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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Data Input Message Elements

This section presents the supported data input elements and their descriptions. The examples indicate the nested structure of elements for input files. Not all elements define data items for storage in the database. Some elements merely group a set of logically-related elements together.

General Message Elements

The general message elements are required for all SMADDI input files. Use the following structure:



         ....all elements required for msgtype



The parent element <msg> contains a complete transaction for the SMADDI stored procedures to commit to the OpCon database. SMADDI does not limit the number of <msg> elements for an input file. The data for this element contains all child elements needed for the transaction.

  • Requirements: Required for all messages.
  • Valid Values: Any valid DDI text.


The value for <msgtype> describes the type of data expected for the <msg>. The SMADDI service uses this information to ensure that the correct child elements are included within the <msg>. The data for this element must be a Supported SMADDI Message Type. Refer to SMADDI Message Types. Only one <msgtype> element is allowed per <msg> element.

  • Requirements: Required for <msg>.
  • Valid Values: The data for this element must be a Supported SMADDI Message Type. Refer to SMADDI Message Types.

add_caldate and del_caldate Element Structures

The add_caldate message type and its elements can be used to add new dates to one or more OpCon calendars. If the calendar does not exist, it will be created with the specified dates included unless the calendar name indicates that it is a schedule holiday calendar (HC:ScheduleName). Schedule holiday calendars may not be created using the add_caldate message. For information on creating data input files, refer to Creating Data Input Files.

The following sample code contains the structure for defining every possible element for the add_caldate message type:




    <calname> </calname>

    <caldoc> </caldoc>

    <caldate> </caldate>



The del_caldate message type and its elements can be used to delete the entered dates from one or more OpCon calendars.

The following sample code contains the structure for defining every possible element for the del_caldate message type:




    <calname> </calname>

    <caldate> </caldate>



Element Definitions


The parent element <calinfo> contains the child elements needed to add /delete days on a single OpCon calendar.

  • Requirements: Required for <msgtype> add_caldate.
  • Valid Values: Any valid <calinfo> child element.


The value for <calname> defines the name of the Calendar to which dates will be added/deleted.

  • Requirements: Required for <calinfo>.
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is an alphanumeric calendar name that exists in the OpCon database or a new Calendar to be created. Calendar names are a maximum of 50 characters in length and cannot include the following characters: ' (single quote), ( (left parenthesis), ) (right parenthesis),\ , (comma), = (equal symbol), ;(semicolon), | (vertical bar). SMADDI allows only one <calname> element per <calinfo> element.


The value for <caldoc> defines the purpose of the Calendar to which dates will be added/deleted.

  • Requirements: Optional for <calinfo>.
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element must not exceed 4000 characters. SMADDI allows only one <caldoc> element per <calinfo> element.


The value for <caldate> defines a date to add/delete on the target calendar.

  • Requirements: Required for <calinfo>.
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is a short date in the format recognized by the database server's Regional Settings (e.g., 7/7/2008). SMADDI allows multiple <caldate> elements per <calinfo> element. The value for <caldate> defines a date in the target calendar.

new_schedule Element Structure

The new_schedule message type and its elements can be used to add new schedules to Master tables of the OpCon database. For information on creating data input files, refer to Creating Data Input Files .


When the <documentation> tags are used here for new_schedules, the element tag <docfrqname> CANNOT be used or DDI throws an error message.

The following sample code contains the structure for defining every possible element for the new_schedule message type:


























          ....refer to Data Input Message Elements



          ....refer to <documentation> Documentation Element Structure



















Element Definitions


The parent element <skdinfo> contains the child elements needed to create a single OpCon schedule.

  • Requirements: Required for <msgtype> new_schedule.
  • Valid Values: Any valid <skdinfo> child element.


The <skdname> element defines the schedule name.

  • Requirements: Required for <skdinfo>.
  • EM field label: Name
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is an alphanumeric schedule name that does not exist in the OpCon database.
    • Invalid values include the following: < (less than), > (greater than), & (ampersand), ' (single quote), "(double quote), | (pipe), , (comma), ; (semicolon), % (percent), ( ) (open and closed parentheses), { } (open and closed braces), [ ] (open and closed brackets), = (equals sign), \ (backslash), ! (exclamation point), ~ (tilde), `(accent grave)
    • Maximum Characters: 40
    • SMADDI allows only one <skdname> element per <skdinfo> element.


The <skdstart> element is a schedule's start time, also included during a schedule's definition.

  • Requirements: Optional for <skdinfo> which defaults to 00:00. SMADDI allows only one <skdstart> element per <skdinfo> element.
  • EM field label: Start Time
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is a numerical time in the format hh:mm. If defined, it must be within the range of 00:00-23:59.


The value for <skdwkdays> specifies the number of workdays per week for the schedule.

  • Requirements: Optional for <skdinfo>.
  • EM field label: Workdays per Week
  • Valid Values: The valid values for this element are 5, 6, and 7. SMADDI allows only one <skdwkdays> element per <skdinfo> element.


