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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)


After the SMADDI service has been installed with the SAM and the SMADDI stored procedures have been installed with the database, address the following topics before starting the service:

Configuring the Windows Service Options

There are two options for configuring the SMADDI service based on the way the service is used:

First Option: Running the Service as a Windows Domain User

In this mode, the SMADDI service is able to monitor input directories on the local machine and on the network.

See the Domain Administrator about acquiring the appropriate privileges. The domain user must have the following privileges:

  • Membership in the local administrator group
  • Log on as a service
  • Act as part of the operating system
  • Increase quotas
  • Replace a process-level token

This user must log on to this machine BEFORE trying to start the service. The initial login creates a Windows user profile required by the SMADDI service running as a Domain User.

Configure the Service to Run as a Domain User on Windows

  1. Use menu path: Start > Control Panel.
  2. Double-click the Administrative Tools icon.
  3. Double-click the Services icon to run the Service Control Manager.
  4. Double-click SMA Dynamic Data Input.
  5. Select Automatic in the Startup Type drop-down list.
  6. Click the Log On tab.
  7. Click the This account radio button.
  8. Click Browse to find the Domain User.
  9. Click the Domain User and click OK.
  10. Enter the password in the Password text box.
  11. Reenter the password in the Confirm Password text box and click OK.
  12. Close ☒ the Services window.

Second Option: Running the Service as the Local System

In this mode, the SMADDI service is only able to monitor input directories on the local machine.

Configure the Service to Run as a Local System on Windows

  1. Use menu path: Start > Control Panel.
  2. Double-click the Administrative Tools icon.
  3. Double-click the Services icon to run the Service Control Manager.
  4. Double-click SMA Dynamic Data Input.
  5. Select Automatic in the Startup Type drop-down list..
  6. Click the Log On tab.
  7. Click Local System account radio button and click OK.
  8. Close ☒ the Services window.

Configuring the Database Connection

To configure SMADDI's database connection to the OpCon database, use the SMA ODBC Configuration tool.

Create a System DSN

Select a Driver

  1. Log in as a Windows user with Local Administrative Rights.
  2. Use menu path: Start > All Programs > OpConxps > DDI > SMA ODBC Configuration.
  3. Click the ODBC button.
  4. Click the System DSN tab.
  5. Click Add.
  6. Select the SQL Server Native Client driver in the Name column then click Finish.

Define ODBC Details

In the Create a New Data Source to SQL Server window:

Enter a unique Data Source name in the Name field. SMA Technologies suggests using the name of the database.


Do not use the same name as the SQL server instance name.

Enter Connection to the OpCon scheduling database in the Description field.

Enter, in the Server field, the Host Name of the server hosting the database with which the SAM will be communicating then click Next.

Select the With SQL Server authentication using a login ID and password entered by the user radio button.

Enter opconui in the Login ID field.

Enter opconui's password in the Password field then click Next.

Select the Change the default database to checkbox.

Select the OpCon database.

Accept the remaining default values on the screen and click the Next button.

Accept all default values on the last screen and click the Finish button.

In the ODBC MS SQL Server Setup window:

Click the Test Data Source button.

If the test succeeds, exit the ODBC administrator by clicking OK on subsequent screens.

If the test fails, click Cancel.

i. Click the Back button until the screen from step 7 is displayed. ii. Repeat Steps 7 - 17 until the test is successful.

In the ODBC Data Source Administrator window:

Click OK.

Configure the Database Connection Information

After creating the System DSN, return to the SMA ODBC Configuration window.

In the SMA ODBC Configuration window:

Click the General tab.

On the General tab:

In the Data Source Name list box, choose the Data Source Name (DSN) created in the previous procedure.

Choose Step 5 or 6 for your desired authentication method.

For SQL Authentication:

a. Enter opconsam in the Database Login ID field. b. Click the Connect button. c. Enter the opconsam password in the Verify Password field and click OK. d. If Verification is successful, click OK. If Verification fails, click OK on the failure message and go back to Step 5.

For Windows Authentication to SQL Server:

a. Select the Use Windows Authentication checkbox. b. Click the Connect button. c. If Verification is successful, click OK. If Verification fails, click OK on the failure message and contact your SQL administrator.

Configuring the SMADDI Service

To change the configuration of the SMADDI service, open and modify the SMADDI.ini file. The .ini file contains:

Modify the SMADDI Configuration File

  1. Right click Start then select Explore to open Windows Explorer.
  2. Browse to the DDI directory.
  3. Right-click the SMADDI.ini file.
  4. Select Open With in the right-click menu.
  5. Select Notepad in the Choose the program you want use list box.
  6. Make any necessary modifications to the .ini file in Notepad. For complete information on the SMADDI.ini settings, refer to the tables in the next sections.
  7. Use menu path: File > Save.
  8. Close ☒ Notepad.

General Settings

The General Settings section contains information about how the service interacts with the Windows operating system. Do not modify these settings.

General Settings Default Description

ShortServiceName SMA_DDI The hidden internal service name Windows refers to. DisplayServiceName SMA Dynamic Data Input The service name displayed in the Service Control Manager.

: SMADDI Configuration: General Settings

Debug Options

The Debug Options section contains information about logging. All of the following settings are dynamic. The SMADDI service automatically detects any changes.

Debug OptionsDefaultDescription
ArchiveDaysToKeep7Sets the number of days of log history to keep. SMADDI only cleans out files when active. Consequently, archive files may exist beyond this defined day range. For example, if SMADDI is inactive for 60 days, archive files may exist for two months before cleanup. Automatic cleanup reduces the disk storage required for logging.
MaximumLogFileSize150000Sets the maximum size in bytes for each log file.
CreateOutputFileYesDetermines if an output file should be written for each file that is processed. Output files are written to the Output subdirectory of the respective directory being monitored by the SMADDI Service. Output filenames are the same as the output filename with –Out appended. For example, the input file of NewMaster.txt would be called NewMaster-Out.txt.
TraceOFFDetermines if the SMADDI service writes the string passed to the stored procedures to the SMADDI.log file.

Directories to Monitor

The Directories to Monitor section contains the list of directories to be monitored by the SMADDI service. Up to 20 different directories may be monitored. The following settings are NOT dynamic. The SMADDI service must be stopped and restarted to detect any changes.

Directories to MonitorDefaultDescription
Dir1C:\temp1An input directory for the SMADDI service.