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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

<jobdata> Platform-specific Elements

Container Job Element Structure

Enter either new_master or new_daily for the msgtype. For detailed information on each field for this job type, refer to Container Job Type in the Concepts online help.




Element Definitions


The <cntnr_subskd> element defines the schedule that will run as a SubSchedule under the control of the container job.

  • Requirements: This is a Required field.
  • EM field label: Schedule to run as Sub-Schedule
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element contains the schedule the user has privileges to that has the SubSchedule flag marked True in their schedule definition except the current schedule. Valid data for this element is the name of any schedule, except the schedule identified by the <skdname> element that is allowed as a subschedule. A schedule must have the SubSchedule indicator set to be allowed as a SubSchedule.

File Transfer Job Element Structure

Enter either new_master or new_daily for the msgtype. For detailed information on each field for this job type, refer to File Transfer Job Details in the Concepts online help.


















Element Definitions


The <host_name> element defines the Source Machine for the transfer. To qualify as a machine for this field, a machine must be enabled for file transfer in the File Transfer Settings category in the Machine's advanced settings.

  • Requirements: This is a Required field.
  • EM field label: Machine
  • Valid Values:
    • Low Range / Minimum Characters: 1
    • High Range / Maximum Characters: 24
    • Invalid Characters: ' (single quote), ~ (tilde), `(grave accent)


The <ft_src_user> element contains the user name for the Source user if the platform requires a user name. If the platform does not require a user name, specify N/A.

  • Requirements: This is a Required field.
  • EM field label: User
  • Valid Values:
    • Low Range / Minimum Characters: 1
    • High Range / Maximum Characters: 60


The <ft_src_file> element contains the full path and the file name of the source file to be transferred.

  • Requirements: This is a Required field.
  • EM field label: File
  • Valid Values:
    • Low Range / Minimum Characters: 1
    • High Range / Maximum Characters: 512


The <ft_dest_user> element contains the user name for the destination user if the platform requires a user name. If the platform does not require a user name, specify N/A.

  • Requirements: This is a Required field.
  • EM field label: User
  • Valid Values:
    • Low Range / Minimum Characters: 1
    • High Range / Maximum Characters: 60


The <ft_dest_file> element contains the full path and file name of the destination file to be transferred to.

  • Requirements: This is a Required field.
  • EM field label: File
  • Valid Values:
    • Low Range / Minimum Characters: 1
    • High Range / Maximum Characters: 512


The <ft_xqt_mach> element defines which machine will initiate the File Transfer communication.

  • Requirements: This is an Optional Field. If not specified, the value defaults to Destination.
  • EM field label: Start Transfer On
  • Valid Values: Destination, Source


The <ft_mode> element defines the Source Data Type of the file to transfer.

  • Requirements: This is a Required field.
  • Valid Values: ASCII, Binary, Default Text, EBCDIC

If Binary is used for the source data type, it WILL also be used for the destination data type as well, regardless of the value specified for the <ft_dest_dt> tag. If the Destination Data Type is Binary and the Source Data Type is not Binary, errors will display.


The <ft_compress> element allows the user to select compression options. It is in the "File Options" category.

  • Requirements: This is a Required field.
  • Valid Values: None, Required, Preferred


The <ft_encrypt> element specifies if this field must be used, is not used, or use is preferred.

  • Requirements: This is a Required field.
  • Valid Values: <none>, Required, Preferred


The <ft_overwrt> element specifies what the user wants to do if the file already exists on the destination machine.

  • Requirements: This is a Required field.
  • Valid Values: Do Not overwrite, Overwrite, Backup then Overwrite, Append, Backup then Append.


The <ft_delsrcfile> element determines if the source file will be deleted after the SMAFT process completes successfully.

  • Requirements: This is a Required field, and if data is not provided it will be set to "No".
  • EM field label: Delete Source File
  • Valid Values: No, Required, Preferred


The <ft_failpref> element allows an FT job return a fail code if the "Preferred" Encryption and Compression settings are not met.

  • Requirements: This is a Required field.
  • EM field label: Fails if preferred settings not satisfied
  • Valid Values: Yes, No


The <ft_bandwidth> element sets the transfer rate of the file and allows the user to "throttle back" bandwidth usage.

  • Requirements: This is a Required field.
  • Valid Values: 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, >2048


The <dest_mach> element defines the name of the destination machine for the file transfer. In order to qualify as a machine for this field, a machine must be enabled for file transfer in the File Transfer Settings category in the Machine's advanced settings.

  • Requirements: This is a Required field.
  • EM field label: Machine
  • Valid Values:
    • Low Range / Minimum Characters: 1
    • High Range / Maximum Characters: 24
    • Invalid Characters: ' (single quote), ~ (tilde), `(grave accent)


The <ft_dest_dt> element defines the type of the file (ASCII, Binary, Default Text, or EBCDIC) to receive.

  • Requirements: This is a Required field.
  • Valid Values: ASCII, Binary, Default Text, EBCDIC

If Binary is used for the source data type, it WILL also be used for the destination data type as well, regardless of the value specified for the <ft_dest_dt> tag. If the Destination Data Type is Binary and the Source Data Type is not Binary, errors will display.


The <ft_tls_override> element specifies whether the file transfer should take place over a secure connection if possible, must take place over a secure connection, or must not take place over a secure connection.

  • Requirements: This is an Optional field.
  • Valid Values: Preferred, Required, None

IBM i Job Element Structure

The following sample code contains the structure for defining every possible element for IBM i Primary Job Elements. For detailed information on each field for this job type, refer to IBM i Job Details in the Concepts online help.


   <msgtype> </msgtype>




------Job Information Element Definitions------














------Call Information Element Definitions------











------File Arrival Element Definitions------












------Log Information Element Definitions------






            <joblogs_keep_occur> </joblogs_keep_occur>

            <joblogs_keep_days> </joblogs_keep_days>

------Message Element Definitions------











------Spools Element Definitions------










------Variables Element Definitions------









Job Information Element Definitions


The <JOB_TYPE> element defines the IBM i job type.

  • Requirements: Required for IBM i <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Job Type
  • Valid Values: The following values are provided in a list of available options: Batch Job, Tracked Job, Queued Job, Operator Replay Job, Restricted Mode, and FTP.


The <I5_USERID> element defines the name of the IBM i user profile under which the job should be submitted.

  • Requirements: Required for IBM i <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: User ID
  • Valid Values: All values from the Batch User Privileges screen that the user has privileges to.


The <JOB_Q_PRI> element defines the job queue scheduling priority.

  • Requirements: Required for IBM i <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: JobQ Priority
  • Valid Values: *, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
    • Values range from 1 through 9, where 1 is the highest priority and 9 is the lowest.
    • If an asterisk (*) is specified, the default value specified in the SMA system parameters for the LSAM will be used.
    • The specification *JOBD is not supported.


The <JOB_DATE> element defines the calendar date for the job to be associated with.

  • Requirements: Required for IBM i <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Job Date
  • Valid Values: *JOBD, *SYSVAL, *SCHEDULE DATE, or a User-defined calendar date. User-defined dates must follow these requirements:
    • The date must be entered in either the CCYYMMDD format, or the Short Date format recognized by the OpCon server's Regional Settings.
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 20
    • Valid Characters: Numeric Characters (0 - 9), slash (/), dash (-), period (.), comma (,) space ( ).
    • Invalid Character: asterisk (*). An asterisk (*) can be selected from a box, but it cannot be typed.


The <ACCT_CODE> element specifies the accounting code that is used when logging system resource use.

  • Requirements: Optional for IBM i <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Accounting Code
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 0
    • Maximum Characters: 15


The <CURR_LIB> element defines the name of the current library associated with the job being executed. The actual library name may be specified.

  • Requirements: Required for IBM i <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Current
  • Valid Values: *, *CRTDFT, *USRPRF, or a User-defined library name.
    • If an asterisk (*) is specified, the default value specified in the SMA system parameters for the LSAM is used.
    • User-defined library names must follow these requirements:
      • Minimum Characters: 1
      • Maximum Characters: 10


The <INIT_LIB> element defines the initial user part of the library list that is used to search for any objects without a library. The individual library names are not supported.

  • Requirements: Required for IBM i <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Init Lib List
  • Valid Values: *, *JOBD, *NONE, *SYSVAL, *CURRENT, or a User-defined library name.
    • If an asterisk (*) is specified, the default value specified in the SMA system parameters for the LSAM is used.
    • User-defined library names must follow these requirements:
      • Minimum Characters: 1
      • Maximum Characters: 10


The <JOB_DESC_NAME> element defines the simple name of the job description used with the job. The actual job description name may be specified.

  • Requirements: Required for IBM i <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Name
  • Valid Values: *, *USRPRF, or the actual job description name.
    • If an asterisk (*) is specified, the default value specified in the SMA system parameters for the LSAM is used.
    • User-defined library names must follow these requirements:
      • Minimum Characters: 1
      • Maximum Characters: 10


The <JOB_DESC_LIB> element defines the library associated with the job description name.

  • Requirements: Required for IBM i <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Library
  • Valid Values: *, *LIBL, *CURLIB, or the User-defined name of the library associated with the job description name.
    • The name of the library must follow these requirements:
      • Minimum Characters: 1
      • Maximum Characters: 10


The <BATCHQ_NAME> element defines the name of the job queue in which this job is placed. The actual job queue name may be specified.

  • Requirements: Required for IBM i <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Name
  • Valid Values: *, *JOBD, or the actual job queue name.
    • If an asterisk (*) is specified, the default value specified in the SMA system parameters for the LSAM is used.
    • The name of the job queue must follow these requirements:
      • Minimum Characters: 1
      • Maximum Characters: 10


The <BATCHQ_LIB> element defines the library associated with the batch queue name.

  • Requirements: Required for IBM i <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Library
  • Valid Values: *, *LIBL, *CURLIB, or the User-defined name of the library associated with the batch queue name.
    • If an asterisk (*) is specified, the default value specified in the SMA system parameters for the LSAM is used.
    • The name of the library must follow these requirements:
      • Minimum Characters: 1
      • Maximum Characters: 10


The <OUTPUTQ_NAME> element defines the output queue used for spooled files. The actual output queue name may be specified.

  • Requirements: Required for IBM i <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Name
  • Valid Values: *, *CURRENT, *USRPRF, *DEV, *JOBD, or the actual output queue name.
    • If an asterisk (*) is specified, the default value specified in the SMA system parameters for the LSAM is used.
    • The name of the library must follow these requirements:
      • Minimum Characters: 1
      • Maximum Characters: 10


The <OUTPUTQ_LIB> element defines the library associated with the Output Queue name.

  • Requirements: Required for IBM i <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Library
  • Valid Values: *, *LIBL, *CURLIB, or the User-defined name of the library associated with the output queue name.
    • If an asterisk (*) is specified, the default value specified in the SMA system parameters for the LSAM is used.
    • The name of the library must follow these requirements:
      • Minimum Characters: 1
      • Maximum Characters: 10

Call Information Element Definitions


The <i5OS_prerun> element allows users to specify an IBM i job to be executed immediately before the initiation of the job specified in the Call/Script Name field. If the Prerun job terminates with an error, it will be rescheduled at a user-defined interval. The Prerun job will continue to execute at the user-defined interval until it succeeds, allowing the job within the Job Information elements to process. The purpose of a Prerun is to test any required preconditions to job execution.

  • Requirements: Optional
  • EM field label: Prerun
  • Valid Values: CHKDTAARA, CHKFILE, or a User-defined prerun value.
    • Minimum Characters: 0
    • Maximum Characters: 255


For a Batch Job, enter the program name using the CALL command or enter a command name. Do not use the SMBJOB command. If the SMBJOB command is used, the LSAM will not be able to track the job for failure. Include parameters in this field as desired. For an Operator Replay Job or Restricted Mode Job, enter the script name.

  • Requirements: Required for IBM i <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Call
  • Valid Values: User-defined call/script name.
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 2000


The <FTP_REMTSYS> element sets the name of the remote system.

  • Requirements: Required only when the job type is FTP for IBM i <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Remote System
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 255


The <FTP_ACT> element sets the FTP command to use.

  • Requirements: Required only when the job type is FTP for IBM i <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Action Type
  • Valid Values: PUT, MPUT, GET, MGET, DEL, MDEL


The <FTP_TFR> element sets the type of transfer for binary or ASCII.

  • Requirements: Required only when the job type is FTP for IBM i <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Transfer Type
  • Valid Values: BIN, ASCII, EBCDIC


The <FTP_USER> element defines the FTP users for connecting to the remote system. If not specified, the LSAM will use the default user from the LSAM parameters.

  • Requirements: Required for IBM i <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: User
  • Valid Values: All values from the Batch User Privileges definitions
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 128


The <FTP_LCLFN> element defines the name for the file once it reaches the local machine.

  • Requirements: Required only when the job type is FTP for IBM i <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Local File Name
  • Valid Values: User-defined value
    • This field is enabled for all action types, except MGET, DEL, and MDEL.
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 128


The <FTP_LCLDIR> element defines the library or directory on the local machine.

  • Requirements: Required only when the job type is FTP for IBM i <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Local Library or Directory
  • Valid Values: User-defined value
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 512


The <FTP_RMTFN> element defines the file name once it reaches the remote machine.

  • Requirements: Required only when the job type is FTP for IBM i <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Remote File Name
  • Valid Values: *LCLFILNAM or a user-defined value
    • This field is enabled for all action types, except MPUT.
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 128


The <FTP_RMTDIR> element defines the library or directory on the remote machine.

  • Requirements: Required only when the job type is FTP for IBM i <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Remote Library or Directory
  • Valid Values: User-defined value
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 512

File Arrival Element Definitions


The <ibmi_cfa_read> element defines that the read type of object authority should be verified for the named User ID.

  • Requirements: Optional when the job type is File Arrival for IBM i <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Read
  • Valid Values: Valid values are True or False.


The <ibmi_cfa_write> element defines that the write type of object authority should be verified for the named User ID.

  • Requirements: Optional when the job type is File Arrival for IBM i <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Write
  • Valid Values: Valid values are True or False.


The <ibmi_cfa_exec> element defines that the execute type of object authority should be verified for the named User ID.

  • Requirements: Optional when the job type is File Arrival for IBM i <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Execute
  • Valid Values: Valid values are True or False.


The <ibmi_chk_file_lck_db2> element defines whether to request verification that there are no in-use locks on any DB2 database files

  • Requirements: Optional when the job type is File Arrival for IBM i <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Check Lock on DB2 File
  • Valid Values: Valid values are True or False.


The <ibmi_file_2_watch> element defines the file path and name of the file to detect.

  • Requirements: Required only when the job type is File Arrival for IBM i <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: File Name
  • Valid Values: User-defined value
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 4000


The <ibmi_file_start_watch> element defines the start of the time frame that the program uses to watch for the arrival of the file.

  • Requirements: Required only when the job type is File Arrival for IBM i <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Start Time
  • Valid Values: Valid values are a number of days and time from 0 -- 999 in Microsoft-formatted date time (e.g., 25.50 represents 1 day at 1:30 AM), or a Token.


The <ibmi_file_end_watch> element defines the end of the time frame that the program uses to watch for the arrival of the file.

