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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Viewing Notification Acknowledgement

The Notification Acknowledgement page is used to view and acknowledge escalations. For more conceptual information, refer to Escalation in the Concepts online help.

When on the Notification Acknowledgement screen, it lists any escalations that have not been acknowledged. The screen shows the following information for each escalation:

  • Date & Time: The date and time of the escalation.
  • Notification: The subject of the email notification pending acknowledgment.
  • Escalation Level: The current level of the escalation, as defined in the rule sequence.
  • Status: The current state of the escalation's acknowledgment. Status has three states:
    • Pending: An escalation is awaiting acknowledgment and has been sent to one or more groups of users who are part of the escalation rule.
    • Exhausted: An escalation has been sent to all groups of users in the rule, but has not been acknowledged.
    • Acknowledged: An escalation has been acknowledged. The notification will soon automatically disappear after acknowledgment.

Acknowledging Escalations


The Notification indicator will not be visible if there are no notifications to acknowledge.


The pop-up will only appear for new notifications.

To view and acknowledge notifications:

  1. Perform one of the following:
    • Click the Review button on the You have notifications to acknowledge pop-up - or -
    • Click the Notification indicator (Notification Icon) at the bottom-right of the page.
  2. Click the notification to view the Notification Details window.
  3. (Optional) Click Acknowledge to acknowledge the notification or Close to return to the Notification Acknowledgement page.
  4. Select the checkbox(s) next to the notification(s) you want to acknowledge.
  5. Click the Acknowledge button (either next to a notification or at the top of the page for multi-select).
  6. Click Close.