The <calusemaster> element indicates if the schedule's calendar should use the Master Holiday Calendar.

  • Requirements: Optional for <skdinfo>.
  • EM field label: Use Master Holiday
  • Valid Values: The valid values are True and False. If omitted, the value defaults to True. SMADDI allows only one <calusemaster> element per <skdinfo> element.


The <concurrskdflg> element an optional element in DDI whose valid values are True and False.

  • Requirements: Optional for <skdinfo>. SMADDI allows only one <concurrskdflg> element per <skdinfo> element.
  • EM field label: Conflict with other days
  • Valid Values: The valid values are True and False.


The <multi_inst_skd> element indicates if a schedule is multi-instance capable.

  • Requirements: Optional for <skdinfo>.
  • EM field label: Multi-Instance
  • Valid Values: The valid values are True and False.


The <subskd> element indicates that the schedule is allowed to be a SubSchedule.

  • Requirements: Optional for <skdinfo>.
  • EM field label: SubSchedule
  • Valid Values: The valid values are True and False.


The value for <autobldadv> contains the number of days in advance to start building.

  • Requirements: Optional for <skdinfo>.
  • EM field label: days in advance for
  • Valid Values: The valid values for this element range from 1 to 99 days.


The value for <autoblddays> contains the number of days to build consecutively.

  • Requirements: Optional for <skdinfo>.
  • EM field label: days
  • Valid Values: The valid values for this element range from 1 to 99 days.


If 'True', the <buildovr> element indicates that if the schedule exists in the daily tables, it should be overwritten when built again. This will only happen if the schedule is complete or does not exist.

  • Requirements: Optional for <skdinfo>.
  • EM field label: Overwrite Existing
  • Valid Values: The valid values are True and False.


If 'True', the <buildhld> element indicates that the schedule should be built with a status of "On Hold". The SAM will not process the schedule until it is released manually or through an OpCon event.

  • Requirements: Optional for <skdinfo>.
  • EM field label: Build On Hold
  • Valid Values: The valid values are True and False.


The <skdautobuildtime> element is the clock time to build the schedule. The SAM uses this time to calculate the start offset for the SMA_SKD_BUILD job when creating the build jobs.

  • Requirements: Optional for <skdinfo> which defaults to 00:00. SMADDI allows only one <skdautobuildtime> element per <skdinfo> element.
  • EM field label: Auto Build Time
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is a numerical time in the format hh:mm. If defined, it must be within the range of 00:00-23:59.


The value for <autodeldays> indicates how may days in the past from the current date to auto delete this schedule (if it is complete).

  • Requirements: Optional for <skdinfo>.
  • EM field label: days ago
  • Valid Values: The valid values for this element range from 1 to 99 days.


The <addlholday> element defines the name of a calendar to be used for determining holidays in addition to the master holiday and schedule holiday calendars.

  • Requirements: Optional for <skdinfo>.
  • EM field label: Additional Holidays
  • Valid Values: A valid user-defined calendar in the database.


The <workday_sun> element defines Sunday as a workday.

  • Requirements: Optional for <skdinfo>.
  • EM field label: Sunday
  • Valid Values: The valid values are True and False.


The <workday_mon> element defines Monday as a workday.

  • Requirements: Optional for <skdinfo>.
  • EM field label: Monday
  • Valid Values: The valid values are True and False.


The <workday_tue> element defines Tuesday as a workday.

  • Requirements: Optional for <skdinfo>.
  • EM field label: Tuesday
  • Valid Values: The valid values are True and False.


The <workday_wed> element defines Wednesday as a workday.

  • Requirements: Optional for <skdinfo>.
  • EM field label: Wednesday
  • Valid Values: The valid values are True and False.


The <workday_thu> element defines Thursday as a workday.

  • Requirements: Optional for <skdinfo>.
  • EM field label: Thursday
  • Valid Values: The valid values are True and False.


The <workday_fri> element defines Friday as a workday.

  • Requirements: Optional for <skdinfo>.
  • EM field label: Friday
  • Valid Values: The valid values are True and False.


The <workday_sat> element defines Saturday as a workday.

  • Requirements: Optional for <skdinfo>.
  • EM field label: Saturday
  • Valid Values: The valid values are True and False.


The <ppevtdets> element defines the details of the OpCon event to be submitted when the schedule completes. Valid data for this element should be one of the existing OpCon events. SMADDI does not fail the data import if you define an invalid event. Any number of <ppevtdets> elements can be defined for the new schedule.

  • Requirements: Optional for <skdinfo>.
  • Valid Values: For a complete list of valid events, refer to the OpCon Events online help.


Defines the Machine Group Name for the schedule's instances. This element is only valid when the Multi-Instance element is True.

  • Requirements: Optional for <skdinfo>.
  • EM field label: Build an instance for each machine in Machine Group
  • Valid Values: Any valid Machine Group.


The parent element <skd_inst_def> contains the child elements needed to define strings of properties as instances for the schedule.

  • Requirements: Optional for <skdinfo>.
  • Valid Values: (child element) <skd_predef_prop> </skd_predef_prop>


Defines a string of property definitions for a schedule instance.

