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Release notes

SAP BW Agent 20.2.0

2022 June

✅ Now prevents the agent from logging incorrect configuration information.

✅ Fixed an issue in SAPBW agent where a change in the SAP schema definition file after an SAPBW system upgrade cause run time errors when starting SAPBW jobs and required a manual delete of the old schema file before restarting agent. Now, the schema file will be automatically created by agent on startup resulting in no schema errors when starting a job.

✅ Fixed an issue in SAPBW agent where the logging component sometimes timed out waiting to gain access to the log and the agent stopped responding.

✅ Fixed an issue where an upgrade of the SAP system to version 2021+ required new versions of the libraries to connect to the system from the agent.

SAP BW Agent 20.0.0

2020 September

✅ Fixed a performance issue in SAPBW agent where under significant load the jobs took much longer to report finished on the OpCon side.

SAP BW Agent 19.1.0

2019 December

✳️ As of Release 19.1.0, the SAP BW proxy service will no longer be installed with the SAM.


You will need to upgrade to the latest version of the SAP BW LSAM to continue using this functionality.

Older versions

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SAP BW Agent 18.2.0

2018 September

✳️ Added support in the SAP BW LSAM to re-attempt job start in case of failure during the job start attempt. Additionally, updated the INI file with two new Process Options parameters, JobStartRetryAttempts and JobStartRetryInterval, to support this feature.

✅ Fixed an issue where if the connection to SAP became hung when attempting to start an SAP BW job, the LSAM re-attempted the job start, eventually causing the job to run multiple times on the SAP system. The LSAM has been updated to not re-attempt job start if the connection becomes hung and to instead fail with the new Exit Code 70008 (Job Start Failed due to hung SAP connection).

SAP BW Agent 18.1.2

2018 September

✅ Fixed an issue where if the connection to SAP became hung when attempting to start an SAP BW job, the LSAM re-attempted the job start, eventually causing the job to run multiple times on the SAP system. The LSAM has been updated to not re-attempt job start if the connection becomes hung and to instead fail with the new Exit Code 70008 (Job Start Failed due to hung SAP connection).

✅ Added support in the SAP BW LSAM to re-attempt job start in case of failure during the job start attempt. Additionally, updated the INI file with two new Process Options parameters, JobStartRetryAttempts and JobStartRetryInterval, to support this feature.

SAP BW Agent 18.1.0

2018 June

✅ Fixed an issue with the SAP BW LSAM where an SAP BI OpCon job launches a BI process chain and returns a status of 'success' even before the process chain is actually completed in SAP BI.

SAP BW Agent 17.1.0

2017 September

✅ Fixed an issue where the SAP BW machine lost communication after a job was submitted.

✅ Fixed an issue where the reporting of child process statuses to OpCon would take a long time, causing delays in SAP workflows.

SAP BW Agent 16.1.0

2016 September

✳️ As of 16.1, the SAP BW LSAM is now a 64-bit version that will be installed as a new product, and it does not upgrade the 32-bit version. Customers can uninstall the existing 32-bit version before installing the new 64-bit version, or install the 64-bit version to a new location and the existing 32-bit version will not be affected.

✳️ Added two new fields to the Advanced Machine Properties for all SAP machines. The R3Name and Group fields allow users to define connection information to the SAP load balancing server.

✅ Fixed an issue where the SAP BW LSAM would crash while attempting to start inactive Process Chains.

SAP BW Agent 16.0.0

2016 June

✳️ Updated the INI file with two new SAP System Settings parameters, R3Name and Group, to support SAP server groups.