  • Requirements: Required only when the job type is File Arrival for IBM i <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: End Time
  • Valid Values: Valid values are a number of days and time from 0 -- 999 in Microsoft-formatted date time (e.g., 25.50 represents 1 day at 1:30 AM), or a Token.


The <ibmi_file_stable> element defines the amount of time the file size has remained stable to indicate the file has finished arriving.

  • Requirements: Required only when the job type is File Arrival for IBM i <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: File Size Stable Duration (in secs)
  • Valid Values: Valid values are a number of seconds from 0 - 999, or a Token.


The <ibmi_filearrival_failcode> element defines the action to take based on the job failure or success status.

  • Requirements: Required only when the job type is File Arrival for IBM i <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Failure Condition
  • Valid Values: Valid values are Always Succeed, Fail If File Contains Zero Records or Zero Bytes, Fail On Error, or Fail On Error Except Reached End Time.


The <ibmi_dynvar_filename> element defines the root name of the file (including an extension, if any, from an IFS stream file) that is stored, similar to the OpCon system property $ARRIVED FILE SHORT NAME.

  • Requirements: Optional when the job type is File Arrival for IBM i <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: File Name Variable
  • Valid Values: User-defined value
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 12


The <ibmi_dynvar_reccnt> element defines the number of records (for DB2 files/tables), or the number of data bytes (for IFS non-DB2 file systems) is stored when a file is found.

  • Requirements: Optional when the job type is File Arrival for IBM i <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Record Count Variable
  • Valid Values: User-defined value
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 12

Log Information Element Definitions


The <LOG_LVL> element defines the number of messages for logging.

  • Requirements: Required for IBM i <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Level
  • Valid Values: *, *JOBD, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
    • Valid values range from 0 to 4, with 0 being no logging and 4 being the highest level of detail.


The <SEV_LVL> element defines the lowest severity level that causes an error message to be logged.

  • Requirements: Required for IBM i <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Severity
  • Valid Values: Available Values: *, *JOBD, 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, through 99.


The <TXT_OPT> element defines the detail of the text logged.

  • Requirements: Required for IBM i <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Text
  • Valid Values: Available Values: *, *JOBD, *MSG, *SECLVL, *NOLIST


The <CL_LOG> element defines whether the commands that are run in a control language program are logged to the job log by way of the CL program's message queue.

  • Requirements: Required for IBM i <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Log CL Commands
  • Valid Values: *, *JOBD, *NO, *YES
    • If an asterisk (*) is specified, the default value specified in the SMA system parameters for the LSAM is used.


The <INQ_MSG> element defines the way predefined messages, sent as a result of running this job, are answered. If not specified, the default value specified in the SMA system parameters will be used.

  • Requirements: Required for IBM i <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Inquiry Message Reply
  • Valid Values: Available Values: *, *JOBD, *RQD, *DFT, *SYSRPYL
    • If an asterisk (*) is specified, the default value specified in the SMA system parameters for the LSAM is used.


The <JOBLOGS_KEEP_OCCUR> element sets the number of occurrences to save for times when this same job name may be executed more than once. The last (n) number of occurrences of job logs for this job name will be retained, while any prior job logs for this job name will be deleted. When this value is left at zero, this parameter will be ignored and all job logs will only be subject to the Number of Days (if set).

  • Requirements: Optional for IBM i <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Number of Occurrences
  • Valid Values: User-defined value
    • Minimum Value: 0 (turns off joblog cleanup at the job level).
    • Maximum Value: 999.
    • Valid Values: Only numeric characters (0 -- 9).
    • If the value is greater than 0, the setting in the database overrides the LSAM global setting for job log maintenance.


The <JOBLOGS_KEEP_DAYS> element sets the number of days to keep the job logs. The LSAM will delete (or cause the system to delete, during its normal course of operations) job logs for the names of the jobs that have existed on the system for more than the number of days set in this parameter. When this value is left at zero, this parameter will be ignored and all job logs will only be subject to the Number of Occurrences (if set).

  • Requirements: Optional for IBM i <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Number of Days
  • Valid Values: User-defined value
    • Minimum Value: 0 (turns off joblog cleanup at the job level).
    • Maximum Value: 999.
    • Valid Values: Only numeric characters (0 -- 9).
    • If the value is greater than 0, the setting in the database overrides the LSAM global setting for job log maintenance.

Message Element Definitions


The parent element <msg_info> contains the child elements needed to define a single message and response for an IBM i job. Up to 99 <msg_info> elements can be defined for each IBM i job.

  • Requirements: Required to define a message to watch for the job.
  • Valid Values: One each of the following child elements: <msg_id>, <msg_cmpdata>, <msg_pos>, <msg_sev>, <msg_actn>, <msg_reply>, <msg_endjob>, <msg_events>.


The <MSG_ID> element defines the 7 character Message ID displayed at the beginning of the message.

  • Requirements: Required for <msg_info> if <MSG_SEV> = 00. If <MSG_SEV> is greater than 00, <msg_id> is not valid.
  • EM field label: Message ID
  • Valid Values: User-defined value of exactly seven (7) characters.


The <MSG_CMPDATA> element defines the characters to find in the message (defined by the message ID).

  • Requirements: Optional for <msg_info>. If <MSG_SEV> > 00, <MSG_CMPDATA> is not valid.
  • EM field label: Compare Data
  • Valid Values: User-defined value
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 30


The <MSG_POS> element defines the position to start looking for the Compare Data word in the Message defined by the Msg ID.

  • Requirements: Optional for <msg_info>, but required with <MSG_CMPDATA>. - EM field label: Position
  • Valid Values: User-defined value
    • Minimum Value: 0
    • Maximum Value: 999 (Message data can be as long as 2147483647, but IBM i supports only up to position 999 in their reply list entries).


The <MSG_SEV> element defines the severity of the messages to look for.

  • Requirements: Required for <msg_info> if <MSG_ID> is not defined. If <msg_id> is defined, <msg_sev> is not valid.
  • EM field label: Severity
  • Valid Values: 00, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90.


The <MSG_ACTN> element defines what the LSAM does when a message meets the defined criteria.

  • Requirements: Required for <msg_info>.
  • EM field label: Action
  • Valid Values: Reply, Event, Both


The <MSG_REPLY> element defines the response the LSAM sends as the reply when the Action is set to Reply or Both and when the message meets the search criteria.

  • Requirements: Required for <msg_info> if <MSG_ACTN> is 'Reply' or 'Both'.
  • EM field label: Reply
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 6


The <MSG_ENDJOB> element defines whether they want to end the OpCon job after the message meets the criteria or if they want to allow it to keep running.

  • Requirements: This field is optional for <msg_info>. Defaults to 'N' if an empty set of tags are defined.
  • EM field label: End Job
  • Valid Values: Yes, No


The <MSG_EVENTS> element defines the OpCon event to send to the SAM-SS when the message meets the search criteria.

  • Requirements: Required for <msg_info> if <MSG_ACTN> is 'Both'. - Valid Values: Available Values: Complete list of OpCon events and as in the Job Master > Events screen.
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 738

Spools Element Definitions


The parent element <spl_info> contains the child elements needed to define a single spool file definition for an IBM i job. Up to 99 <spl_info> elements can be defined for each IBM i job.

  • Requirements: Required to define a spool file definition for the job.
  • Valid Values: One of each of the following child elements: <spl_name>, <spl_user>, <spl_outq_name>, <spl_outq_lib>, <spl_copies>, <spl_hld>, <spl_save>


The <SPL_NAME> element defines the name of the file that contains the output from the job.

  • Requirements: This field is Required for <spl_info>.
  • EM field label: File Name
  • Valid Values: Available Values: *ALL
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 10


The <SPL_USER> element defines the user that creates the spool file.

  • Requirements: This field is Required for <spl_info> if <SPL_OUTQ_NAME> is blank. - EM field label: User
  • Valid Values: All values from the Batch User Privileges screen
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 10


The <SPL_OUTQ_NAME> element defines the queue where the spool files are stored.

  • Requirements: This field is Required for <spl_info> if <SPL_USER> is blank. - EM field label: OutQ Name
  • Valid Values: Available Values: *USRPRF
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 10


The <SPL_OUTQ_LIB> element defines the library that contains the Outq.

  • Requirements: This field is Required for <spl_info> if <SPL_OUTQ_NAME> is not blank.
  • EM field label: OutQ Library
  • Valid Values: Blank, but if user selects *USRPRF for Outq Name, set *USRPRF for Outq Library.
    • Available Values: *USRPRF and *LIBL
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 10


The <SPL_COPIES> element defines the number of spool file copies to create.

  • Requirements: Optional for <spl_info>.
  • EM field label: Total Copies
  • Valid Values: User must type their own value
    • Minimum Value: 1
    • Maximum Value: 255


The <SPL_HLD> element indicates whether to print the spool file.

  • Requirements: Optional for <spl_info>.
  • EM field label: Hold
  • Valid Values: * (accept default), Yes, No


The <SPL_SAVE> element indicates whether to save the spool file after it is printed.

  • Requirements: Optional for <spl_info>.
  • EM field label: Save
  • Valid Values: * (accept default), Yes, No

Variables Element Definitions


The parent element <ibmi_agent_var_info> contains the child elements needed to define a single variable definition for an IBM i job.

  • Requirements: Required to define a variables definition for the job.
  • Valid Values: One of each of the following child elements: <ibmi_agent_var>, <ibmi_agent_var_val>


The <ibmi_agent_var> element defines the name of the IBM i LSAM Dynamic Variable that stores the value.

  • Requirements: Required for <ibmi_agent_var_info>.
  • EM Field label: Variable Name
  • Valid Values: A - Z, 0 - 9, and special characters
    • Maximum Characters: 12


The <ibmi_agent_var_val> element defines the character string to use as the value to be stored in the IBM i LSAM Dynamic Variables table.

  • Requirements: Required for <ibmi_agent_var_info>.
  • EM field label: Value
  • Valid Values: User-defined value, or a Token
    • Maximum Characters: 128

Java Job Element Structure

The following sample code contains the structure for defining every possible element for Java Primary Job Data. For detailed information on each field for this job type, refer to Java Job Details in the Concepts online help.






























Job Information Element Definitions


The <java_uid> element defines the user that the Java class or executable will run as.

  • Requirements: This field is currently not in use.
  • EM field label: User ID
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 32


The <java_operation> element defines the type of operation that will be performed (i.e., execution of a Java class or a command line).

  • Requirements: This is a required field.
  • EM field label: Operation
  • Valid Values: CLASS, COMMAND, JAR


The <java_jar> element defines the jar file containing the class and method to be executed.

  • Requirements: This is a required field for operations "CLASS" and "JAR" and must end with a .jar extension.
  • EM field label: Jar File Name
  • Valid Values: Alpha and numeric characters, - (hyphen) and _ (underscore) characters, and period.
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 4000


The <java_class> element defines the name of the Java class to be executed.

  • Requirements: This is a required field if the operation is "CLASS".
  • EM field label: Class Name
  • Valid Values: Alpha and numeric characters, - (hyphen) and _ (underscore) characters, and period.
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 4000


The <java_method> element defines the name of the Java method to be executed.

  • Requirements: This is an optional field if the operation is "CLASS".
  • EM field label: Method Name
  • Valid Values: Alpha and numeric characters, - (hyphen) and _ (underscore) characters, and period. If a value is not specified, this will default to "main", which is the default execution method of a Java object.
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 4000


The <java_alt_jvm> element defines the path to an alternate JVM to be executed by the Java Agent.

  • Requirements: This is an optional field for operations "CLASS" and "JAR".
  • EM field label: Alternate JVM
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum characters: 1
    • Maximum characters: 4000
    • Valid characters: all


The <java_cmd_file> element defines the name of the command file to be executed.

  • Requirements: This is a required field for operations "COMMAND" and "JAR" and consists of the full file name where the command <java_cmd> value can be found.
  • EM field label: Directory Path
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 4000


The <java_exe> element defines the name of the executable or script to be run.

  • Requirements: This is a required field if the operation is "COMMAND" and must end with an .exe, a .cmd, a .bat, or a .sh extension.
  • EM field label: Executable
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 4000

Parameter Element Definitions


The <java_params> element defines the list of parameters to be passed to the method or executable. The parameters are defined as: name1=value1,name2=value2,name3=value3. The parameters are passed to the method or executable in the order in which they are defined. For the CLASS operation, the name(n) is used to identify the parameter type that the method expects. For the COMMAND operation, the name(n) is used to identify the parameter type or define an indicator that the command expects.

  • Requirements: This is an optional field.
  • EM field label: Parameters
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 4000
    • Valid Characters: Alpha and numeric characters, - (hyphen) and _ (underscore) characters, and period.
    • For the CLASS operation, valid values are: STRING, INTEGER, LONG, or BOOLEAN. The name(n) definition is not passed to the method, only the value.
    • For the COMMAND operation, valid values are: STRING, INTEGER, LONG, BOOLEAN, or an indicator, such as --p, etc. When the name(n) value is STRING, INTEGER, LONG, or BOOLEAN, the definition is not passed to the command.

JVM Arguments Element Definitions


The <java_jvm_args> element defines the list of JVM arguments that are set as part of the JVM call on the --java command line. The JVM arguments are defined as: name1=value1,name2=value2,name3=value3. The environment variables are passed in the order in which they are defined.

  • Requirements: This is an optional field.
  • EM field label: JVM Argument
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 4000
    • Valid Characters: Alpha and numeric characters, * (asterisk), / (slash), \ (backslash), % (percent), : (colon), - (hyphen) and _ (underscore) characters, and period.
    • For the CLASS operation, valid values are: STRING, INTEGER, LONG, or BOOLEAN. The name(n) definition is not passed to the method, only the value.

Environment Variables Element Definitions


The <java_env_vars> element defines the list of environment variables to be passed. The environment variables are defined as: name1=value1,name2=value2,name3=value3. The environment variables are passed in the order in which they are defined.

  • Requirements: This is an optional field.
  • EM field label: Environment Variable
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 4000
    • Valid Characters: Alpha and numeric characters, * (asterisk), / (slash), \ (backslash), % (percent), : (colon), - (hyphen) and _ (underscore) characters, and period.
    • For the CLASS operation, valid values are: STRING, INTEGER, LONG, or BOOLEAN. The name(n) definition is not passed to the method, only the value.
    • For the COMMAND operation, valid values are: STRING, INTEGER, LONG, BOOLEAN, or an indicator, such as --p, etc. When the name(n) value is STRING, INTEGER, LONG, or BOOLEAN, the definition is not passed to the command.

Return Code Element Definitions


The parent element <java_rtn_info> contains the child elements needed to define a single failure criterion for the job. SMADDI supports up to five <java_rtn_info> elements for each Java job.

  • Requirements: Optional for <jobdata>. Required to define failure criteria for the job. At least one <java_rtn_info> element must be provided.
  • Valid Values: One <java_rtn_oper> and one <java_rtn_val> child element


The return operators are a list of conditions to be met on the return codes and up to five can be defined per job definition. The Failure Criteria determines how OpCon reports the final status of the job. If any of the specified conditions are met, OpCon reports the job as Failed.

  • Requirements: Required field for <java_rtn_info>.
  • Valid Values: EQ, NE, LT, GT, GE, LE


The <java_rtn_val> element defines the value of the exit condition and up to five can be defined per job definition. The Failure Criteria determines how OpCon reports the final status of the job. If any of the specified conditions are met, OpCon reports the job as Failed.