  • Requirements: Required for <skd_inst_def>.
  • EM field label: Define Property Values
  • Valid Values: The property string must be in the format PName1=PValue1;PName2=PValue2...
    • Values for the "PName" should not contain the following characters: ' ( ) \ , = ; |
    • Values for the "PValue" should not contain a semicolon (;)
    • If the Multi-Instance element is True, and the <skd_bld4machgrp> element is not specified, any number of <skd_predef_prop> elements can be defined to specify multiple instances.
    • If the Multi-Instance element is True, and the <skd_bld4machgrp> element is specified, the <skd_predef_prop> element is not allowed.
    • If the Multi-Instance element is False, only one <skd_predef_prop> element is allowed.


The parent element <skdinst> contains the child elements needed to define each named schedule instance and any associated predefined properties and exceptions. This element is only valid when the Multi-Instance element is True and neither the <skd_inst_def> nor the <skd_bld4machgrp> element is specified.

  • Requirements: Optional for <skdinfo>.
  • EM field label: Named Instance


The <skdinstancename> element defines the name of a schedule instance.

  • Requirements: Required for <skdinst>.
  • EM field label: Instances
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is an alphanumeric instance name that does not exist in the OpCon database.
    • Invalid values include the following: ~ (tilde) and `(accent grave)
    • Maximum Characters: 128
    • SMADDI allows any number of <skdinstancename> elements per <skdinst> element.


The parent element <named_skd_inst_def> contains the child elements needed to define each property string associated with a named instance of the schedule.

  • Requirements: Optional for <skdinst>.
  • Valid Values: (child element) <named_skd_predef_prop> </named_skd_predef_prop>


Defines a property definition for a named instance of the schedule.

  • Requirements: Required for <named_skd_inst_def>.
  • EM field label: Properties
  • Valid Values: The property string must be in the format PName1=PValue1.
    • Values for the "PName" should not contain the following characters: ' ( ) \ , = ; |
    • Values for the "PValue" should not contain a semicolon (;)


The parent element <jobpat> contains the child elements needed to define each exception associated with a named instance of the schedule. This element can only be defined by those in the ocadm role.

  • Requirements: Optional for <skdinst>.
  • EM field label: Exceptions
  • Valid Values: (child element) <jobpatname> </jobpatname>; <exception></exception>


The element <jobpatname> defines the job pattern.

  • Requirements: Required for <jobpat>.
  • EM field label: Job Patterns
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is a maximum of 128 alphanumeric characters, including the asterisk wildcard character (*).
    • Invalid values include the following: ~ (tilde) and `(accent grave)


The element <exception> contains the XML definition for the exception rule associated with a defined job pattern.

  • Requirements: Optional for <jobpatname>.

  • EM field label: Exception Rules

  • Valid Values: The valid (XML-escaped) syntax is:

    <exception><Exception><FieldCode>n</FieldCode>\ <NewValue>x</NewValue><NewValueIsExpression>false</NewValueIsExpression><ToReplace>m</ToReplace></Exception></exception>

    • Where n = Field code of the field to modify. Valid values (integer) include:

      122 - Tags1005 - User (Destination)5008 - Job Description Name
      904 - Department1006 - Destination File5009 - Job Description Library
      905 - Access Code1016 - Destination Machine5010 - Batch Queue Name
      907 - Primary Machine3001 - User ID5011 - Batch Queue Library
      908 - Alternate Machine13003 - Command Line5012 - Output Queue Name
      909 - Alternate Machine23004 - Working Directory5013 - Output Queue Library
      910 - Alternate Machine33006 - Prerun Command Line5022 - Call
      911- Machine Group3007 - Prerun Working Directory6001 - Start Image
      913 - Start Offset3018 - Prerun Exit Code Operator6002 - Parameters
      914 - Start Offset Abs/Rel Indicator3019 - Prerun Exit Code Value6003 - Prerun
      915 - Latest Start5002 - User ID6004 - User ID
      916 - Latest Start Abs/Rel Indicator5003 - JOBQ Priority6005 - Group ID
      933 - Job Build Status5004 - Job Date6007 Exit Operator
      1001- Source Machine5005 - Accounting Code6008 - Exit Value
      1003 - User (Source)5006 - mCurrent Library
      1004 - mSource File5007 - mInit.Lib.List
    • Where m = Substring in the current value to replace.

      • If the field code is for Job Build Status (933), valid values are: "On Hold", "Released", or "To Be Skipped".
      • For all other field codes, m cannot be a property expression. Valid values are: an empty string (""), a fixed string ("abc"), or a string with instance properties ([[$this.Property]]). - Where x = String value with which to replace m.
      • If the field code is for Job Build Status (933), valid values are: "On Hold", "Released", "Cancelled", "To Be Skipped", "Do Not Schedule, or "Disable Build".
      • For all other field codes, valid values are: a fixed string ("abc"), a string with instance properties ([[$this.Property]]), or a property expression ([[\@current]] + ToOaTime("02:00")).
    • Where the value for NewValueIsExpression indicates whether or not x is a property expression. Valid values are: true or false.


