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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)


OpCon supports several types of calendars to help provide flexible scheduling around holidays and any other non-working days. All calendars must be manually updated for each year. Each calendar should be cleaned up by deleting old dates, and then dates for next year should be added. The types of calendars supported include:

The following information applies to defining calendars:

  • Name: Defines the name for the calendar.
  • Documentation: Provides an area for descriptions, explanations, and notes that can be updated for the calendar.
  • Date List: Defines all dates defined for the calendar.
  • Schedules using for holidays (#): Defines the schedules that are using the calendar to define holidays in addition to that schedule's default Holiday Calendar (HC).
    • The number indicates the total number of schedules using the calendar.
  • Schedules/Jobs/Frequencies Using this Calendar (#): Defines each schedule, job, and frequency using the calendar.

Holiday Calendars

When a Job and Schedule Frequencies uses working days to determine the included days for the frequency, the non-working days are determined by the Holiday Calendars associated with the schedule.

Individual Holiday Calendars

An individual Holiday Calendar stores non-working days for a single schedule. The individual Holiday Calendar is automatically created when a schedule is initially created. The calendar is called HC:<schedule name>, where <schedule name> is the name of the schedule to which it applies. When a schedule is first created, OpCon sets Sundays to non-working days in the case of a 6-day workweek. If a 5-day workweek is defined, Saturdays and Sundays are set as non-working days. Administrators must set additional days as non-working days as required.

Master Holiday Calendar

A Master Holiday Calendar stores non-working days for multiple schedules. The Master Holiday Calendar is installed with the OpCon database. By default, there are no non-working days on this calendar. Administrators must set any desired non-working days. These non-working days affect all schedules that are configured to use the Master Holiday Calendar.

Additional Holiday Calendars

Additional Holiday Calendars are user-defined calendars that store non-working dates that can be associated with multiple schedules. Administrators can create as many Additional Holiday Calendars that are needed for automation. The non-working days on these calendars only affect the schedules that have the calendar selected for Additional Holidays.

Annual Plan Calendars

Annual Plan Calendars are user-defined calendars containing a list of dates. When associated with a Job and Schedule Frequencies, the calendar can have a positive or negative effect. The effect the calendar has on a given frequency is based on the type of frequency that is defined for each job or schedule.

Positive Annual Plan Calendars

Positive Annual Plan Calendars are typically used to schedule jobs on non-repetitive days. For example, certain jobs need to run on specific days of a year, such as March 20th, June 23rd, September 30th, and December 17th. An Annual Plan Calendar can be created to store the desired dates. A frequency with the When to Schedule option of Annual Plan can then be assigned to the required jobs. In addition, jobs may be set up to run up to 15 days before or after these dates. This is particularly useful for scheduling jobs around a fiscal cycle. Annual Plan Calendars may be used by any job on any schedule.


The Master Holiday Calendar may also be defined as a Positive Annual Plan Calendar with the Annual Plan frequency setting.

Negative Annual Plan Calendars

Annual Plan Calendars describe dates on which jobs cannot be scheduled. If any When to Schedule option other than Annual Plan is defined for a Frequency, the dates on the Calendar are treated as Negative Annual Plan dates.

  • If the initial calculated Frequency date is in the Negative Annual Plan Calendar, the job is not scheduled.
  • If the initial calculated Frequency date is a Non-Workday and not in the Negative Annual Plan Calendar, then the surrounding Negative Annual Plan dates are treated like additional holiday dates for A/O/B/N resolution.