  • Requirements: Required field for <java_rtn_info>.
  • Valid Values: -2147483648 through 2147483647

MCP Job Elements

The following sample code contains the structure for defining every possible element for MCP Primary Job Elements. For detailed information on each field for this job type, refer to MCP Job Details in the Concepts online help.






------Job Information Element Definitions------




------ START and RUN Definitions------









            <mcp_eot notice></mcp_eot_notice>

            <mcp_template display></mcp_template_display>






------ EAE/AB Suite Definitions------




------ CHANGE Definitions------




------ COPY Definitions------









------ REMOVE Definitions------



------ Prerun Information Element Definitions------



------ Prerun START and RUN Definitions------









            <mcp_pre_eot notice></mcp_pre_eot_notice>

            <mcp_pre_template display></mcp_pre_template_display>









------ Prerun EAE/AB Suite Definitions------




------ Prerun CHANGE Definitions------




------ Prerun COPY Definitions------









------ Prerun REMOVE Definitions------




------ Failure Criteria Definitions------







Job Information Element Definitions


The <user_code> element defines the MCP user to be impersonated when launching the job.

  • Requirements: Required for MCP <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: User Code
  • Valid Values: The user ID must not exceed 17 characters.


The <access_code> element defines the MCP Access Code that the job uses.

  • Requirements: Optional for MCP <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Access Code
  • Valid Values: A valid Access Code. The Access Code must not exceed 17 characters.


The <job_init> element defines the job initiation command to be used when launching the job.

  • Requirements: Required for MCP <jobdata>.
  • Valid Values: Valid values for this element are START, RUN, EAE/AB Suite, CHANGE, COPY, and REMOVE.

START and RUN Definitions


The <file_title> element defines the file title used for the job.

  • Requirements: Required for MCP <jobdata> when the value for the <job_init> element is START or RUN.
  • EM field label: File Title
  • Valid Values: The file title may not exceed 96 characters.


The <args> element defines the arguments to be used by the job.

  • Requirements: Optional for MCP <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Arguments
  • Valid Values: The arguments may not exceed 200 characters.


The parent element <mcp_task_attributes> contains the child elements needed to define one or more task attributes for a job.

  • Requirements: Optional for MCP <jobdata>.
  • Valid Values: Any valid <mcp_task_attributes> child element.


The <mcp_task_attribute> element defines a task attribute to be used by the job. Up to 10 <mcp_task_attribute> tags can be defined to specify multiple task attributes.

  • Requirements: Optional for MCP <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Task Attributes
  • Valid Values: A task attribute may not exceed 300 characters.


The parent element <mcp_file_attributes> contains the child elements needed to define one or more file attributes for a job.

  • Requirements: Optional for MCP <jobdata>.
  • Valid Values: Any valid <mcp_file_attributes> child element.


The <mcp_file_attribute> element defines a file attribute to be used by the job. Up to 10 <mcp_file_attribute> tags can be defined to specify multiple file attributes.

  • Requirements: Optional for MCP <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: File Attributes
  • Valid Values: A file attribute may not exceed 300 characters.


The <mcp_eot_notice> element defines whether to treat each end-of-task notification for this job as a display message.

  • Requirements: Optional for MCP <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: EOT Notice Message
  • Valid Values: Y or N.


The <mcp_template_display> element defines the template displays file associated with the OpCon job's messages.

  • Requirements: Optional for MCP <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Template Displays File
  • Valid Values: Any valid MCP template displays file.


The parent element <mcpjobsummary> contains the child elements needed to describe the job summary detail location for the primary job. Individual job summary information is only valid when the value for the <job_init> element is START.

  • Requirements: Optional for <jobdata>.
  • Valid Values: SMADDI allows only one <mcpjobsummary> element per <jobdata> element.


This element defines the user code under which the Job Summary information will exist.

  • Requirements: Required for MCP <mcpjobsummary>.
  • EM field label: Job Summary Usercode
  • Valid Values: The Usercode may not exceed 17 characters.


This element specifies the Family name to use when looking up the Job Summary information for the job when using JORS.

  • Requirements: Required for MCP <mcpjobsummary>.
  • EM field label: Job Summary Family
  • Valid Values: The Family name may not exceed 96 characters.


Specifies the Directory or Filename to use when looking up the Job Summary information for the job when using JORS.

  • Requirements: Required for MCP <mcpjobsummary>.
  • EM field label: Job Summary Directory or Filename
  • Valid Values: The Directory or Filename may not exceed 200 characters.

EAE/AB Suite Definitions

<eae_report_name></eae_report _name>

Specifies the name of the EAE/AB Suite report to execute.

  • Requirements: Required for MCP <jobdata> when<job_init> is EAE/AB Suite.
  • EM field label: Report Name
  • Valid Values: The Report Name may not exceed 256 characters.


Specifies the filename that the LSAM will create with the arguments in the Parameters field for the EAE/AB Suite command.

  • Requirements: Required for MCP <jobdata> when<job_init> is EAE/AB Suite.
  • EM field label: AcceptFile
  • Valid Values: The AcceptFile may not exceed 256 characters.


Specifies all the parameters to run the EAE/AB Suite report.

  • Requirements: Required for MCP <jobdata> when<job_init> isEAE/AB Suite.
  • EM field label: Parameters
  • Valid Values: The Parameters may not exceed 256 characters.

CHANGE Definitions


Specifies the filename or the directory that will be changed (e.g., *SMA/COMM or *SMA/=).

  • Requirements: Required for MCP <jobdata> when the value for the <job_init> element is CHANGE.
  • EM field label: Source File or Directory
  • Valid Values: The Source file or Directory may not exceed 256 characters.


Specifies the new filename or directory name (e.g., *SMA/NEWCOMM or *SMANEW/=).

  • Requirements: Required for MCP <jobdata> when the value for the <job_init> element is CHANGE.
  • EM field label: New File or Directory
  • Valid Values: The New Source File or Directory may not exceed 256 characters.


Specifies the place where the source file is. It can be a Family Disk name or a tape name.

  • Requirements: Required for MCP <jobdata> when the value for the <job_init> element is CHANGE.
  • EM field label: From
  • Valid Values: The From value may not exceed 96 characters.

COPY Definitions


Specifies the filename or the directory that will be copied (e.g., *SMA/COMM or *SMA/=).

  • Requirements: Required for MCP <jobdata> when the value for the <job_init> element is COPY.
  • EM field label: Source File or Directory
  • Valid Values: The Source file or Directory may not exceed 256 characters.


Specifies the place where the source file is. It can be a Family Disk name or a tape name.

  • Requirements: Required for MCP <jobdata> when the value for the <job_init> element is COPY.
  • EM field label: From
  • Valid Values: The From value may not exceed 96 characters.


Specifies the kind of the device for the source file.

  • Requirements: Required for MCP <jobdata> when the value for the <job_init> element is COPY.
  • EM field label: Kind
  • Valid Values: PACK or TAPE


Specifies the new filename or directory name for the copied file (e.g., *SMA/NEWCOMM or *SMANEW/=).

  • Requirements: Required for MCP <jobdata> when the value for the <job_init> element is COPY.
  • EM field label: Destination File or Directory
  • Valid Values: The Destination Source File or Directory may not exceed 256 characters.


Specifies the place where the destination file will be placed. It can be a Family Disk name or a tape name.

  • Requirements: Required for MCP <jobdata> when the value for the <job_init> element is COPY.
  • EM field label: To
  • Valid Values: The To value may not exceed 96 characters.


Specifies the kind of the device for the destination file.

  • Requirements: Required for MCP <jobdata> when the value for the <job_init> element is COPY.
  • EM field label: Kind
  • Valid Values: PACK or TAPE


Specifies the Unisys MCP hostname to where the file will be copied. If blank, the application assumes that this is not a BNA Transfer copy.

  • Requirements: Required for MCP <jobdata> when the value for the <job_init> element is COPY.
  • EM field label: Hostname (if BNA Transfer)
  • Valid Values: The Hostname may not exceed 256 characters.


Specifies if the "COPY & COMPARE" feature is to be used to copy the file.

  • Requirements: Optional for MCP <jobdata> when the value for the <job_init> element is COPY.
  • EM field label: Copy & Compare
  • Valid Values: Y or N

REMOVE Definitions


Specifies the filename or the directory that will be removed (e.g., *SMA/COMM or *SMA/=).

  • Requirements: Required for MCP <jobdata> when the value for the <job_init> element is REMOVE.
  • EM field label: Source File or Directory
  • Valid Values: The Source File or Directory may not exceed 256 characters.


Specifies the place where the source file is. It can be a Family Disk name or a tape name.

  • Requirements: Required for MCP <jobdata> when the value for the <job_init> element is REMOVE.
  • EM field label: From
  • Valid Values: The From value may not exceed 96 characters.

Prerun Information Element Definitions


The parent element <mcpprerun> contains the child elements needed to describe a prerun job for the primary job.

  • Requirements: Optional for MCP Prerun <jobdata>.
  • Valid Values: SMADDI allows only one <mcpprerun> element per <jobdata> element.


The <pre_job_int> element defines the job initiation command to be used when launching the prerun job.

  • Requirements: Required for <mcpprerun>.
  • Valid Values: Valid values for this element are START and RUN.

Prerun START and RUN Definitions


The <pre_file_title> element defines the file title used for the prerun job.

  • Requirements: Required for <mcpprerun>.
  • EM field label: File Title
  • Valid Values: The file title must not exceed 96 characters.


The <pre_job_int> element defines the job initiation command to be used when launching the prerun job.

  • Requirements: Required for <mcpprerun>.
  • EM field label: Arguments
  • Valid Values: The file title must not exceed 92 characters.


The parent element <mcp_pre_task_attributes> contains the child elements needed to define one or more task attributes for a prerun job.

  • Requirements: Optional for MCP <jobdata>.
  • Valid Values: Any valid <mcp_pre_task_attributes> child element.


The <mcp_pre_task_attribute> element defines a task attribute to be used by the job. Up to 10 <mcp_pre_task_attribute> tags can be defined to specify multiple task attributes.

  • Requirements: Optional for MCP <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Task Attributes
  • Valid Values: A task attribute may not exceed 300 characters.


The parent element <mcp_pre_file_attributes> contains the child elements needed to define one or more file attributes for a prerun job.

  • Requirements: Optional for MCP <jobdata>.
  • Valid Values: Any valid <mcp_pre_file_attributes> child element.


The <mcp_pre_file_attribute> element defines a file attribute to be used by the prerun job. Up to 10 <mcp_pre_file_attribute> tags can be defined to specify multiple file attributes.

  • Requirements: Optional for MCP <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: File Attributes
  • Valid Values: A file attribute may not exceed 300 characters.


The <mcp_pre_eot_notice> element defines whether to treat each end-of-task notification for this prerun job as a display message.

  • Requirements: Optional for MCP <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: EOT Notice Message
  • Valid Values: Y or N.


The <mcp_pre_template_display> element defines the template displays file associated with the OpCon job's messages.

  • Requirements: Optional for MCP <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Template Displays File
  • Valid Values: Any valid MCP template displays file.


The parent element <mcppre_jobsummary> contains the child elements needed to describe the job summary detail location for the prerun job. Individual job summary information is only valid when the value for the <pre_job_init> element is START.

  • Requirements: Optional for <jobdata>.
  • Valid Values: SMADDI allows only one <mcppre_jobsummary> element per <mcpprerun> element.


This element defines the user code under which the Job Summary information will exist for the prerun.

  • Requirements: Required if the <mcp_pre_job_summary_family> and/or <mcp_pre_job_summary_dir_file> elements exist.
  • EM field label: Job Summary Usercode
  • Valid Values: The Usercode may not exceed 17 characters.


This element specifies the Family name to use when looking up the Job Summary information for the prerun when using JORS.

  • Requirements: Required if the <mcp_pre_job_summary_usercode> and/or <mcp_pre_job_summary_dir_file> elements exist.
  • EM field label: Job Summary Family
  • Valid Values: The Family name may not exceed 96 characters.


Specifies the Directory or Filename to use when looking up the Job Summary information for the prerun when using JORS.

  • Requirements: Required if the <mcp_pre_job_summary_usercode> and/or <mcp_pre_job_summary_family> elements exist.
  • EM field label: Job Summary Directory or Filename
  • Valid Values: The Directory or Filename may not exceed 200 characters.

Prerun EAE/AB Suite Definitions

<pre_eae_report_name></pre_eae_report _name>

Specifies the name of the EAE/AB Suite report to execute.

  • Requirements: Required for MCP <mcpprerun> when <pre_job_init> is EAE/AB Suite.
  • EM field label: Report Name
  • Valid Values: The Report Name may not exceed 256 characters.


Specifies the filename that the LSAM will create with the arguments in the <pre_eae_parameters> element.

  • Requirements: Required for MCP <mcpperun> when <pre_job_init> is EAE/AB Suite.
  • EM field label: AcceptFile
  • Valid Values: The AcceptFile may not exceed 256 characters.


Specifies all the parameters to run the EAE/AB Suite report.

  • Requirements: Required for MCP <mcpprerun> when <pre_job_init> is EAE/AB Suite.
  • EM field label: Parameters
  • Valid Values: The Parameters may not exceed 256 characters.

Prerun CHANGE Definitions


Specifies the filename or the directory that will be changed (e.g., *SMA/COMM or *SMA/=).

  • Requirements: Required for MCP <mcpprerun> when the value for the <pre_job_init> element is CHANGE.
  • EM field label: Source File or Directory
  • Valid Values: The Source file or Directory may not exceed 256 characters.


Specifies the new filename or directory name (e.g., *SMA/NEWCOMM or *SMANEW/=).

  • Requirements: Required for MCP <mcpprerun> when the value for the <pre_job_init> element is CHANGE.
  • EM field label: New File or Directory
  • Valid Values: The New File or Directory may not exceed 256 characters.


Specifies the place where the source file is. It can be a Family Disk name or a tape name.

  • Requirements: Required for MCP <mcpprerun> when the value for the <pre_job_init> element is CHANGE.
  • EM field label: From
  • Valid Values: The From value may not exceed 96 characters.

Prerun COPY Definitions


Specifies the filename or the directory that will be copied (e.g., *SMA/COMM or *SMA/=).

  • Requirements: Required for MCP <mcpprerun> when the value for the <pre_job_init> element is COPY.
  • EM field label: Source File or Directory
  • Valid Values: The Source file or Directory may not exceed 256 characters.


Specifies the place where the source file is. It can be a Family Disk name or a tape name.

  • Requirements: Required for MCP <mcpprerun> when the value for the <pre_job_init> element is COPY.
  • EM field label: From
  • Valid Values: The From value may not exceed 96 characters.


Specifies the kind of the device for the source file.

  • Requirements: Required for MCP <mcpprerun> when the value for the <pre_job_init> element is COPY.
  • EM field label: Kind
  • Valid Values: PACK or TAPE


Specifies the new filename or directory name for the copied file (e.g., *SMA/NEWCOMM or *SMANEW/=).

  • Requirements: Required for MCP <mcpprerun> when the value for the <pre_job_init> element is COPY.
  • EM field label: Destination File or Directory
  • Valid Values: The Destination Source File or Directory may not exceed 256 characters.