The following is an example XML definition for the <exception> element:


new_token and update_token Element Structures

The new_token message type and its elements can be used to add a new global property to Master tables of the OpCon database. For information on creating data input files, refer to Creating Data Input Files .

The following sample code contains the structure for defining every possible element for the new_token message type:









The update_token message type and its elements can be used to update a global property to Master tables of the OpCon database. For information on creating data input files, refer to Creating Data Input Files .

The following sample code contains the structure for defining every possible element for the update_token message type:









Element Definitions


The parent element <tokeninfo> contains the child elements needed to create a single Global Property.

  • Requirements: Required for <msgtype> new_token.
  • Valid Values: Any valid <tokeninfo> child element.


The <tokendesc> element specifies the name of the Global Property to be created in OpCon.

  • Requirements: Required for <tokeninfo>.
  • EM field label: Name
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is an alphanumeric property name that does not exist in the OpCon database. The element allows a maximum of 20 characters. SMADDI allows only one <tokendesc> element per <tokeninfo> element.


The value for <tokenval> specifies documentation for the property.

  • Requirements: Optional for <tokeninfo>.
  • EM field label: Documentation
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element must not exceed 4000 characters. SMADDI allows only one <tokendoc> element per <tokeninfo> element.


The value for <tokenval> specifies the value to be assigned to the Global Property.

  • Requirements: Required for <tokeninfo>.
  • EM field label: Value
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is a maximum of 77 alphanumeric characters. SMADDI allows only one <tokenval> element per <tokeninfo> element.

new_variable and update_variable Element Structures

The new_variable message type and its elements can be used to add a new threshold or resource to Master tables of the OpCon database. For information on creating data input files, refer to Creating Data Input Files.

The following sample code contains the structure for defining every possible element for the new_variable message type:











The update_variable message type and its elements can be used to update a threshold or resource to Master tables of the OpCon database. For information on creating data input files, refer to Creating Data Input Files.

The following sample code contains the structure for defining every possible element for the update_variable message type:











Element Definitions


The parent element <threshinfo> contains the child elements needed to create a single OpCon variable.

  • Requirements: Required for <msgtype> new_variable.
  • Valid Values: Any valid <threshinfo> child element.


The value for <threshstyle> specifies whether the variable is treated as a threshold or a resource.

  • Requirements: Optional for <threshinfo>.
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is either Threshold or Resource. SMADDI allows only one <threshstyle> element per <threshinfo> element.


The value for <threshdesc> specifies the name of the variable to be created in OpCon.

  • Requirements: Required for <threshinfo>.
  • EM field label: Name (for Thresholds)
  • EM field label: Resource Name (for Resources)
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is an alphanumeric threshold or resource name that does not exist in the OpCon database. The element allows a maximum of 20 characters. SMADDI allows only one <threshdesc> element per <threshinfo> element.


The value for <threshdoc> specifies documentation for the threshold or resource.

  • Requirements: Optional for <threshinfo>.
  • EM field label: Documentation
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element must not exceed 4000 characters. SMADDI allows only one <threshdoc> element per <threshinfo> element.


  • If the value of <threshstyle> is Threshold, <threshval> specifies the value to be assigned to the threshold.
  • If the value of <threshstyle> is Resource, <threshval> specifies the value to be assigned to the maximum resources allowed.
  • Requirements: Required for <threshinfo>.
  • EM field label: Threshold (for Thresholds)
  • EM field label: Max Resources (for Resources)
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is an integer value between zero and 2147483647. SMADDI allows only one <threshval> element per <threshinfo> element.


The value for <threshused> specifies an initial value to be assigned to the number of resources in use when the variable is treated as a resource.

  • Requirements: Optional for <threshinfo>.
  • EM field label: Resources In Use
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is an integer value between zero and 2147483647. SMADDI allows only one <threshused> element per <threshinfo> element.

new_master Element Structure

The following sample code contains the structure for defining every possible element for the new_master message type:




























         ....refer to <jobdata> Platform-specific Elements



         ....refer to <afc> Advanced Failure Criteria Element Structure



         ....refer to new_master Frequency Element Structure



         ....refer to <documentation> Documentation Element Structure



         ....refer to <predefined_property> Job Instance Property Element Structure



         ....refer to <jobudt> Job User Defined Tags



         ....refer to Data Input Message Elements



         .... refer to Data Input Message Elements



         .... refer to <jpre> Job Dependencies Element Structure



         .... refer to Data Input Message Elements





new_daily Element Structure

The following sample code contains the structure for defining every possible element for the new_daily message type:










                <dname> </dname>

















                ....refer to <jobdata> Platform-specific Elements



                ...refer to <afc> Advanced Failure Criteria Element Structure



                ....refer to new_daily Frequency Element Structure



                ....refer to <documentation> Documentation Element Structure



                ....refer to <predefined_property> Job Instance Property Element Structure



                ....refer to <jobudt> Job User Defined Tags



                ....refer to Data Input Message Elements



                ....refer to Data Input Message Elements



                ....refer to <jpre> Job Dependencies Element Structure



                ....refer to Data Input Message Elements





add_dependency Element Structure

The add_dependency message type and its elements can be used to add a new job, threshold, or resource dependency to a job. For information on creating data input files, refer to Creating Data Input Files.

