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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Generating External Tokens

An external token along with a valid OpCon User Login ID is required to execute an external event in OpCon. External tokens can be generated in Solution Manager as either API tokens or Custom Length tokens.

To generate external tokens:

Log into the Solution Manager, if not already logged in.

Click on the user profile button located in the Navigation menu, as shown in the graphic.

User Profile Button

The Profile page will display.

Select the External Token tab on the Profile page, as shown in the graphic.

Profile External Token Tab

Select one of the following radio buttons to specify which type of external token to generate:

  • API Token: Selecting this option will allow you to generate an external token that can also be used for API authentication.
  • Custom Length: Selecting this option will allow you to set the length (ranging from 8 to 35 characters) of the external token that will be generated. If this option is selected, then the token cannot be used for API authentication.

Click Generate to generate the external token.