Specifies the place where the destination file will be placed. It can be a Family Disk name or a tape name.

  • Requirements: Required for MCP <mcpprerun> when the value for the <pre_job_init> element is COPY.
  • EM field label: To
  • Valid Values: The To value may not exceed 96 characters.


Specifies the kind of the device for the destination file.

  • Requirements: Required for MCP <mcpprerun> when the value for the <pre_job_init> element is COPY.
  • EM field label: Kind
  • Valid Values: PACK or TAPE


Specifies the Unisys MCP hostname to where the file will be copied. If blank, the application assumes that this is not a BNA Transfer copy.

  • Requirements: Required for MCP <mcpprerun> when the value for the <pre_job_init> element is COPY.
  • EM field label: Hostname (if BNA Transfer)
  • Valid Values: The Hostname may not exceed 256 characters.


Specifies if the "COPY & COMPARE" feature is to be used to copy the file.

  • Requirements: Optional for MCP <mcpprerun> when the value for the <pre_job_init> element is COPY.
  • EM field label: Copy & Compare
  • Valid Values: Y or N

Prerun REMOVE Definitions


Specifies the filename or the directory that will be removed (e.g., *SMA/COMM or *SMA/=).

  • Requirements: Required for MCP <mcpprerun> when the value for the <pre_job_init> element is REMOVE.
  • EM field label: Source File or Directory
  • Valid Values: The Source file or Directory may not exceed 256 characters.


Specifies the place where the source file is. It can be a Family Disk name or a tape name.

  • Requirements: Required for MCP <mcpprerun> when the value for the <pre_job_init> element is CHANGE.
  • EM field label: From
  • Valid Values: The From value may not exceed 96 characters.

Failure Criteria Definitions


The <fail_code> element defines the fail code for the job and up to 3 occurrences of this element can be defined per job definition.

  • Requirements: Optional for MCP <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Fail Codes
  • Valid Values: The fail code may not exceed 40 characters.


The <fail_reset> element defines the fail reset for the job and up to 2 occurrences of this element can be defined per job definition.

  • Requirements: Optional for MCP <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Fail Reset
  • Valid Values: The fail code may not exceed 40 characters.

OS 2200 Job Elements

The following sample code contains the structure for defining every possible element for OS 2200 Primary Job Elements. For detailed information on each field for this job type, refer to OS 2200 Job Details in the Concepts online help .






------Job Information Element Definitions------














------Completion Status Element Definitions------









------Prerun Job Element Definitions------
























The <fileinfo> and <uprerun> elements are mutually exclusive.


------File Dependency Element Definitions------















Job Information Element Definitions


The <qlfr> element defines the Qualifier for the file containing the job's ECL.

  • Requirements: Required for OS2200 <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Qualifier
  • Valid Values: Valid data characters for this element are alphanumeric characters, the dollar sign ($), the pound sign (#), and the dash (--). The Qualifier must not exceed 12 characters.

If including a pound sign (#) with the qualifier, it must be the first character.


The <flname> element defines the File Name containing the job's ECL.

  • Requirements: Required for OS2200 <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: File Name
  • Valid Values: Valid data characters for this element are alphanumeric characters, the dollar sign ($), dash (--), and forward slash (/). The File Name must not exceed 20 characters including read and write keys. The actual file name excluding read and write keys must not exceed 12 characters.



The <eltname> element defines the element and version name for the file element containing the job's ECL.

  • Requirements: Optional for OS2200 <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Element Name
  • Valid Values: Valid data characters are for this element are alphanumeric characters, the dollar sign ($), and the dash (--). The element and version name must not exceed 12 characters each. The element and version must be separated by a forward slash (/).



The <jprty> element defines the Priority used on the job's run card.

  • Requirements: Optional for OS2200 <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Priority
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is an alphabetical character.


The <runopt> element defines the options used on the job's run card.

  • Requirements: Optional for OS2200 <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Options
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element are alphabetical characters B, D, N, O, P, R, S, T, W, X, Y recognized by OS 2200 as Options for the \@RUN and \@START ECL statements. The Options must not exceed 12 characters. If omitted, SMADDI does not define the Options.


The <cword> element defines the Condition Word value used on the job's run card.

  • Requirements: Optional for OS2200 <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Condition Word (Octal)
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is a four-digit positive octal number.


The <runid> element defines the Run ID used on the job's run card.

  • Requirements: Optional for OS2200 <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Run ID
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element are alphanumeric characters. The Run ID must not exceed six characters.


The <acct> element defines the Account used on the job's run card.

  • Requirements: Optional for OS2200 <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Account
  • Valid Values: Valid data characters for this element are alphanumeric characters, the period (.), and the dash (--). The Account must not exceed 12 characters.


The <proj> element defines the Project ID used on the job's run card.

  • Requirements: Optional for OS2200 <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Project
  • Valid Values: Valid data characters for this element are alphanumeric characters, the dollar sign ($), and the dash (--). The Project ID must not exceed 12 characters.


The <userid> element defines the User ID used on the job's run card.

  • Requirements: Optional for OS2200 <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: User ID
  • Valid Values: Valid data characters for this element are alphanumeric characters, the period (.), and the dash (--). The User ID must not exceed 12 characters.


The <maxpg> element defines the Max Pages value used on the job's run card.

  • Requirements: Optional for OS2200 <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Max Pages
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is an integer ranging from 0 to 9999.


The <maxcrd> element defines the Max Cards value used on the job's run card.

  • Requirements: Optional for OS2200 <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Max Cards
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is an integer ranging from 0 to 9999.

Completion Status Element Definitions


The <defstat> element defines the job's default Completion Status.

  • Requirements: Optional for OS2200 <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Anything Else
  • Valid Values: Valid data options for this element are GOOD FIN or BAD FIN.


The parent element <cstat> contains the child elements needed to describe a Completion Status for the job.

  • Requirements: Required for OS2200 <jobdata>.
  • Valid Values: Any valid child elements. SMADDI limits the number of <cstat> elements for each <jobdata> element to four.


The <opr> element defines the logical operator used to compare a job's Completion Statuses.

  • Requirements: Optional for OS2200 <cstat>.
  • EM field label: And/Or
  • Valid Values: Valid data options for this element are AND and OR.


The <wdpt> element defines the part of the condition word to be tested for a specified value to determine completion status.

  • Requirements: Optional for OS2200 <cstat>.
  • EM field label: Word Part
  • Valid Values: Valid data options for this element are S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, T1, T2, and T3.


The <cond> element defines the operator for testing the value of the <wdpt>.

  • Requirements: Optional for OS2200 <cstat>.
  • EM field label: Condition
  • Valid Values: Valid data options for this element are EQ, NE, LT, GT, GE, LE, L AND, and Range.


The <cwvalue> element defines the value to compare with the value of the <wdpt>.

  • Requirements: Optional for OS2200 <cstat>.
  • EM field label: Value
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is an integer ranging from 0 to 9999.


The <evalue> element defines the End Value to compare with the value of the <wdpt> when the <cond> is Range.

  • Requirements: Optional for OS2200 <cstat>.
  • EM field label: End Value
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is an integer ranging from 0 to 9999.


The <cstatus> element defines the job's Completion Status when the specified conditions are met.

  • Requirements: Optional for OS2200 <cstat>.
  • EM field label: Fin Status
  • Valid Values: Valid data options for this element are GOOD FIN and BAD FIN.

Prerun Job Element Definitions


The parent element <uprerun> contains the child elements needed to describe a prerun job for the primary job.

  • Requirements: Optional for OS2200 Prerun <jobdata>.
  • Valid Values: Any valid child element. SMADDI allows only one <uprerun> element per <jobdata> element.

The <uprerun> and <fileinfo> elements are mutually exclusive.


The <prqlfr> element defines the Qualifier for the file containing the prerun job's ECL.

  • Requirements: Required for OS2200 Prerun <uprerun>
  • EM field label: Qualifier
  • Valid Values: Valid data characters for this element are alphanumeric characters, the dollar sign ($), the pound sign (#), and the dash (--). The Qualifier must not exceed 12 characters.

If including a pound sign (#) with the qualifier, it must be the first character.


The value for <skdwkdays> specifies the number of workdays per week for the schedule.

  • Requirements: Required for OS2200 Prerun <uprerun>.
  • EM field label: File Name
  • Valid Values: Valid data characters for this element are alphanumeric characters, the dollar sign ($), dash (--), and forward slash (/). The File Name must not exceed 20 characters including read and write keys. The actual file name excluding read and write keys must not exceed 12 characters.



The <preltname> element defines the element and version name for the file element containing the prerun job's ECL.

  • Requirements: Optional for OS2200 Prerun <uprerun>.
  • EM field label: Element Name
  • Valid Values: Valid data characters are for this element are alphanumeric characters, the dollar sign ($), and the dash (--). The element and version name must not exceed 12 characters each. The element and version must be separated by a forward slash (/).



The <prjprty> element defines the Priority used on the prerun job's run card.

  • Requirements: Optional for OS2200 Prerun <uprerun>.
  • EM field label: Priority
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is an alphabetical character.


The <prrunopt> element defines the Options used on the prerun job's run card.

  • Requirements: Optional for OS2200 Prerun <uprerun>.
  • EM field label: Options
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element are alphabetical characters recognized by OS 2200 as Options for the \@RUN and \@START ECL statements. The Options must not exceed 12 characters.


The <prcword> element defines the Condition Word value used on the prerun job's run card.

  • Requirements: Optional for OS2200 Prerun <uprerun>.
  • EM field label: Condition Word (Octal)
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is a four-digit positive octal number.


The <prrunid> element defines the Run ID used on the prerun job's run card.

  • Requirements: Optional for OS2200 Prerun <uprerun>.
  • EM field label: Run ID
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element are alphanumeric characters. The Run ID must not exceed six characters.


The <pracct> element defines the Account used on the prerun job's run card.

  • Requirements: Optional for OS2200 Prerun <uprerun>.
  • EM field label: Account
  • Valid Values: Valid data characters for this element are alphanumeric characters, the period (.), and the dash (--). The Account must not exceed 12 characters.


The <prproj> element defines the Project ID used on the prerun job's run card.

  • Requirements: Optional for OS2200 Prerun <uprerun>.
  • EM field label: Project
  • Valid Values: Valid data characters for this element are alphanumeric characters, the dollar sign ($), and the dash (--). The Project ID must not exceed 12 characters.


The <pruserid> element defines the User ID used on the prerun job's run card.

  • Requirements: Optional for OS2200 Prerun <uprerun>.
  • EM field label: User ID
  • Valid Values: Valid data characters for this element are alphanumeric characters, the period (.), and the dash (--). The User ID must not exceed 12 characters.


The <prmaxpg> element defines the Max Pages value used on the prerun job's run card.

  • Requirements: Optional for OS2200 Prerun <uprerun>.
  • EM field label: Max Pages
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is an integer ranging from 0 to 9999.


The <prmaxcrd> element defines the Max Cards value used on the prerun job's run card.

  • Requirements: Optional for OS2200 Prerun <uprerun>.
  • EM field label: Max Cards
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is an integer ranging from 0 to 9999.


The <prdefstat> element defines the prerun job's default Completion Status.

  • Requirements: Optional for OS2200 Prerun <uprerun>.
  • EM field label: Anything Else
  • Valid Values: Valid data options for this element are GOOD FIN or BAD FIN.


The parent element <prcstat> contains the child elements needed to describe a Completion Status for the prerun job.

  • Requirements: Required for OS2200 Prerun <uprerun>.
  • Valid Values: Any valid child element. SMADDI limits the number of <prcstat> elements for each <uprerun> element to four.


The <propr> element defines the logical operator used to compare a prerun job's Completion Statuses.

  • Requirements: Optional for <prcstat>.
  • EM field label: And/Or
  • Valid Values: Valid data options for this element are AND and OR.


The <prwdpt> element defines the part of the condition word to be tested for a specified value to determine completion status.

  • Requirements: Optional for <prcstat>.
  • EM field label: Word Part
  • Valid Values: Valid data options for this element are S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, T1, T2, and T3.


The <prcond> element defines the operator for testing the value of the <wdpt>.

  • Requirements: Optional for <prcstat>.
  • EM field label: Condition
  • Valid Values: Valid data options for this element are EQ, NE, LT, GT, GE, LE, L AND, and Range.


The <prevalue> element defines the End Value to compare with the value of the <wdpt> when the <cond> is Range.

  • Requirements: Optional for <prcstat>.
  • EM field label: End Value
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is an integer ranging from 0 to 9999.


The <prcstatus> element defines the prerun job's Completion Status when the specified conditions are met.

  • Requirements: Optional for <prcstat>.
  • EM field label: Fin Status
  • Valid Values: Valid data options for this element are GOOD FIN and BAD FIN.


The <prcwvalue> element defines the value to compare with the value of the <wdpt>.

  • Requirements: Optional for <prcstat>.
  • EM field label: Value
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is an octal number ranging from 0 to 7777.

File Dependency Element Definitions


The parent element <fileinfo> contains the child elements needed to describe a file dependency.

  • Requirements: Optional for OS2200 File Dependencies <jobdata>.
  • Valid Values: Any valid child element. SMADDI limits the number of <fileinfo> elements for each <jobdata> element to eight.


The <fdqlfr> element defines the Qualifier for the parent <fileinfo>.

  • Requirements: Required for <fileinfo>.
  • EM field label: Qualifier
  • Valid Values: Valid data characters for this element are alphanumeric characters, the dollar sign ($), pound sign (#), and dash (--). The qualifier must not exceed 12 characters.

The pound sign (#) must be used in the first character in order to qualify.


The <fdfname> element defines the File Name for the parent <fileinfo>.

  • Requirements: Required for <fileinfo>.
  • EM field label: Filename
  • Valid Values: Valid data options for this element are alphanumeric characters, the dollar sign ($), and the dash (--). The File Name must not exceed 12 characters.


The <deptype> element defines the dependency type for the parent <fileinfo>.

  • Requirements: Required for <fileinfo>.
  • EM field label: Type
  • Valid Values: Valid data options for this element are Exists, Created, Deleted, Size, Referenced, Assigned, BackedUp, and Unloaded.


The <fsize> element defines the Size of the file used with the <deptype> of Size.

  • Requirements: Optional for <fileinfo>.
  • EM field label: Size
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is an integer ranging from 0 to 999.

Token Equation Element Definitions


The parent element <tknsub> contains the child elements needed to describe a Token Replacement.

  • Requirements: Optional for OS2200 Token Equations <jobdata>.
  • Valid Values: Any valid child element. SMADDI does not limit the number of <tknsub> elements for each <jobdata> element.


The <lsamtkn> element defines the LSAM Token name as it appears in the ECL on the OS 2200 platform.

  • Requirements: Required for <tknsub>.
  • Valid Values: Valid token name as it appears in the ECL on the OS2200 platform.


The <opcontkn> element defines the OpCon Token Name used in the Token Replacement.

  • Requirements: Required for <tknsub>.
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is an existing token in the OpCon database.

Do not include the surrounding double brackets ([[ ]]) when listing the OpCon Token Name.

SAP R/3 and CRM Job Element Structure

The following sample code contains the structure for defining every possible element for SAP R/3 and CRM Job Data:














Job Information Element Definitions


The <sap_jobname> element defines the name of the job as it is known in the SAP R/3 environment.