If "<skddate>" appears, the system considers it an addition to a daily schedule. The following sample code contains the structure for defining every possible element for the add_dependency message type:




     <skddate></skddate> (for definition to Daily only)





            ....refer to Data Input Message Elements



            ....refer to <jpre> Job Dependencies Element Structure






The add_dependency msgtype requires at least one <vpre> or one <jpre>.

add_documentation Element Structure

The following sample code contains the structure for defining every possible element for the add_documentation message type:




     <skddate><skddate> (for definition to Daily only)





                ....refer to <documentation> Documentation Element Structure






The parent element <schedule> contains the child elements needed to define or reference jobs for a single schedule in the OpCon database.

  • Requirements: Required for any <msgtype> for which a job must be identified.
  • Valid Values: Any valid <schedule> child element. SMADDI does not limit the number of <schedule> elements for each <msg> element.

Do not specify the <skddate> element with a <msgtype> new_master. A schedule date is invalid in the Master tables. This tag is optional with a <msgtype> add_dependency. When specified, it will add a dependency to a Daily Schedule job. When not specified, it will add a dependency to a Master job.


The <skddate> element specifies the schedule date for the child elements of the parent <schedule> adding or modifying records in the Daily.

  • Requirements: Optional for <schedule>.
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is a date in the ymd date format. SMADDI allows only one <skddate> element per <schedule> element.


The <skdname> element defines the Schedule Name.

  • Requirements: Name
  • Valid Values: Depending on the parent <msgtype> element, valid data for this element is an existing Schedule Name in the Master or Daily tables. SMADDI allows only one <skdname> element per <schedule> element.
    • Invalid Characters: < (less than) > (greater than) & (ampersand) ' (single quote) " (double quote) | (pipe), (comma), ~ (tilde), `(accent grave)
    • Maximum Characters: 255


The parent element <job> contains the child elements needed for describing a single job in the OpCon database.

  • Requirements: Required for <schedule>.
  • Valid Values: Any valid <job> child element. SMADDI does not limit the number of <job> elements for each <schedule> element.


The <jname> element defines the name for the parent <job>.

  • Requirements: Required for <job> and for add_dependency which defines the name of the existing job of which one or more variables and/or job dependencies are to be added when <msgtype> is add_dependency.
  • EM field label: Name
  • Valid Values: Depending on the parent <msgtype> element, valid data for this element is a unique job name in the Master or Daily tables.


The <platform> element defines the platform for the parent <job>.

Requirements: Required for <job> when <msgtype> equals new_daily or new_master. This element is invalid when <msgtype> equals add_dependency.

EM field label: Job Type

Valid Values: The valid data for this element include:

Container JobSAP BW
File TransferSAP R/3 and CRM
i5/OS (for backward compatibility only)Tuxedo ART
JavaUnisys Exec (for backward compatibility)
Null JobWindows
OS 2200


The <jobsubtype> element defines the Job Sub-Type for the parent <job>.

Requirements: Optional

EM field label: Job Sub-Type

Valid Values: The valid data for this element depends on the value in the <platform> element.

If <platform> is Windows, the valid values include:

Command: File CopyCorelation
Command: File DeleteMS Orchestrator
Command: File MoveWeb Services (RESTful)
Command: File RenameWS_FTP Pro

If <platform> is UNIX, the valid values include:

Episys: Run JobFileEpisys: Find Report from Episys Reports
Episys: Answer PromptsEpisys: Find Report from RSJ Output
Episys: Compare ACH TotalsEpisys: FTP all Reports in List
Episys: Find Batch Output Sequence Number


The <dname> element defines the Department name for the parent <job>.

  • Requirements: Optional for <job> when <msgtype> equals new_daily or new_master. This element is invalid when <msgtype> equals add_dependency.
  • EM field label: Department
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is an existing Department in the OpCon database.

During a new_daily or new_master import, SMADDI will check for the existence of the Department defined in this element. If the item exists, SMADDI continues the import as normal. If the item does not exist, SMADDI creates the item automatically.


The <accd> element defines the Access Code for the parent <job>.

  • Requirements: Optional for <job> when <msgtype> equals new_daily or new_master. This element is invalid when <msgtype> equals add_dependency.
  • EM field label: Access Code
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is an existing Access Code in the OpCon database.

During a new_daily or new_master import, SMADDI will check for the existence of the Access Code defined in this element. If the item exists, SMADDI continues the import as normal. If the item does not exist, SMADDI creates the item automatically.


The <use_skdinstmach> element indicates if the job should use the schedule instance machine for the job.

