Exit Codes table. When the job is defined in the Enterprise Manager, make sure to specify the E.C.O.F. path and file name as specified by -e parameter, or the job will always be considered a success.
  • -f: (Optional) The full file path (including drive letter) and filename containing a list of schedules for the program to extract.
    • In the file, separate schedule names with commas or carriage returns.
    • If you use the -f option, it will override any schedules you have specified in the Schedule Name(s) parameter.
  • -l (lower case L): Provides the full file path (including drive letter) and filename for the ImpEx.exe log file. If -l is not given, then Schedule Import Export's default log file will be placed in the same directory as the ImpEx.exe file. The syntax for the default log file name is ImpEx_<date-time stamp>.log. The log file provides detailed information of errors generated during job execution and information about interaction with the SAP server.
  • -m indicates that the Force Machine Mapping switch should be turned on. If not specified, the Force Machine Mapping switch will be turned off.
  • -s indicates the connection information for one or more SAP machines. This information is required if you want to export the SAP Job Details from the SAP server along with the OpCon job definitions for SAP R/3 and CRM jobs. There are two ways to specify the -s switch.
    • Option 1
      • Specify the full path and file name of a configuration file listing connection information for each machine. For example: -s"c:\programdata\opconxps\utilities\SAPLoginFile.txt"
      • The 'SAPLoginFile.txt' can be named anything, but it must contain the following format: \\MACH1,USERID,PWD\MACH2,USERID,PWD\MACH3,USERID,PWD
    • Option 2
      • If you only expect to connect to a single SAP Server, you can specify the user and password in the -s switch using the following syntax: -suser=xxx;pwd=yyy

If there are spaces in the user name or password, enclose the value in quotes.

Importing Schedules

Select this option to transfer the selected schedule(s) from the Transport (Access) Database to the ODBC (SQL) database. The menu item is equivalent to dragging-and-dropping the schedule(s) from the upper list to the lower list. The utility will attempt to import all information previously exported; otherwise, any time the data transfer is cancelled or fails for any reason, the entire transaction is rolled back. In this situation, no changes are made in the database. This restriction is used as a safeguard to prevent incomplete transfers that may invalidate the target database.


All schedules in the transport database must be imported together.

If an error or conflict occurs during the import, consult the status bar to see which table was in process. Whether the transfer completes successfully or fails, a message indicates the termination.

Schedule Transfer Changes

When schedules are imported to the SQL database, the machines and/or users from the transport database may not already exist in the SQL database. After clicking Import, the Schedule Transfer Changes window is displayed. This window allows users to map source machines and User Accounts to existing machines and User Accounts in the SQL database. The source machine and user names to import can be accepted, or the machines and/or users can be mapped to names that already exist in the SQL database.

Machine Tab

  • The left window displays the machine names in the transport database.
  • The right window displays the machine names in the SQL database that the user has privileges to with the "allow Job Update?" flag set to true.

User Tab

  • The left window displays the User Accounts in the transport database.
  • The right window displays the User Accounts in the SQL database for which the user has privileges.

Import Schedules

  1. Log in to Schedule Import/Export.
  2. Select the desired data source in the Data Source Name list box.
  3. Click OK.
  4. In the Transport Database section on the upper part of the window:
    • Click one schedule to automatically select all schedules to import.
  5. On the toolbar:
    • Click the Import from Transport Database button.
  6. For each message box:
    • Click the Machine or User tab.

      If the Force Machine Mapping option is set the machines must be mapped to the machines in the Target database. The machine must also be mapped to the same OS type of the Target machine.

  7. Go to the left-hand frame and click a machine or User Account.
  8. Go to the right-hand frame and click a machine or user name.

    The associated machine or User Accounts for the SQL database are listed in parentheses next to the source machine or User Accounts in the left window.