  • Requirements: This is an Optional field.
  • EM field label: Job Name

If you are defining a job for Tracking, you do not have to define the <sap_jobname>. In this case, the OpCon Job Name is required.


The <sap_jobnumber> element defines the unique number assigned to the SAP R/3 job in the SAP R/3 environment.

  • Requirements: This is an Optional field.
  • EM field label: Job Number


The <sap_exec_target> element defines the target SAP R/3 execution environment.

  • Requirements: This is an Optional field.
  • EM field label: Exec. Target


The <sap_start_immediately> element indicates if the SAP R/3 job should start immediately when submitted to the target execution environment, or if it should start as soon as possible.

  • Requirements: This is a Optional field.
  • EM field label: Start SAP Job
  • Valid Values: True, False

SAP BW Job Element Structure

The following sample code contains the structure for defining every possible element for SAP BW Job Data:











Job Information Element Definitions


The <sap_proc_chn_name> element defines the SAP BW Process Chain Name as it is known in the SAP BW environment.

  • Requirements: This is a Required field.
  • EM field label: Process Chain Name

SQL Job Element Structure

The following sample code contains the structure for defining every possible element for SQL Job Data. For detailed information on each field for this job type, refer to SQL Job Details in the Concepts online help.


------Job Information Element Definitions ------


------MS SQL DTExec Element Definitions ------







------MS SQL Job Element Definitions ------











------MS SQL Script Element Definitions ------
















------MySQL Element Definitions ------












------Oracle Element Definitions ------









------Other DB Element Definitions ------
















Job Information Element Definitions


The <sql_job_action> element defines the run process the job uses.

  • Requirements: This is a Required field.
  • EM field label: Job Action
  • Valid Values: Valid values are MS SQL DTExec, MS SQL Job, MS SQL Script, MySQL, Oracle, and Other DB.

MS SQL DTExec Element Definitions


The <sql_instance> element defines the server name from which to retrieve the package.

  • Requirements: This is a Required field if <sql_dtexec_connect> is set to SQL.
  • EM field label: Server Name
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 255
    • Valid Characters: All except ~ (tilde), `(grave accent), and \^ (caret).


The <sql_user> element defines the user ID name that will allow the retrieval of a package that is protected by SQL server authentication.

  • Requirements: This is a Required field if <sql_dtexec_connect> is set to SQL.
  • EM field label: User Id
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 61
    • Valid Characters: All except ~ (tilde), `(grave accent), and \^ (caret).


The <sql_dtexec_connect> element defines which type of DTExec connection will be used for the job.

  • Requirements: This is a Required field.
  • EM field label: MS SQL DTExec Connection
  • Valid Values: Valid values are SQL and FILE.


The <sql_dtexec_config> element defines the configuration file to extract values from.

  • Requirements: This is an Optional field.
  • EM field label: Config File Name
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 255
    • Valid Characters: All except ~ (tilde), `(grave accent), and \^ (caret).


The <sql_script_path> element defines the package that is stored in SQL server. The package_path argument specifies the name of the package to retrieve. If folders are included in the path, they are terminated with backslashes (\).

  • Requirements: This is a Required field.
  • EM field label: Package File Path
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 255
    • Valid Characters: All except ~ (tilde), `(grave accent), and \^ (caret).


The <sql_other_options> element defines any additional command line switches supported by the DTExec command line utility.

  • Requirements: This is an Optional field.
  • EM field label: Other Options
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 255
    • Valid Characters: All except ~ (tilde), `(grave accent), and \^ (caret).

MS SQL Job Element Definitions


The <sql_instance> element defines the name or IP address of the SQL server machine with an optional instance name (e.g., SQLTEST, SQLTEST\SQLEXPRESS).

  • Requirements: This is a Required field.
  • EM field label: Server Name\Instance
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 255
    • Valid Characters: All except ~ (tilde), `(grave accent), and \^ (caret).


The <sql_wuid> element defines the Windows Authentication user name.

  • Requirements: This is a Required field when <sql_winauth> is True.
  • EM field label: User Id
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 61
    • Valid Characters: All except ~ (tilde), `(grave accent), and \^ (caret).


The <sql_user> element corresponds to the SQL user name.

  • Requirements: This is a Required field when <sql_winauth> is False.
  • EM field label: User Id
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 61
    • Valid Characters: All except ~ (tilde), `(grave accent), and \^ (caret).


The <sql_winauth> element defines whether to use Windows Authentication for the job.

  • Requirements: This is an Optional field.
  • EM field label: Windows Authentication
  • Valid Values: Valid values are True or False.


The <sql_connect_encrypt> element defines whether to use an encrypted connection to the database. Use of SSL to encrypt the connection must be pre-configured on the SQL server connection manager to use this option.

  • Requirements: This is an Optional field.
  • EM field label: Encrypt
  • Valid Values: Valid values are True or False.


The <sql_connect_retry_attempts> element defines the number of connection retry attempts to be made if connection to MS SQL server fails initially.

  • Requirements: This is an Optional field.
  • EM field label: Retry Attempts
  • Valid Values: Valid values are any number from 0-100.


The <sql_jobname> element defines the name of the job defined in the SQL Server Agent.

  • Requirements: This is a Required field.
  • EM field label: Job Name
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 255
    • Valid Characters: All except ~ (tilde), `(grave accent), and \^ (caret).


The <sql_monitor_only> element defines that the job should not be started by OpCon, and once the job is started outside of OpCon, its status will only be monitored.

  • Requirements: This is an Optional field.
  • EM field label: Monitor Only
  • Valid Values: Valid values are True or False.


The <sql_monitor_endtime> element defines the time end time for monitoring a SQL Agent job. It is indicated as an hour offset from schedule date midnight (e.g., 17.5 means 5:30 PM on schedule date). This is useful when monitoring SQL server replication jobs that run continuously, but the monitoring activity is scheduled daily in new OpCon schedules.

  • Requirements: This is an Optional field.
  • EM field label: Monitoring End Time
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 255
    • Valid Characters: Valid values are any number from 0-2399 in Microsoft-formatted date time (e.g., 25.5 represents 1 day at 1:30 AM).


The <sql_other_options> element defines an override password using -$ switch.

  • Requirements: This is an Optional field.
  • EM field label: Other Options
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 255
    • Valid Characters: All except ~ (tilde), `(grave accent), and \^ (caret).

MS SQL Script Element Definitions


The <sql_instance> element defines the name or IP address of the SQL server machine with an optional instance name (e.g., SQLTEST, SQLTEST\SQLEXPRESS ).

  • Requirements: This is a Required field.
  • EM field label: Server Name\Instance
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 255
    • Valid Characters: All except ~ (tilde), `(grave accent), and \^ (caret).


The <sql_db_name> element defines the SQL database name.

  • Requirements: This is a Required field.
  • EM field label: Database Name
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 255
    • Valid Characters: All except ~ (tilde), `(grave accent), and \^ (caret).


The <sql_wuid> element corresponds to the SQL user name.

  • Requirements: This is a Required field when <sql_winauth> is False.
  • EM field label: User Id
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 61
    • Valid Characters: All except ~ (tilde), `(grave accent), and \^ (caret).


The <sql_wuid> element defines the Windows Authentication user name.

  • Requirements: This is a Required field when <sql_winauth> is True.
  • EM field label: User Id
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 61
    • Valid Characters: All except ~ (tilde), `(grave accent), and \^ (caret).


The <sql_winauth> element defines whether to use Windows Authentication for the job.

  • Requirements: This is an Optional field.
  • EM field label: Windows Authentication
  • Valid Values: Valid values are True or False.


The <sql_connect_encrypt> element defines whether to use an encrypted connection to the database. Use of SSL to encrypt the connection must be pre-configured on the SQL server connection manager to use this option.

  • Requirements: This is an Optional field.
  • EM field label: Encrypt
  • Valid Values: Valid values are True or False.


The <sql_script_statements> element defines the SQL query to be executed against the selected SQL server/database. Multiple semicolon-delimited queries can be executed.

  • Requirements: This is a Required field if <sql_script_path> is not present.
  • EM field label: Statement(s)
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 4000
    • Valid Characters: All except ~ (tilde), `(grave accent), and \^ (caret).


The <sql_script_path> element defines the path to the SQL script file to be executed against the selected SQL server/database. Only local file paths are allowed.

  • Requirements: This is a Required field if <sql_script_statements> is not present.
  • EM field label: Script File Path
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 255
    • Valid Characters: All except ~ (tilde), `(grave accent), and \^ (caret).


The <sql_env_varinfo> element contains the child elements needed to define a single environment variable for the job.

  • Requirements: Optional for <jobdata>.
  • Valid Values: One <sql_env_varname> and one <sql_env_varvalue> child element.


The <sql_env_varname> element defines the name of the variable to be used in the script. Environment variables provide the ability to send dynamic values to the script at runtime.

  • Requirements: This is a Required field required if <sql_env_varvalue> is present.
  • EM field label: Name
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 4000
    • Valid Characters: All except ~ (tilde), `(grave accent), and \^ (caret).


The <sql_env_varvalue> element defines the value to be used in the script.

  • Requirements: This is a Required field required if <sql_env_varname> is present.
  • EM field label: Value
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 4000
    • Valid Characters: All except ~ (tilde), `(grave accent), and \^ (caret).


The <sql_script_use_exit> element defines whether to use the exit code that results from the script result.

  • Requirements: This is an Optional field.
  • EM field label: Use Exit Code From Script Result
  • Valid Values: Valid values are True or False.


The <sql_redirect_path> element defines the path to the file where the results of the query should be redirected. Only local file paths are allowed.

  • Requirements: This is an Optional field.
  • EM field label: File Path
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 255
    • Valid Characters: All except ~ (tilde), `(grave accent), and \^ (caret).


The <sql_other_options> element defines any additional command line switches supported by the SQLCMD tool.

  • Requirements: This is an Optional field.
  • EM field label: Other Options
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 255
    • Valid Characters: All except ~ (tilde), `(grave accent), and \^ (caret).

MySQL Element Definitions


The <sql_instance> element defines the name or IP address of the MySQL server machine (e.g., MYSQLTEST).

  • Requirements: This is a Required field.
  • EM field label: Server Name
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 255
    • Valid Characters: All except ~ (tilde), `(grave accent), and \^ (caret).


The _db_name> element defines the SQL database name.

  • Requirements: This is a Required field.
  • EM field label: Database Name
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 255
    • Valid Characters: All except ~ (tilde), `(grave accent), and \^ (caret).


The <sql_wuid> element defines the user name for the connection.

  • Requirements: This is a Required field.
  • EM field label: User Id
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 61
    • Valid Characters: All except ~ (tilde), `(grave accent), and \^ (caret).


The <sql_connect_port> element defines the TCP/IP port number for the connection.

  • Requirements: This is an Optional field.
  • EM field label: Port
  • Valid Values: Valid values are any number from 0-65535.


The <sql_script_path> element defines the path to the SQL script file to be executed against the selected MySQL server/database. Only local file paths are allowed.

  • Requirements: This is a Required field.
  • EM field label: Script File Path
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 255
    • Valid Characters: All except ~ (tilde), `(grave accent), and \^ (caret).


The <sql_env_varinfo> element contains the child elements needed to define a single environment variable for the job.

  • Requirements: Optional for <jobdata>.
  • Valid Values: One <sql_env_varname> and one <sql_env_varvalue> child element.


The <sql_env_varname> element defines the name of the variable to be used in the script. Environment variables provide the ability to send dynamic values to the script at runtime.

  • Requirements: This is a Required field required if <sql_env_varvalue> is present.
  • EM field label: Name
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 4000
    • Valid Characters: All except ~ (tilde), `(grave accent), and \^ (caret).


The <sql_env_varvalue> element defines the value to be used in the script.

  • Requirements: This is a Required field required if <sql_env_varname> is present.
  • EM field label: Value
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 4000
    • Valid Characters: All except ~ (tilde), `(grave accent), and \^ (caret).


The <sql_redirect_path> element defines the path to the file where the results of the query should be redirected. Only local file paths are allowed.

  • Requirements: This is an Optional field.
  • EM field label: File Path
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 255
    • Valid Characters: All except ~ (tilde), `(grave accent), and \^ (caret).


The <sql_other_options> element defines any additional command line switches supported by the MySQL command line utility.

  • Requirements: This is an Optional field.
  • EM field label: Other Options
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 255
    • Valid Characters: All except ~ (tilde), `(grave accent), and \^ (caret).

Oracle Element Definitions


The <sql_instance> element defines the name or IP address of the MySQL server machine (e.g., MYSQLTEST).

  • Requirements: This is a Required field.
  • EM field label: Server Name
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 255
    • Valid Characters: All except ~ (tilde), `(grave accent), and \^ (caret).


The <sql_db_name> element defines the SQL database name.

  • Requirements: This is a Required field.
  • EM field label: Database Name
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 255
    • Valid Characters: All except ~ (tilde), `(grave accent), and \^ (caret).


The <sql_wuid> element defines the user name for the connection.

  • Requirements: This is a Required field.
  • EM field label: User Id
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 61
    • Valid Characters: All except ~ (tilde), `(grave accent), and \^ (caret).


The <sql_connect_id> element defines the connection ID.

  • Requirements: This is an Optional field.
  • EM field label: Connection Id
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 255
    • Valid Characters: Valid values are numeric characters.


The <sql_script_path> element defines the path to the SQL script file to be executed against the selected Oracle server/database. Only local file paths are allowed.

  • Requirements: This is a Required field.
  • EM field label: Script File Path
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 255
    • Valid Characters: All except ~ (tilde), `(grave accent), and \^ (caret).


The <sql_oracle_params> element defines the parameter values to be passed to the script.

  • Requirements: This is an Optional field.
  • EM field label: Parameters (positional)
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 255
    • Valid Characters: All except ~ (tilde), `(grave accent), and \^ (caret).


The <sql_redirect_path> element defines the path to the file where the results of the query should be redirected. Only local file paths are allowed.

  • Requirements: This is an Optional field.
  • EM field label: File Path
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 255
    • Valid Characters: All except ~ (tilde), `(grave accent), and \^ (caret).


The <sql_other_options> element defines any additional command line switches supported by the Oracle command line utility.

  • Requirements: This is an Optional field.
  • EM field label: Other Options
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 255
    • Valid Characters: All except ~ (tilde), `(grave accent), and \^ (caret).

Other DB Element Definitions


The <sql_otherdb_connect> element defines the type of database connection to use for the job.

  • Requirements: This is a Required field.
  • Valid Values: Valid values are ODBC Connection String, OleDB Connection String, or DSN Name.


The <sql_otherdb_connectstring> element defines the ODBC or OLE DB connection string for connecting to the database.

  • Requirements: This is a Required field when <sql_otherdb_connect> is ODBC Connection String or OleDB Connection String.
  • EM field label: ODBC Connection String or OleDB Connection String
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 255
    • Valid Characters: All except ~ (tilde), `(grave accent), and \^ (caret).


The <sql_otherdb_dsn> element defines a DSN name for connecting to the database.

  • Requirements: This is a Required field when <sql_otherdb_connect> is DSN Name.
  • EM field label: DSN Name
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 255
    • Valid Characters: All except ~ (tilde), `(grave accent), and \^ (caret).