  • Requirements: Optional
  • EM field label: Use Schedule Instance Machine
  • Valid Values: Valid values for this element are True and False. If omitted, the default is False.
    • This element is only valid when the Schedule is configured to build an instance for all machines in a group and when the Job Type set for the job matches the OS type for the Machine Group configured for the Schedule.
    • This element is mutually exclusive with all other machine assignment elements for a job (primary, alternates, and machine group).


The <pmname> element defines the Primary Machine on which the parent <job> runs.

  • Requirements: Required if <mgrp> is not defined and <msgtype> is new_master or new_daily. This element is invalid when <msgtype> equals add_dependency.
  • EM field label: Primary Machine
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is an existing Machine in the OpCon database, and the Null Machine.

Either the <pmname> (above) or <mgrp> element (below) is required. These elements are mutually exclusive.


The <alt1> element defines the first Alternate Machine on which the parent <job> can run.

  • Requirements: Optional for <job> when <msgtype> equals new_daily or new_master. This element is invalid when <msgtype> equals add_dependency.
  • EM field label: Alternate Machine 1
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is an existing Machine in the OpCon database.


The <alt2> element defines the second Alternate Machine on which the parent <job> can run.

  • Requirements: Optional for <job> when <msgtype> equals new_daily or new_master. This element is invalid when <msgtype> equals add_dependency.
  • EM field label: Alternate Machine 2


The <alt3> element defines the third Alternate Machine on which the parent <job> can run.

  • Requirements: Optional for <job> when <msgtype> equals new_daily or new_master. This element is invalid when <msgtype> equals add_dependency.
  • EM field label: Alternate Machine 3
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is an existing Machine in the OpCon database.


The <mgrp> element defines the Machine Group on which the parent <job> can run.

  • Requirements: Required if <pmname> is not defined and when <msgtype> equals new_daily or new_master. This element is invalid when <msgtype> equals add_dependency.
  • EM field label: Machine Group Selection
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is an existing Machine Group in the OpCon database.


The <mgrpeach> element defines if the job runs on each Machine in the Machine Group.

  • Requirements: Optional
  • EM field label: Run on Each Machine
  • Valid Values: The valid values are True and False.


The <multi_inst_job> element defines if the job can have multiple instances.

  • Requirements: Optional
  • EM field label: Allow Multi-Instance
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is True or False. If omitted, False is assumed.


The element <disable_bld> indicates if the job should be disabled from build or not.

  • Requirements: Optional only for <msgtype> new_master.
  • EM field label: Disable Build
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is True or False. If omitted, False is assumed.


The < job_ expr_dep> element defines a complex expression, for the job, that must evaluate to "True" before the job can run when scheduled with any frequency.

  • Requirements: Optional for <job> on the new_daily or new_master message type. There may only be one <job_expr_dep> tag per job.
  • EM field label: Expression Dependency
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is any valid property expression.


The <job_embed_script> element defines the embedded script to associate with the job.

  • Requirements: This is an Optional field.
  • EM field label: Script
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is any defined script for the job type.


The <job_embed_script_type> element defines the script type associated with the script.

  • Requirements: This is an Optional field.
  • EM field label: Script Type
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is any valid script type for the specified script.


The <job_embed_script_ver> element defines the version (or revision) of the script to run.

  • Requirements: This is an Optional field.
  • EM field label: Version
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is an integer ranging from 0 to 2147483647.
    • An integer value of 0 is equivalent to the "LATEST" version.


The <job_embed_script_runner> element defines the "interpreter" for relaying how to execute the script.

  • Requirements: This is an Optional field.
  • EM field label: Runner
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is any valid script runner for the specified script.


The <job_embed_script_args> element defines any script parameters to pass to the script at runtime.

  • Requirements: This is an Optional field.
  • EM field label: Arguments
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element are any valid parameters.
    • Use of tokens or global properties are acceptable.


The <job_embed_script_hash> element defines the MD5 hash of the script content.

  • Requirements: This is an Optional field.
  • EM field label: N/A
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is a valid MD5 cryptographic hash.
    • Maximum characters: 32.


The parent element <jobdata> contains the child elements needed to define platform-specific job information.

  • Requirements: Required unless <platform> is Null Job or <msgtype> is add_dependency. This element is invalid when <msgtype> equals add_dependency.
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this is any element from the desired platform elements. Only one <jobdata> element is allowed per <job> element.

<afc> Advanced Failure Criteria Element Structure

For Windows, and UNIX jobs, SMADDI also allows the Advanced Failure Criteria to be defined. For more information, refer to Advanced Failure Criteria.









When defined, Advanced Failure Criteria overrides the Basic Failure Criteria defined for the primary job.

Element Definitions


The parent element <afc> contains the child elements needed to define a single set of Advanced Failure Criteria. SMADDI requires this element for Advanced Failure Criteria definition. A maximum of 20 <adv_fail_criteria> elements are allowed. If more than 20 elements are specified, the job input will fail.

  • Requirements: Optional
  • Valid Values: All <afc> elements


The <afc_operator> element defines the Comparison Operator for the parent <afc>.

