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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Remote Instances

A remote instance is an instance of OpCon that runs and is accessed on a remote server. Communication between instances is established once the connection information is defined. When instances of OpCon are connected, then properties can be accessed and used between those instances. For instance, tokens defined and used in expression dependencies in one environment can reference properties in another environment.


If there is an expression dependency on a job that uses a remote OpCon instance and the remote OpCon instance database server is not running or there is a network issue (i.e., the remote instance is unavailable), then the job that has the expression dependency will go On Hold.

The following information applies to defining remote instances:

  • Name: Defines the name for the remote instance.
  • Documentation: Provides an area for descriptions, explanations, and notes that can be updated for the defined remote instance.
    • For information on inserting hyperlinks into the Documentation area, refer to Entering and Opening Hyperlinks in the Documentation Frame in the Enterprise Manager online help.
  • Server: Defines the name of the server that the database resides.
  • Database: Defines the name of the database to which to connect.
  • User: Defines the authorized SQL Server username for connecting to the database.
  • Password: Defines the corresponding password for the authorized SQL Server user.
  • Windows Authentication: Specifies to use Windows Authentication as the authentication method to connect to the database.
  • Mirroring On: Indicates that the instance uses mirroring so that the proper connection string is used.
  • Transparent Network IP Resolution: Specifies how to resolve the IP address in cases where there are issues. Available options are:
    • Auto: Specifies that the Network IP resolution will be automatically detected. This is the default setting.
    • Disabled: Specifies that there should not be transparent Network IP resolution.
    • Enabled: Specifies that there should be transparent Network IP resolution.