The <sql_winauth> element defines whether to use Windows Authentication for the job.

  • Requirements: This is an Optional field.
  • EM field label: Windows Authentication
  • Valid Values: Valid values are True or False.


The <sql_wuid> element corresponds to the SQL user name.

  • Requirements: This is optional when <sql_otherdb_connect> is ODBC Connection String or OleDB Connection String. It is required when <sql_otherdb_connect> is DSN Name and <sql_winauth> is False.
  • EM field label: User Id
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 61
    • Valid Characters: All except ~ (tilde), `(grave accent), and \^ (caret).


The <sql_wuid> element defines the user name for the connection.

  • Requirements: This is a Required field when <sql_winauth> is True.
  • EM field label: User Id
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 61
    • Valid Characters: All except ~ (tilde), `(grave accent), and \^ (caret).


The <sql_script_statements> element defines the SQL query to be executed against the selected SQL server/database. Multiple semicolon-delimited queries can be executed.

  • Requirements: This is a Required field.
  • EM field label: Statement(s)
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 255
    • Valid Characters: All except ~ (tilde), `(grave accent), and \^ (caret).


The <sql_env_varinfo> element contains the child elements needed to define a single environment variable for the job.

  • Requirements: Optional for <jobdata>.
  • Valid Values: One <sql_env_varname> and one <sql_env_varvalue> child element.


The <sql_env_varname> element defines the name of the variable to be used in the script. Environment variables provide the ability to send dynamic values to the script at runtime.

  • Requirements: This is a Required field required if <sql_env_varvalue> is present.
  • EM field label: Name
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 4000
    • Valid Characters: All except ~ (tilde), `(grave accent), and \^ (caret).


The <sql_env_varvalue> element defines the value to be used in the script.

  • Requirements: This is a Required field required if <sql_env_varname> is present.
  • EM field label: Value
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 4000
    • Valid Characters: All except ~ (tilde), `(grave accent), and \^ (caret).


The <sql_redirect_path> element defines the path to the file where the results of the query should be redirected. Only local file paths are allowed.

  • Requirements: This is an Optional field.
  • EM field label: File Path
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 255
    • Valid Characters: All except ~ (tilde), `(grave accent), and \^ (caret).


The <sql_other_options> element defines any additional command line switches supported by the database command line utility.

  • Requirements: This is an Optional field.
  • EM field label: Other Options
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 255
    • Valid Characters: All except ~ (tilde), `(grave accent), and \^ (caret).

Tuxedo ART Job Element Structure

The following sample code contains the structure for defining every possible element for Tuxedo ART Job Data. For detailed information on each field for this job type, refer to Tuxedo ART Job Details in the Concepts online help.






















Element Definitions


The <tuxedo_art_script> element defines the name of the script to run.

  • Requirements: This is a Required field.
  • EM field label: Script
  • Valid Values: Text string containing the name of the script.
    • Valid characters: Alpha and numeric characters.


The <tuxedo_art_owner> element defines the user that is used to run the agent and Tuxedo ART environment.

  • Requirements: This is an Optional field.
  • EM field label: Owner
  • Valid Values: Text string containing the user that has permissions to execute the script (default is *).
    • Valid Characters: Alpha and numeric characters, * (asterisk).


The <tuxedo_art_jesroot_dir> element defines the full path to the JES Root environment so that the agent can retrieve the Tuxedo Job log.

  • Requirements: This is an Optional field.
  • EM field label: JESRoot Environment
  • Valid Values: A text string consisting of the full path of the JESROOT directory.
    • Valid Characters: Alpha and numeric characters, / (slash), - (hyphen), _ (underscore) characters, and period.


The <tuxedo_art_env_shell> element defines the name of the environment script that is called to setup the environment variables correctly when the connection is made to the Tuxedo environment. The name must include the .sh extension.

  • Requirements: This is an Optional field.
  • EM field label: Tuxedo Environment
  • Valid Values: Text string containing the name of the environment shell to execute ending in a .sh extension.
    • Valid Characters: Alpha and numeric characters and period.


The <tuxedo_art_variables> element defines the list of environment variables to be passed. The variables are defined as: name1=value1|name2=value2|name3=value3. The variables are passed in the order in which they are defined.

  • Requirements: This is an Optional field.
  • EM field label: Variables
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 4000
    • Valid Characters: Alpha and numeric characters, * (asterisk), / (slash), \ (backslash), % (percent), : (colon), - (hyphen) and _ (underscore) characters, and period.

Step Control Definitions


The <tuxedo_art_step_control> element defines step control information for the agent. The agent supports a maximum of 5 step control definitions per job.

  • Requirements: This is an optional field.


The <tuxedo_art_step_name> element defines the name of the step defined in the script.

  • Requirements: Required if tuxedo_art_step_control parent element is specified.
  • EM field label: Step Name
  • Valid Values:
    • Each name may contain alphabetic and numeric characters; however, a name cannot be more than eight characters in length and a name's first character cannot be numeric.
    • There can be one or two names up to eight characters each, separated by a period (.). There have to be between 1 and 17 characters.
    • Although brackets are invalid characters, the string [[xxxx]] should be allowed where xxxx equals any character set.


The <tuxedo_art_step_min> element defines the minimum step completion code.

  • Requirements: Required if tuxedo_art_step_control parent element is specified.
  • EM field label: Min CC
  • Valid Values:
    • The value must be less than or equal to the tuxedo_art_step_max value.
    • It can be any number between 0 and 4095.


The <tuxedo_art_step_max> element defines the maximum step completion code.

  • Requirements: Required if tuxedo_art_step_control parent element is specified.
  • EM field label: Max CC
  • Valid Values:
    • The value must be greater than or equal to the tuxedo_art_step_min value.
    • It can be any number between 0 and 4095.


The <tuxedo_art_step_action> element defines the step action. Currently, only the 'Send Trigger Message TO SAM' is supported (e.g., JEVENT=SS1TEST10).

  • Requirements: Required if tuxedo_art_step_control parent element is specified.
  • EM field label: Step Action
  • Valid Values:
    • Send Trigger Message to SAM: Tells OpCon that a message is to be sent to the Schedule Operations screen of the graphical interfaces. The Trigger Message field is used to define the message sent.


The <tuxedo_art_step_msg> element defines the trigger message that is sent to SAM for Agent Feedback. This must match an LSAM Feedback User Message match event definition.

  • Requirements: Required if tuxedo_art_step_control parent element is specified.
  • EM field label: Trigger Message
  • Valid Values: This may refer to any valid OpCon event that was predefined in the Tuxedo ART Event table.
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 20
    • Valid Characters: All
    • If the text begins with '$EVENT= ', a maximum of 8 additional characters are allowed.

UNIX Job Element Structure

The following sample code contains the structure for defining every possible element for UNIX Primary Job Data. For detailed information on each field for this job type, refer to UNIX Job Details in the Concepts online help.









































Job Information Element Definitions


The <start_image> element defines the full path to the executable file on the LSAM machine.

  • Requirements: This is a Required field.
  • EM field label: Start Image
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 2000


The <parms> element defines the parameters that are passed to the start image.

  • Requirements: This is an Optional field.
  • EM field label: Parameters
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 2000
    • Invalid Characters: '(Single Quote), ~ (tilde), `(grave accent)


The <PRE_RUN> element contains the full path of the prerun command line that will be passed to the LSAM.

  • Requirements: This is an Optional field.
  • EM field label: Prerun
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters (depending on data type): 2000


The <UXUID> element defines the UNIX user ID for the job. The UNIX user ID and the Group ID are used for UNIX authentication.

  • Requirements: This is a Required field.
  • EM field label: User Id
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 30


The <GRP_ID> element defines the UNIX user ID and the Group ID are used for UNIX authentication.

  • Requirements: This is a Required field.
  • EM field label: Group Id
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 30


The <unix_job_action> element defines the run process the job uses.

  • Requirements: Required for UNIX <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Job Action
  • Valid Values: Valid values are Embedded Script, File Arrival, and Run Program.


The <unix_file_2_watch> element defines the file path and name of the file to detect.

  • Requirements: Optional for UNIX <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: File Name
  • Valid Values: The file name must not exceed 260 characters.


The <unix_file_start_watch> element defines the start of the time frame that the program uses to watch for the arrival of the file.

  • Requirements: Optional for UNIX <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Start Time
  • Valid Values: Valid values are a number of days and time, or a Token.


The <unix_file_end_watch> element defines the end of the time frame that the program uses to watch for the arrival of the file.

  • Requirements: Optional for UNIX <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: End Time
  • Valid Values: Valid values are a number of days and time, or a Token.


The <unix_file_stable> element defines the amount of time the file size has remained stable to indicate the file has finished arriving.

  • Requirements: Optional for UNIX <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Duration
  • Valid Values: Valid values are a number of seconds, or a Token.


The <unix_file_subdir> element defines whether or not to search sub-directories under the specified file path.

  • Requirements: Optional for UNIX <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Sub-directory Search
  • Valid Values: Valid values are True or False.


The <NICE_VAL> element is used to increase or decrease the priority of a job and prerun (if present).

  • Requirements: This is a Optional field.
  • EM field label: NICE Value
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is an integer ranging from -20 to 20.

Exit Code Element Definitions


The parent element <EXIT_INFO> contains the child elements needed to define a single failure criterion for the job. SMADDI supports up to five <EXIT_INFO> elements for each UNIX job.

  • Requirements: Optional for <jobdata>. Required to define failure criteria for the job. At least one <EXIT_INFO> element must be provided.
  • Valid Values: One <EXIT_OPER> and one <EXIT_VAL> child element.


The exit operators are a list of conditions to be met on the exit values and up to 5 can be defined per job definition. The Failure Criteria determines how OpCon reports the final status of the job. The three areas of value criteria include Exit Codes, Signals, and Core Dump. If any of the specified conditions are met, OpCon reports the job as Failed.

  • Requirements: Required field for <exit_info>.
  • Valid Values: EQ, NE, LT, GT, GE, LE


The <EXIT_VAL> element defines the value of the exit condition and up to five can be defined per job definition. The Failure Criteria determines how OpCon reports the final status of the job. The three areas of value criteria include Exit Codes, Signals, and Core Dump. If any of the specified conditions are met, OpCon reports the job as Failed.

  • Requirements: Required field for <exit_info>.
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is an integer ranging from -255 to 255.

Signal Element Definitions


The parent element <SGNL_INFO> contains the child elements needed to define a single signal failure criterion for the job. SMADDI supports up to five <SGNL_INFO> elements for each UNIX job.

  • Requirements: Optional for <jobdata>.
  • Valid Values: One <SGNL_OPER> and one <SGNL_VAL> child element.


The signal operators are a list of conditions to be made on the exit values. If any signal failure criterion is TRUE when a job finishes, OpCon reports the job as Failed.

  • Requirements: Required field for <sgnl_info>.
  • Valid Values: EQ, NE, LT, GT, GE, LE


The <SGNL_VAL> element defines the value of the signal exit and up to 5 can be defined per job definition.

  • Requirements: Required field for <sgnl_info>.
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is an integer ranging from 0 to 99.


The <CORE_DMP> element determines if the job should fail when the job does create a core file, or if the job should fail when the job does not create a core file.

  • Requirements: This is a optional field.
  • EM field label: Fails on core dump
  • Valid Values: Yes, No.
    • Yes: If the process creates a core file the LSAM reports the job as Failed.
    • No: If the process does not create a core file, the LSAM reports the job as Failed.

Job Output Parsing Element Definitions


The parent element <unix_log_srch> contains the child elements needed to define the search criteria for analyzing job output and the resulting exit code when the criteria are met.

  • Requirements: Optional for UNIX Job Output Parsing <jobdata>.
  • Valid Values: Any valid child element.


The <unix_log_srch_opr> element defines the type of search operation to perform.

  • Requirements: Optional for <unix_log_srch>.
  • EM field label: Search Operation
  • Valid Values: Valid values are Contains and Does Not Contain.


The <unix_log_srch_str> element defines the parsing value string to be searched.

  • Requirements: Optional for <unix_log_srch>.
  • EM field label: String to Search
  • Valid Values: The String to Search must not exceed 255 characters.


The <unix_log_exit_val> element defines the exit code to use if the String to Search matches the Search Operation criteria.

  • Requirements: Optional for <unix_log_srch>.
  • EM field label: Exit Code
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is any integer value in the range of -2147483648 through 2147483647.


The <unix_applog_path> element defines an external application log to be attached to the job output log.

  • Requirements: This is an Optional field.
  • EM field label: Custom Application Log
  • Valid Values: The Custom Application Log must not exceed 4000 characters.

Environment Variables Element Definitions


The <unix_environment_variables> element contains the child element needed to define one or more environment variables for the job.

  • Requirements: Optional for <jobdata>.
  • Valid Values: One <unix_env_var> child element for every environment variable defined for the job.


The <unix_env_var> element defines the name=value pair to be used in the script. Environment variables provide the ability to send dynamic values to the script at runtime.

  • Requirements: This is a Required field required if <unix_environment_variables> is present.
  • EM field label: Env Variable Name, Env Variable Value
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 3
    • Maximum Characters: 4000
    • Valid Characters: All except = (equals sign) which cannot be included in the Env Variable Name.

Windows Job Elements

The following sample code contains the structure for defining every possible element for Windows Primary Job Data. For detailed information on each field for this job type, refer to Windows Job Details in the Concepts online help.


------Job Information Element Definitions ------












------Exit Code Element Definitions ------











------Prerun Job Element Definitions ------







  ------Job Output Parsing Element Definitions------







  ------Environment Variables Element Definitions------






Job Information Element Definitions


The <wuid> element defines the Windows user to be impersonated when launching the job.

  • Requirements: Required for Windows <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: User ID
  • Valid Values: The user name must not exceed 32 characters.


The <job_priority> element defines the Windows priority with which the job runs.

  • Requirements: Required for Windows <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Job Priority
  • Valid Values: Valid values are Normal, High, Idle, and Real-Time.


The <win_job_action> element defines the run process the job uses.

  • Requirements: Required for Windows <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Job Action
  • Valid Values: Valid values are Embedded Script, File Arrival, and Run Program.


The <win_file_2_watch> element defines the file path and name of the file to detect.

  • Requirements: Optional for Windows <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: File Name
  • Valid Values: The file name must not exceed 260 characters.


The <win_file_start_watch> element defines the start of the time frame that the program uses to watch for the arrival of the file.

  • Requirements: Optional for Windows <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Start Time
  • Valid Values: Valid values are a number of days and time, or a Token.


The <win_file_end_watch> element defines the end of the time frame that the program uses to watch for the arrival of the file.

  • Requirements: Optional for Windows <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: End Time
  • Valid Values: Valid values are a number of days and time, or a Token.


The <win_file_stable> element defines the amount of time the file size has remained stable to indicate the file has finished arriving.

  • Requirements: Optional for Windows <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Duration
  • Valid Values: Valid values are a number of seconds, or a Token.


The <win_file_subdir> element defines whether or not to search sub-directories under the specified file path.

  • Requirements: Optional for Windows <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Sub-directory Search
  • Valid Values: Valid values are True or False.


The <cmd_line> element defines the job's command line.

  • Requirements: Required for Windows <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Command Line
  • Valid Values: The command line must not exceed 4000 characters.