  9. Repeat Steps 7 and 8 for all machines and/or User Accounts that need to be mapped to a different name in the SQL database.
  10. Click the Import button then click OK on the warning message.
  11. Click the appropriate answer if prompted to overwrite an existing schedule or calendar.
  12. In the Conflict Resolution dialog:
    • Select one of the following options:
      • Yes to clear (not delete) the existing object in order to receive the new information (jobs for schedules and dates for calendars).
      • No to allow the new information to be merged into the existing object.
      • Cancel to terminate the transfer and rollback all the changes made up to that point.
  13. In the termination message:
    • Click OK.

If there are SAP R/3 and CRM jobs in the exported schedules, the Schedule Import Export utility will provide additional messages to allow you to export the SAP Job details from the SAP server(s).

Logging for SAP R/3 and CRM Job Import

When running interactively, the Schedule Import Export utility writes a log file if there are SAP R/3 and CRM jobs in the transport database. The log file provides detailed information of the processing between the Schedule Import Export utility and the SAP Server for job match and creation.

  • The log file name is ImpEx_SAP.log in the location you define on the command line.
  • If the SAP steps are invoked, the utility overwrites the log file for each import

If running the Schedule Import Export utility from the command line, the command line log file contains all the details for the OpCon and SAP data transfers. For more information, refer to Exporting Schedules from the Command Line and Importing Schedules from the Command Line.

Importing Schedules from the Command Line

When importing schedules:

  • Batch User IDs that are submitted with jobs will only be imported if those Batch User IDs exist in the SQL database. Customers must verify all jobs after the import to make sure the Batch User IDs are valid.
  • All schedules in the transport database will be imported.

The following is the syntax for importing schedules from the Schedule Import Export command line:

ImpEx.exe <AccessDSN>,<SQLDSN>,<UID>,<PWD>,<IMPORT>,<PurgeJobs?>,<PurgeCalDates?> [-e] [-l] [-m] [-s]


  • ImpEx.exe: The name of the schedule import export program.
  • AccessDSN: The ODBC Data Source Name corresponding to the Access Database used as the transport database.
  • SQLDSN: The ODBC Data Source Name corresponding to the OpCon database. This name can be found on the Schedule Import Export login screen.
  • UID: A valid, case-sensitive OpCon User Login ID.
  • PWD: The case-sensitive password corresponding to the User Login ID above.
  • IMPORT: Tells the program a schedule import is required.
  • PurgeJobs?: Used to indicate how the import should continue if any one of the schedules in the transport database already exists in the SQL database.
    • Y = Purge the jobs from the destination schedule before importing
    • N = Add the jobs in the transport database's schedule(s) to the SQL database's schedule(s) (the import will roll back if duplicate job names exist)
  • OverwriteCal?: Used to indicate how the import should continue if any one of the calendars in the transport database already exists in the SQL database.
    • Y = Purge all dates from destination calendar(s)
    • N = Add the dates in the transport database's calendar(s) to the SQL database's calendar(s)
  • -e: (Optional) The full file path (including drive letter) and filename where the Exit Code Override File (E.C.O.F.) is written. If not specified, a file called ImpEx.dat will be placed in the same directory as the ImpEx.exe file. The Exit Code Override File is used by the Microsoft LSAM to determine the success or failure of the job. The Microsoft LSAM will compare the failure criteria to the E.C.O.F. file instead of the standard exit condition of the job. For Schedule Import Export exit codes, refer to the Exit Codes table. When the job is defined in the Enterprise Manager, make sure to specify the E.C.O.F. path and file name as specified by -e parameter, or the job will always be considered a success.
  • -l (lower case L): (Optional) Provides the full file path (including drive letter) and filename for the ImpEx.exe log file. If --l is not given or the Logfile given is invalid, then Schedule Import Export's default log file will be placed in the same directory as the ImpEx.exe file. The syntax for the default log file name is ImpEx_<date-time stamp>.log. The log file provides detailed information of errors generated during job execution and information about interaction with the SAP server.
  • -m: The full file path (including drive letter) and file name for the mapping file. The mapping file contains any desired machine and user mappings.
    • If the "Force Machine Mapping" option is turned on in the transport database, the mapping file is required.
      • If -m is not given, the import will fail and the log file will indicate that the required mapping was not defined.
      • If -m is given, but not all machines were mapped, the import will fail and the log file will indicate that the required mapping was not defined.
    • If the "Force Machine Mapping" option is turned off in the transport database, the mapping file is optional.
      • If -m is not given, the import will bring the machines and users into the new database as they existed in the original database.
  • -s indicates the connection information for one or more SAP machines. This information is required if you want to import the SAP Job Details to the SAP server after importing the OpCon job definitions for SAP R/3 and CRM jobs to the OpCon database. There are two ways to specify the -s switch.
    • Option 1
      • Specify the full path and file name of a configuration file listing connection information for each machine. For example: -s"c:\programdata\opconxps\utilities\SAPLoginFile.txt"
      • The 'SAPLoginFile.txt' can be named anything, but it must contain the following format: \\MACH1,USERID,PWD\MACH2,USERID,PWD\MACH3,USERID,PWD
    • Option 2
      • If you only expect to connect to a single SAP Server, you can specify the user and password in the -s switch using the following syntax: -suser=xxx;pwd=yyy