  • Requirements: Required for <afc>.
  • EM field label: Comparison Operator
  • Valid Values: Range, Equal To, Not Equal To, Less Than, Greater Than, Less Than or Equal, Greater Than or Equal


The <afc_value> element defines the Value for the parent <afc>.

  • Requirements: Required for <afc>.
  • EM field label: Value
  • Valid Values: -2147483648 through 2147483647


The <afc_end_value> element defines the End Value for the parent <afc> when the <afc_operator> value is Range.

  • Requirements: Optional
  • EM field label: End Value
  • Valid Values: -2147483648 through 2147483647

Cross-field dependency: The <afc_end_value> element is only valid if the <afc_operator> element for the parent <afc> has a value of "Range". If the <afc_operator> element is any other value, SMADDI will ignore the <afc_end_value> element.


The <afc_result> element found in the first <afc> group defines the result for all <afc> groups.

  • Requirements: Required for <afc>.
  • EM field label: Result
  • Valid Values: Finish OK, Fail
    • Additional Information: When the value is defined for the first <afc_result>, SMADDI will automatically insert the same value for the Result on all additional groups of <afc>. If specified with later groups, SMADDI will ignore the <afc_result> element.


The <afc_and_or> element defines the option for combining multiple <afc> groups together. The value for the <afc_and_or> element determines how OpCon will treat the next group of <afc> together with the current group.

  • Requirements: Optional
  • EM field label: And/Or
  • Valid Values: And, Or
    • Additional Information: The afc_and_or> element must exist for another <afc> group to be defined.

<jpre> Job Dependencies Element Structure














Element Definitions


The parent element <jpre> contains the child elements needed to define a single prerequisite job (i.e., job dependency). SMADDI requires this element for a prerequisite job definition.

  • Requirements: Required with <msgtype> add_dependency if <vpre> is not specified.
  • Valid Values: Any valid <jpre> child element.

The add_dependency msgtype requires at least one <vpre> or one <jpre>.


The <dskdname> element defines the Schedule Name for the parent <jpre>.

  • Requirements: Required for <jpre>.
  • EM field label: Name
  • Valid Values: Depending on the parent <msgtype> element, valid data for this element is an existing Schedule Name in the Master or Daily tables.


The <depjob_instno> element defines the schedule instance name for the Successor Job.

  • Requirements: Optional for <jpre>.
  • EM field label: Instance Name
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is an existing instance name defined for the schedule in the OpCon database.


The <djname> element defines the Job Name for the parent <jpre>.

  • Requirements: Required for <jpre>.
  • EM field label: Name
  • Valid Values: For a valid data for this element is an existing Job Name in the Master tables. For a new_daily <msgtype>, the data for this element does NOT have to exist in the OpCon database.


The <pjfrqname> element defines the frequency name for which the Job Dependency applies.

  • Requirements: Optional for <jpre>.
  • EM field label: Frequency Name
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is an existing frequency name defined for the job in the OpCon database. If not specified, the dependency is applied at the job level for a master job. This element is ignored for a daily job.


The <dptype> element defines the Dependency Type for the parent <jpre>.

  • Requirements: Optional for <jpre>.
  • EM field label: Dependency Type
  • Valid Values: Valid data options for this element are After, Conflict, Excludes, and Requires. If omitted, the data defaults to After.


The <depjob_instno> element defines the schedule instance name for the Predecessor Job.

  • Requirements: Optional for <jpre>.
  • EM field label: Instance Name
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is an existing instance name defined for the schedule in the OpCon database.


The <dofset> element defines the number of days offset for a cross-day dependency.

  • Requirements: Optional for <jpre>.
  • EM field label: Offset
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is an integer ranging from --999 to +999.

If the <skdname> element contains a multi-instance schedule and the <dskdname> element contains the same schedule, the Day Offset is not valid. Multi-instance schedules can only have internal same day dependencies or valid cross-schedule dependencies.


The <iexit> element indicates if OpCon ignores the Exit Code of the parent <jpre>.

  • Requirements: Optional for <jpre>.
  • EM field label: Ignore Exit Code
  • Valid Values: Valid data options for this element are Y (Yes) and N (No).


The <onfailure> element indicates if OpCon honors the dependency if the predecessor job fails.

  • Requirements: Optional for <jpre>.
  • EM field label: On Failure
  • Valid Values: Valid data options for this element are Y (Yes) and N (No).


The <alldys> element indicates if OpCon checks all days for a Conflict dependency.

  • Requirements: Optional for <jpre>.
  • EM field label: Check All Days
  • Valid Values: Valid data options for this element are Y (Yes) and N (No).


The <jnlike> element indicates if the <djname> is a partial name for a Conflict dependency.

  • Requirements: Optional for <jpre>.
  • EM field label: Job Name Like
  • Valid Values: Valid data options for this element are Y (Yes) and N (No).

<documentation> Documentation Element Structure





Element Definitions


The parent element <documentation> contains the child elements needed to define documentation for the schedule or job.

  • Requirements: Optional
  • Valid Values: Any valid <documentation> child element.