The <working_dir> element defines the Working Directory used for the job.

  • Requirements: Optional for Windows <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: Working Directory
  • Valid Values: The Working Directory must not exceed 255 characters.


The <ecof> element defines the Exit Code Override File used by the job.

  • Requirements: Optional for Windows <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: E.C.O.F.
  • Valid Values: The Exit Code Override File must not exceed 255 characters.

Exit Code Element Definitions


The <fail_1_cond> element defines the first Exit Code Operator used by the job.

  • Requirements: Optional for Windows <jobdata>.
  • Valid Values: Valid data values for this element are <space>, EQ, NE, LT, GT, GE, and LE.


The <fail_1_val> element defines the first Exit Code Value.

  • Requirements: Optional for Windows <jobdata>.
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is any integer value in the range of -2147483648 through 2147483647.


The <fail_2_cond> element defines the second Exit Code Operator to be used by the job.

  • Requirements: Optional for Windows <jobdata>.
  • Valid Values: Valid data values for this element are <space>, EQ, NE, LT, GT, GE, and LE.


The <fail_2_val> element defines the second Exit Code Value.

  • Requirements: Optional for Windows <jobdata>.
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is any integer value in the range of -2147483648 through 2147483647.


The <fail_3_cond> element defines the third Exit Code Operator to be used by the job.

  • Requirements: Optional for Windows <jobdata>.
  • Valid Values: Valid data values for this element are <space>, EQ, NE, LT, GT, GE, and LE.


The <fail_3_val> element defines the third Exit Code Value.

  • Requirements: Optional for Windows <jobdata>.
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is any integer value in the range of -2147483648 through 2147483647.


The <fail_4_cond> element defines the fourth Exit Code Operator to be used by the job.

  • Requirements: Optional for Windows <jobdata>.
  • Valid Values: Valid data values for this element are <space>, EQ, NE, LT, GT, GE, and LE.


The <fail_4_val> element defines the fourth Exit Code Value.

  • Requirements: Optional for Windows <jobdata>.
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is any integer value in the range of -2147483648 through 2147483647.


The <fail_5_cond> element defines the fifth Exit Code Operator to be used by the job.

  • Requirements: Optional for Windows <jobdata>.
  • Valid Values: Valid data values for this element are <space>, EQ, NE, LT, GT, GE, and LE.


The <fail_5_val> element defines the fifth Exit Code Value.

  • Requirements: Optional for Windows <jobdata>.
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is any integer value in the range of -2147483648 through 2147483647.

Prerun Job Element Definitions


The parent element <wprerun> contains the child elements needed to describe a prerun job for the primary job.

  • Requirements: Optional for Windows Prerun <jobdata>.
  • Valid Values: Any valid child element. SMADDI allows only one <wprerun> element per <jobdata> element.


The <pre_cmd_line> element defines the command line to be used when launching the prerun job.

  • Requirements: Required for <wprerun>.
  • Valid Values: The Command Line must not exceed 4000 characters.


The <pre_working_dir> element defines the Working Directory used for the prerun.

  • Requirements: Optional for <wprerun>.
  • Valid Values: The prerun Working Directory must not exceed 255 characters.


The <pre_fail_cond> element defines the Prerun Exit Code Operator.

  • Requirements: Optional for <wprerun>.
  • Valid Values: Valid data values for this element are <space>, EQ, NE, LT, GT, GE, and LE.


The <pre_fail_val> element defines the Prerun Exit Code Value.

  • Requirements: Optional for <wprerun>.
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is any integer value in the range of -2147483648 through 2147483647.

Job Output Parsing Element Definitions


The parent element <win_log_srch> contains the child elements needed to define the search criteria for analyzing job output and the resulting exit code when the criteria are met.

  • Requirements: Optional for Windows Job Output Parsing <jobdata>.
  • Valid Values: Any valid child element.


The <win_log_srch_opr> element defines the type of search operation to perform.

  • Requirements: Optional for <win_log_srch>.
  • EM field label: Search Operation
  • Valid Values: Valid values are Contains and Does Not Contain.


The <win_log_srch_str> element defines the parsing value string to be searched.

  • Requirements: Optional for <win_log_srch>.
  • EM field label: String to Search
  • Valid Values: The String to Search must not exceed 255 characters.


The <win_log_exit_val> element defines the exit code to use if the String to Search matches the Search Operation criteria.

  • Requirements: Optional for <win_log_srch>.
  • EM field label: Exit Code
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is any integer value in the range of -2147483648 through 2147483647.


The <win_applog_path> element defines an external application log to be attached to the job output log.

  • Requirements: This is an Optional field.
  • EM field label: Custom Application Log
  • Valid Values: The Custom Application Log must not exceed 4000 characters.

Environment Variables Element Definitions


The <win_environment_variables> element contains the child element needed to define one or more environment variables for the job.

  • Requirements: Optional for <jobdata>.
  • Valid Values: One <win_env_var> child element for every environment variable defined for the job.


The <win_env_var> element defines the name=value pair to be used in the script. Environment variables provide the ability to send dynamic values to the script at runtime.

  • Requirements: This is a Required field required if <win_environment_variables> is present.
  • EM field label: Env Variable Name, Env Variable Value
  • Valid Values:
    • Minimum Characters: 3
    • Maximum Characters: 4000
    • Valid Characters: All except = (equals sign) which cannot be included in the Env Variable Name.

z/OS Job Elements

The following sample code contains the structure for defining every possible element for z/OS Primary Job Data. For detailed information on each field for this job type, refer to z/OS Job Details in the Concepts online help.


------Job Information Element Definitions ------















------Token Equation Element Definitions ------


------Step Control Element Definitions ------








------File Prerun Element Definitions ------







------Message Prerun Element Definitions ------









------Task Prerun Element Definitions ------





------Tape Prerun Element Definitions ------











Job Information Element Definitions


The <event_type> element defines the z/OS Job sub-type. The default is a standard Batch Job (submitted from a standard JCL library and executed in a JES initiator). Each job type has a different execution profile and method of resolving security and access permissions.

  • Requirements: Required for z/OS <jobdata>.
  • EM field label: z/OS Job Type
  • Valid Values: The options are Batch Job, Started Task, Console Command Execution, REXX Event (Dynamic), Tracked Job, and Queued Job.


The <event_name> element defines different settings based on the z/OS Job Type. The default is the first word, up to eight characters, from the job name:

  • Requirements: Required for all event types.
  • For Batch jobs, <event_name> is the JCL Member name in the job definition on the daily schedule.
    • EM field label: Member Name
  • For Started tasks, <event_name> is the Started Task Name.
    • EM field label: Started Task Name
  • For Commands, <event_name> is the Host Job Name.
    • EM field label: Host Job Name
  • For REXX events, <event_name> is the Rexx Exec Name.
    • EM field label: Exec Name
  • This element is ignored for Tracked and Queued Event Types.
    • EM field label: n/a
  • Valid Values: Valid data characters for this element are uppercase alphabetical characters (A -- Z), numeric characters (0 -- 9), the dollar sign ($), the pound sign (#), and the at sign (@). The event name must not exceed eight characters. The first character cannot be numeric.

Tokens should also be allowed. Although brackets are invalid characters, the string [[xxxx]] should be allowed where xxxx equals any character set.


The <security_id> element defines the z/OS security ID to be assigned to this job, if any. The default is the user ID in the job card or the USERID from XPSPARMS.

  • Requirements: Optional for the 'Batch Job' event type.
  • EM field label: Batch User
  • Valid Values: Valid data characters for this element are uppercase alphabetical characters (A -- Z), numeric characters (0 -- 9), the dollar sign ($), the pound sign (#), and the at sign (@). The first character cannot be numeric.

Tokens should also be allowed. Although brackets are invalid characters, the string [[xxxx]] should be allowed where xxxx equals any character set.


The <ddname> element defines the DD Name in the LSAM task that contains the library name(s) that contain this job's JCL or the Rexx Exec. The default is XPSJCL or the value of the JCLDD parameter in XPSPARMS.

  • Requirements: Optional for 'Batch Job' or 'REXX Event' (Dynamic) event type.
  • EM field label (Batch): DDNAME
  • EM field label (Rexx): Submit DDNAME
  • Valid Values: Valid data characters for this element are uppercase alphabetical characters (A -- Z), numeric characters (0 -- 9), the dollar sign ($), the pound sign (#), and the at sign (@). The first character cannot be numeric, and the name cannot be more than eight characters in length.

Tokens should also be allowed. Although brackets are invalid characters, the string [[xxxx]] should be allowed where xxxx equals any character set.


The <override_ddname> element defines the DD Name in the LSAM task to search for JCL before the DDNAME.

  • Requirements: Optional for 'Batch Job' event type.
  • EM field label: Override DDNAME
  • Valid Values: Valid data characters for this element are uppercase alphabetical characters (A -- Z), numeric characters (0 -- 9), the dollar sign ($), the pound sign (#), and the at sign (@). The first character cannot be numeric.

Tokens should also be allowed. Although brackets are invalid characters, the string [[xxxx]] should be allowed where xxxx equals any character set.


The <member_name> element defines a Member name to be used in place of the <event_name>. It is most commonly used for temporary overrides.

  • Requirements: Optional for 'Batch Job' event type.
  • EM field label: Temporary Member
  • Valid Values: Valid data characters for this element are uppercase alphabetical characters (A -- Z), numeric characters (0 -- 9), the dollar sign ($), the pound sign (#), and the at sign (@). The first character cannot be numeric, and the name cannot be more than eight characters in length.

Tokens should also be allowed. Although brackets are invalid characters, the string [[xxxx]] should be allowed where xxxx equals any character set.


The <low_job_cond> element defines the minimum tolerated return code for the job. Any return code less than this value is considered a failure condition. If it is not defined, the low return code will not be checked.

  • Requirements: Optional for Batch Job, Started Task, 'REXX Event' (Dynamic), Tracked Job, and Queued Job.
  • EM field label: Min CC
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is an integer value in the range 0 through 4095. If defined, the value must be less than or equal to the max_job_cond value.


The <max_job_cond> element defines the maximum tolerated return code for the job. Any return code greater than this value is considered a failure condition. If it is not defined, the high return code will not be checked.

  • Requirements: Optional for 'Batch Job', 'Started Task', 'REXX Event' (Dynamic), 'Tracked Job', or 'Queued Job' event types.
  • EM field label: Max CC
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is an integer value in the range 0 through 4095. If defined, the value must be greater than or equal to the low_job_cond value.


The <submit_from> element determines if the job will be started on the system where the pre-runs were satisfied.

  • Requirements: Optional for all event types: 'Batch Job', 'Started Task', 'REXX Event' (Dynamic), 'Tracked Job', 'Queued Job' and 'Console Command Execution'.
  • EM field label: Submit on any System
  • Valid Values: Valid values include From Any LSAM or Primary LSAM Only. Set the value to Primary LSAM Only to force the job to start or be submitted on the primary LSAM, or from any LSAM to open it up in the Sysplex (the job will be started or submitted from the first LSAM that was able to qualify the pre-run requirements).

Primary LSAM refers to the LSAM/PSAM on which the job is scheduled. It should not be confused with a "gateway LSAM" in a SYSPLEX group.


The <cmd_parm> element defines the complete start parameter for the started task (e.g., TYPE=WARM).

  • Requirements: Optional for 'Console Command Execution', 'Started Task', or 'REXX Event' (Dynamic), event type.
  • EM field label (Command): Operator Command
  • EM field label (Rexx or Started Task): Execution Parms
  • Valid Values: It may contain any properties allowed in a Stared Task EXEC parameter, a console command or the parameter string for the REXX program, depending on the event type. There has to be between 1 and 256 characters.


The <prsysid> element specifies the SMF System ID (Machine ID) on which to run the prerun, if other than the Primary Machine ID. This ID must be a member of the z/OS Sysplex, have a z/OS LSAM installed and running. Enter a value of ANY to allow preruns on any machine in the Sysplex. This element defines the data relating to the "Pre-run System" field in the EM.

  • Requirements: Optional for all event types: 'Batch Job', 'Started Task', 'REXX Event' (Dynamic), 'Tracked Job', 'Queued Job' and 'Console Command Execution'.
  • EM field label: Pre-run System
  • Valid Values: The value may be a one- to four-character string defining a Machine, ANY, or blank (to run the prerun on the Primary machine).

The File Prerun, Message Prerun, Task Prerun, Tape Prerun, and REXX Preruns use this one element to determine the machine ID. If the element is not specified, all of the preruns run on the Primary Machine ID.


For a Restart run, the <restart_dupdsnact> element determines how XPR cleans up duplicate dataset(s).

  • Requirements: Optional for all event types: 'Batch Job', 'Started Task', 'REXX Event' (Dynamic), 'Tracked Job', 'Queued Job' and 'Console Command Execution'.
  • EM field label: Duplicate Dataset Action - Restart
  • Valid Values:
    • <blank>: The LSAM defaults are used.
    • None: Disables XPR DSN cleanup.
    • Scratch: Prevents NOT CATLGD 2 errors by scratching any pre-existing datasets.


For a Normal run, the <dupdsnact> element determines how XPR cleans up duplicate dataset(s).

  • Requirements: Optional for all event types: 'Batch Job', 'Started Task', 'REXX Event' (Dynamic), 'Tracked Job', 'Queued Job' and 'Console Command Execution'.
  • EM field label: Duplicate Dataset Action - Normal
  • Valid Values:
    • <blank>: The LSAM defaults are used.
    • None: Disables XPR DSN cleanup.
    • Scratch: Prevents NOT CATLGD 2 errors by scratching any pre-existing datasets.

The File Prerun, Message Prerun, Task Prerun, Tape Prerun, and REXX Preruns use this one element to determine the machine ID. If the element is not specified, all of the preruns run on the Primary Machine ID.


The <restart_gdg> element determines how XPR determines Generation Data Group (GDG) base generations.

  • Requirements: Optional for all event types: 'Batch Job', 'Started Task', 'REXX Event' (Dynamic), 'Tracked Job', 'Queued Job' and 'Console Command Execution'.
  • EM field label: GDG Regression
  • Valid Values:
    • <blank>: The LSAM defaults are used.
    • None: Disables GDG adjustment.
    • Absolute: Resets the base generation to the value it had during the first run.
    • Relative: Looks for positive relative generations in the steps to be executed to determine the correct base.
    • Catalog Resync: Based on looking at the bypassed steps to determine the highest relative generation already created, sets the base so that it resolves to the current generation.

Token Equation Element Definitions


  • The JCL parameter symbol or OpCon, separated by double backslashes, to be used in this run. Each override (@) or symbolic (&) definition is separated by two backslashes (\\).
  • When the z/OS LSAM encounters an "&name=" symbolic, it scans each JCL statement for an operand match. Only operands are changed by an "&" symbolic override.
  • To qualify for replacement, an operand must be preceded by a comma or a blank and include an "=" sign (e.g., all instances of UNIT=xxxxx are substituted using &UNIT=SYSDA).
  • The "@" overrides should not be confused with "&" symbolics. Overrides are placeholders for data and symbolics are replacements of very specific data, in a specific field, enclosed in specific delimiters.
    • Symbolics reference operands only.