        If there are spaces in the user name or password, enclose the value in quotes.

Mapping File Rules

The mapping file can be any ASCII text file on the same machine as the ImpEx.exe. The file can contain one mapping per line with the following syntax:

Mapping Type,Source Item Name,Destination Item Name ↵

  • Mapping Type: Involves one of two options:
    • m: Machine
    • u: User
  • Source Item Name: The name of the Machine or User as it exists in the transport database.
    • If the source item is not found in the transport database, the utility will skip the line in the mapping file and continue processing.
    • The source item is case-sensitive.
  • Destination Item Name: The name of the Machine or User to map the source item to in the destination database.
    • The destination item is case-sensitive.
    • The user on the command line for the import must have privileges to the destination machine for the import to succeed.
    • The destination machine must be a matching OS type with a matching data type (XML or Non-XML) for the import to succeed.

If any problem is encountered while Schedule Import/Export is trying to process the mapping file, the program will abort, not import the data, and write the reason to the log file.

Exit Codes

The ImpEx.exe program writes exit codes (refer to next table) to the E.C.O.F. if it encounters an error when run from the command line.

Status NumberStatus DescriptionScenarios causing this Error
0Batch run successful.Success!
37001Program aborted.If the program is "killed" in the middle of processing.
37002Invalid DSN, UserID, and/or Password.If there is a connectivity problem with the database:
  • Could be caused by a network problem.
  • Could be caused by the SQL services being down.
  • There may also be other reasons the database is unavailable.
37003Invalid parameters given.- If the DSN, UserID, or Password is invalid.
- If the user account specified on the command line falls in the following scenarios:
  • User account is locked out after a number of failed logon attemps.
  • User account is manually disabled.
  • User account is forced to change the password.
  • Password has expired.
- If the user account lacks Import and Export Schedules or All Administrative Functions.
- The user account does not need to have access to the schedules in order to export/import them.
  • The user account does not need to have access to the schedules in order to export/import them.
- If the destination user or machine in the mapping file is not found in the destination database.
- If an unsupported mapping type is specified (only U amd M are supported.)
- If the data type of the source and destination machines do not match.
- If the OS Type of the source and destination machines do not match.
37004OpCon Schedule and Job data transferred, but an error with an SAP server prevented transfer of the job details with that SAP system.- SAP Server Login required and not provided.
- SAP Server Login Name or password is incorrect.
- SAP job not found on targer Server and no SAP job definition found in the .mdb file.
- SAP job could not be found on Server for extract.
- Slow or no response from SAP Server.
- All other SAP Server errors will return exact message from the SAP Server.