Overrides can be embedded anywhere in JCL or SYSIN data and can define an entire 80 byte JCL record. Overrides have no restrictions on content or delimiters except they cannot contain double backslashes (e.g., a date card override could be represented as \@TODAY=October 12, 2005).

  • Requirements: Optional for 'Batch Job' event type.
  • EM field label: JCL Substitution
  • Valid Values: Internal OpCon are represented by [[...]] notations and may be used as data components of either symbolics or overrides (e.g., \@TODAY=[[$DATE]]). Valid Values include: - The value of event_type must be Batch Job
    • Minimum Characters: 7 (minimum valid definition has the form \\&a=\\ or \\\@a=\\)
    • Maximum Characters: 3400
    • Up to 99 <token> elements may be defined.

Step Control Element Definitions


The parent element <step_control> contains the child elements needed for step control. Repeat for multiple steps. The order specified in the file determines the order in the list.

  • Requirements: Optional for 'Batch Job', 'Started Task', 'Tracked Job', or 'Queued Job' event types.
  • Valid Values: A maximum of 80 steps can be defined.


The <step_name> child element contains the fully qualified step name in the format: execstep or jobstep.execstep. Execstep must identify a step containing the EXEC PGM keyword. Jobstep identifies the EXEC statement that invokes a procedure containing execstep.

  • Requirements: Required if step_control parent element is specified.
  • EM field label: Step name
  • Valid Values: Each name may contain alphabetic, national, and numeric characters; however, a name cannot be more than eight characters in length and a name's first character cannot be numeric.
    • There can be one or two names up to eight characters each, separated by a dot (.). The has to be between 1 and 17 characters.
    • Although brackets are invalid characters, the string [[xxxx]] should be allowed where xxxx equals any character set.

The step names can be found, in reverse order, on the MVS IEF142I message (i.e., the message displaying the execstep followed by the jobstep).


The <step_min> child element indicates the minimum tolerated condition code for this step condition. Any condition code less than this value is considered a failure condition.

  • Requirements: Required if step_control parent element is specified.
  • EM field label: Min CC
  • Valid Values: The value of event_type must be Batch Job, Started Task, Tracked Job, or Queued Job.
    • The value must be less than or equal to the step_max value.
    • It can be any number between 0 and 4095.


The <step_max> child element indicates the maximum tolerated condition code for this step condition. Any condition code less than this value is considered a failure condition.

  • Requirements: Required if step_control parent element is specified.
  • EM field label: Max CC
  • Valid Values: The value of event_type must be Batch Job, Started Task, Tracked Job, or Queued Job.
    • The value must be greater than or equal to the step_min value.
    • It can be any number between 0 and 4095.

If the step_min is specified, step_max must also be specified.


The <step_action> child element defines the action to be taken when the defined step's return code falls in the Step CC range.

  • Requirements: Required if step_control parent element is specified.
  • EM field label: Step Action
  • Valid Values:
    • Abend Job at Step Termination: Tells OpCon that this job is to be immediately terminated. All remaining steps are flushed.
    • Send Job Completed to SAM: Tells OpCon that, no matter how many steps are left to execute, OpCon is to consider this job complete. Job dependencies are resolved immediately.
    • Send Trigger Message to SAM: Tells OpCon that a message is to be sent to the Schedule Operations screen of the graphical interfaces. The Trigger Message field is used to define the message sent.
    • Post Error, But Allow Job to Continue: Tells OpCon that a job failure condition is to be posted. Subsequent steps in this job execute, but job dependencies are not resolved.
    • OK to Continue: Tells OpCon that despite the Min and Max Job CC, this step is OK with this return code range.
    • The value of event_type must be one of Batch Job, Started Task, Tracked Job, or Queued Job.


<step_msg> may be up to 20 characters, and is posted to the Schedule Operations screen of the graphical interfaces. If the message is "$EVENT=eventname" the eventname action defined in the z/OS event trigger table is triggered.

  • Requirements: Optional unless step_action is set to 'Send Trigger Message to SAM'. Required only with the T (Send Trigger Message to SAM) action, but may be used with any Step Action selected.
  • EM field label: Trigger Message
  • Valid Values: This may refer to any valid OpCon event that was predefined in the z/OS Event table.
    • The value of event_type must be Batch Job, Started Task, Tracked Job, or Queued Job.
    • If step_action is set to 'Send Trigger Message to SAM', step_msg must be specified.
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 20
    • Valid Characters: All
    • If the text begins with '$EVENT= ', a maximum of 8 additional characters are allowed.

File Prerun Element Definitions


The parent element <file_prerun> contains the child elements needed for file prerun. Repeat for multiple file preruns. The order specified in the file determines the order in the list.

  • Requirements: Optional for Prerun <job_data>.
  • Valid Values: A maximum of 80 file preruns can be defined.


The <dsn_filename> element contains up to 44 characters of DSN trigger information. A fully qualified DSN need not be specified. A final asterisk (*) denotes that triggers are to occur on the DSN prefix defined. This is especially helpful for Generation Data Group (GDG) triggers. For example: A DSN definition of PROD.GDG.INV.G* causes a trigger on any DSN starting with the PROD.GDG.INV.G prefix.

Requirements: Required if the file_prerun parent element is specified.

EM field label: Dataset

Valid Values: The percent ('%') and asterisk ('*') characters are allowable wildcards. A wild card character in the middle of the DSN represents any single character; moreover, an asterisk at the end of the dataset name matches any number of following characters:

The event_type can be any value.

Minimum Characters: 1

Maximum Characters: 44

Valid Characters: 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ~ ! @ # $ % & * _ + . ?

should also be allowed. Although brackets are invalid characters, the string [[xxxx]] should be allowed where xxxx equals any character set.

SMADDI should uppercase all alpha characters specified.

The format of this value can contain any number of "words" as long as:

  • Each word contains a maximum of 8 characters.
  • Each word is separated by periods.


The <dsn_gen> element represents the number of creations or updates a file (or file prefix) is to have before trigging the associated event or job. This may be used to start jobs after a number of GDG datasets have been received.

  • Requirements: Optional for <file_prerun>.
  • EM field label: Generations
  • Valid Values: The event_type can be any value (default = 1).
    • Minimum Value: 1
    • Maximum Value: 99
    • Valid Characters: 123456789


The <dsn_cond_when> element makes up two fields from the standard EM: the Condition field and the When field. The Condition field indicates the type of data access condition to cause a trigger. Available options are Exists, Created, Updated, Deleted, Referenced, Cataloged, and Uncataloged. The When field indicates whether this File Resource trigger is to remain in effect after the associated event is triggered. Available options are While/As Scheduled Only and Continuous Monitoring.

Requirements: Required if the file_prerun parent element is specified.

EM field label: Condition/When

Valid Values: While/As Scheduled Only causes the trigger monitor to delete this entry once the trigger has occurred. In this mode, the next time a job/event referencing this DSN is ready to run, the trigger is refreshed and the associated event waits for completely new trigger conditions to be met.

Continuous Monitoring resets the trigger generation count to zero and continue monitoring for the trigger. In Continuous mode, the next time a job/event referencing this DSN is ready to run, the trigger may happen immediately, if all trigger conditions were satisfied again since the last time.

The event_type can be any value. Wild cards cannot be used with File Exists conditions. Valid values are:

Cataloged /Continuous MonitoringExists/While/As Scheduled Only
Cataloged /While/As Scheduled OnlyReferenced /Continuous Monitoring
Created /Continuous MonitoringReferenced /While/As Scheduled Only
Created /While/As Scheduled OnlyUncataloged /Continuous Monitoring
Deleted /Continuous MonitoringUncataloged /While/As Scheduled Only
Deleted /While/As Scheduled OnlyUpdated /Continuous Monitoring
Exists/Continuous MonitoringUpdated /While/As Scheduled Only


The <dsn_jobname> element identifies the job that must satisfy the condition before a trigger occurs. For example, specify the name of the job that must update a DSN before a trigger would occur. This prevents reruns or outside creations from triggering events intended for a specific scheduled job or task.

  • Requirements: Optional for <file_prerun>.
  • EM field label: Job Name
  • Valid Values: The event_type can be any value.
    • Valid Characters: 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ @ # $
    • Although brackets are invalid characters, the string [[xxxx]] should be allowed where xxxx equals any character set.
    • The first character cannot be numeric.
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 8
    • SMADDI should uppercase all alpha characters specified.

The Job Name field does not apply to File Exists conditions.

Message Prerun Element Definitions


The parent element <msg_prerun> contains the child elements needed for message prerun. Repeat for multiple message preruns. The order specified in the file determines the order in the list.

  • Requirements: Optional for Prerun <job_data>.
  • Valid Values: A maximum of 80 message preruns can be defined.


The <msg_key> element identifies the trigger text to be sought. The first characters in this field define the fixed text to seek to identify the message or a possible candidate message. The Offset ( <msg_offset></msg_offset>](#%3Cmsg_of)) and Length ( <msg_len></msg_len>](#%3Cmsg_le)) must be defined to match the key. Following the fixed text key, a variable key may be defined as a second argument. The variable key is enclosed in brackets {}. The offset is variable and the length of the text within the brackets determines the length. If this fixed text is located in a message, OpCon scans for the text found in the brackets {} in the remainder of the text.

  • Requirements: Required if the <msg_prerun> parent element is specified.
  • EM field label: Key
  • Valid Values: The event_type can be any value:
    • Valid Characters: All
    • Minimum Characters: 0
    • Maximum Characters: 44

The Job Name field does not apply to File Exists conditions.


The <msg_gen> element represents the number of messages matching the key to be issued before triggering the associated event or job.

  • Requirements: Optional for <msg_prerun>.
  • EM field label: Generations
  • Valid Values: The event_type can be any value:
    • Default: 1
    • Minimum Value: 1
    • Maximum Value: 99
    • Valid Characters: 123456789


The <msg_when> element indicates whether this Message Resource trigger is to remain in effect after the associated event is triggered.

  • Requirements: Optional for <msg_prerun>.
  • EM field label: When
  • Valid Values: While/As Scheduled Only causes the trigger monitor to delete this entry once the trigger has occurred. In this mode, the next time a job referencing this Message Trigger is ready to run, the trigger is refreshed and the associated event waits for completely new trigger conditions to be met.
    • Continuous Monitoring resets the trigger generation count to zero and continue monitoring for the trigger. In this mode, the next time a job referencing this Message Trigger is ready to run, the trigger may happen immediately, if all trigger conditions were satisfied again.
    • The event_type can be any value (default value = While/As Scheduled Only).
    • Valid Values: While/As Scheduled Only and Continuous Monitoring


The <msg_jobname> element identifies the job that must issue this message before a trigger would occur. This prevents reruns or outside creations from triggering events intended for a specific scheduled job or task.

  • Requirements: Optional for <msg_prerun>.
  • EM field label: Job name
  • Valid Values: The event_type can be any value:
    • Valid Characters: 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ @ # $
    • The first character cannot be numeric.
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 8
    • SMADDI should uppercase all alpha characters specified.


The <msg_offset> element is used to define the first character of text to begin searching for the key. This defines any position starting at zero through 120 in the message.

  • Requirements: Optional for <msg_prerun>.
  • EM field label: Offset
  • Valid Values: The event_type can be any value (default = 0).
    • Minimum Value: 0
    • Maximum Value: 120


The <msg_len> element is used to define the number of characters for the key. This defines any length up to forty-four characters.

  • Requirements: Required if msg_prerun parent element is specified.
  • EM field label: Length
  • Valid Values: The event_type can be any value.
    • Minimum Value: 1
    • Maximum Value: 44

Task Prerun Element Definitions


The parent element <task_prerun> contains the child elements needed for task prerun. Repeat for multiple task preruns. The order specified in the file determines the order in the list.

  • Requirements: Optional for Prerun <job_data>.
  • Valid Values: A maximum of 80 task preruns can be defined.


The <task_name> element identifies the eight-character name of a batch job, system task, or TSO User ID being sought.

  • Requirements: Required if the <task_prerun> parent element is specified.
  • EM field label: Job/Task Name
  • Valid Values: The event_type can be any value.
    • Valid Characters: 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ @ # $
    • Although brackets are invalid characters, the string [[xxxx]] should be allowed where xxxx equals any character set.
    • The first character cannot be numeric.
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 8
    • SMADDI should uppercase all alpha characters specified.


The <task_cond> element identifies whether the unscheduled task or job should be Executing or Not Executing for the associated event to submit.

  • Requirements: Required if the <task_prerun> parent element is specified.
  • EM field label: Job/Task Must Be
  • Valid Values: Validation Event types are Batch Job, Started Task, REXX Event (Dynamic), Tracked Job, Queued Job, or Console Command Execution.
    • Executing or LSAM will respond with Prerun Error
    • Not Executing or LSAM will respond with Prerun Error

Tape Prerun Element Definitions


The parent element <tape_prerun> contains the child elements needed for tape prerun.

  • Requirements: Optional for Prerun <job_data>.
  • Valid Values: Only one set allowed.


The <tape_devname> element identifies a generic or esoteric tape unit as defined by IBM unit standards.

  • Requirements: Required if the tape_prerun parent element is specified.
  • EM field label: Device
  • Valid Values: In addition to user-defined device types, the current supported device types are 3420, 3423, 3480, 3490, and 3590. The value may contain up to eight alphanumeric characters.
    • Event types are Batch Job, Started Task, REXX Event (Dynamic), Tracked Job, Queued Job, or Console Command Execution.
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 8
    • Valid Characters: 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ @ # $ / -
    • Although brackets are invalid characters, the string [[xxxx]] should be allowed where xxxx equals any character set.
    • SMADDI should uppercase all alpha characters specified.


The <tape_devnum> element identifies the number of units that must be available for the associated job to be submitted.

  • Requirements: Required if the tape_prerun parent element is specified.
  • EM field label: Units
  • Valid Values: In addition to user-defined device types, the current supported device types are 3420, 3423, 3480, 3490, and 3590. The value may contain up to eight alphanumeric characters.
    • Event types are Batch Job, Started Task, REXX Event (Dynamic), Tracked Job, Queued Job, or Console Command Execution.
    • Minimum Value: 0
    • Maximum Value: 99

Rexx Prerun Element Definitions


The parent element <rexx_prerun> contains the child elements needed for rexx prerun.

  • Requirements: Optional for Prerun <job_data>.
  • Valid Values: Only one set allowed.


The <rexx_name> child element defines the name of the procedure to execute.

  • Requirements: Required if the rexx_prerun parent element is specified.
  • EM field label: REXX Name
  • Valid Values: The event_type can be any value.
    • Valid Characters: 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ @ # $
    • The first character cannot be numeric.
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 8
    • SMADDI should uppercase all alpha characters specified.


The <rexx_ddname> element identifies the DD Name in the OPCONxx PROC that includes the library name or list of library names that contain the REXX executable code.

  • Requirements: Optional for <rexx_preren>.
  • EM field label: REXX DD
  • Valid Values: The event_type can be any value.
    • Valid Characters: 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ @ # $
    • The first character cannot be numeric.
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 8
    • SMADDI should uppercase all alpha characters specified.


The <rexx_parm> element contains any input parameters required for the REXX procedure.

  • Requirements: Optional for <rexx_prerun>.
  • EM field label: REXX Parm
  • Valid Values: The event_type can be any value.
    • Valid Characters: All
    • Minimum Characters: 1
    • Maximum Characters: 128