The <docfrqname> element defines the frequency name for which the Documentation applies. If this element is defined for a daily job, the element is ignored.

  • Requirements: Optional
  • EM field label: Frequency list > selected frequency
  • Valid Values: An existing frequency name defined for the job in the OpCon database. If not specified, the Documentation is applied at the job level for a master job. This element is ignored for a daily job.


The <doc> element contains the documentation for the job.

  • Requirements: Required for <documentation>.
  • EM field labels:
    • Frequency Documentation if specified for a job with <docfrqname>.
    • Documentation if specified for a job without <docfrqname>.
    • Documentation if specified for a schedule.
  • Valid Values: Maximum Characters: 32000

<predefined_property> Job Instance Property Element Structure




Element Definitions


The parent element <predefined_property> contains the child elements needed to define a single pre-defined job instance property to a job.

  • Requirements: Optional for <job>.
  • Valid Values: Any valid <predefined_property> child element.


Defines a string of property definitions for a job instance.

  • Requirements: Required for <predefined_property>.
  • EM field labels: Define Property Values > The defined Property Value
  • Valid Values: The property string must be in the format PName1=PValue1;PName2=PValue2...
    • Values for the "PName" should not contain the following characters: ' ( ) \ , = ; |
    • Values for the "PValue" should not contain a semicolon (;)
    • If defined within a new_master <msgtype> and the <multi_inst_job> element is True, any number of <job_predef_propty> elements can be defined to specify multiple instances.
    • If defined within a new_master <msgtype> and the <multi_inst_job> element is False -or- if defined within a new_daily <msgtype>, only one <job_predef_propty> element is allowed.

<jobudt> Job User Defined Tags




Element Definitions


The parent element <jobudt> contains the child elements needed to define a one or more user defined Tags to a job.

  • Requirements: Optional for <job>.
  • Valid Values: Any valid <jobudt> child element.


Defines a single tag for the job. The tag name can be new or an existing tag. An unlimited number of <job_userdef_tag> elements are allowed within the <jobudt> parent element.

  • Requirements: Required for <jobudt>.
  • EM field labels: Tag
  • Valid Values: Alpha and numeric characters, - (dash) and --_ (underscore) characters, and spaces.
    • Any number of <job_userdef_tag> elements can be defined to specify multiple tags.

<ppevt> Post Process Events Element Structure








Element Definitions


The parent element <ppevt> contains the child elements needed to define a single post-process OpCon event. SMADDI requires this element for a post-process OpCon event definition.

  • Requirements: Optional for <job>.
  • Valid Values: Any valid <ppevt> child element.


The <ppefinst> element defines the final Job Status evaluated before submitting the OpCon Event.

  • Requirements: Optional for <ppevt>; however, you must specify either <ppefeedbackfld> or <ppefinst>.
  • EM field label: Job Status
  • Valid Values: Valid data options for this element are Failed, Finished OK, Skipped, Missed Latest Start Time, Exceeded Max Run Time, Late to Start, Late to Finish, Job Still Attempting Start, and Start Attempted.


The <ppefeedbackfld> element defines the LSAM Feedback field to use for string matching before submitting the OpCon Event.

Requirements: Optional for <ppevt>; however, you must specify either <ppefeedbackfld> or <ppefinst>.

EM field label: Exit Description

EM field label: LSAM Feedback

EM field label: Job Completion Complex Expression

Valid Values: Valid data options for this element are based on the names of the LSAM Feedback fields defined for each platform.

For Exit Description, the value must be Exit Description.

For Job Completion Complex Expression, the value must be Job Completion Complex Expression.

For Windows jobs, the valid values are:

I/O Data Bytes/SecJob End Time
I/O Data Operations/SecJob Status Description
I/O Other Bytes/SecPhysical Memory Size
I/O Other Operations/SecProcessor Usage
I/O Read Bytes/SecTotal Processor Time
I/O Read Operations/SecUser Processor Time
I/O Write Bytes/SecVirtual Memory Size
I/O Write Operations/Sec

For UNIX jobs, the valid values are:

Block Input OperationsMax Resident Set Size Used
Block Output OperationsMessages Received
Characters Read/WrittenMessages Sent
CPU Usage (System Code)Page Faults
CPU Usage (User Code)Page Reclaims
Integral Shared Memory SizeSignals Received
Integral Unshared DataSwaps
Integral Unshared StackVoluntary Context Switch
Involuntary Context SwitchesWall-clock Run Time
Job Status Description

For SAP R/3 and CRM, the valid values are:

Child Process
Job Status Description

For SAP BW, the valid values are:

Job Status Description
Process Chain Log

For MCP, the valid values are:

Accum Elapsed TimeProcess Name
Accum Elapsed Wait TimeTask Elapsed Time
Accum I/O TimeTask Elapsed Wait Time
Accum Print LinesTask I/O Time
Accu Processor TimeTask Print Lines
Accum Ready Q TimeTask Processor Time
Job Status DescriptionTask Ready Q Time
Mix Number

For File Transfer, the valid values are:

Bandwidth UsedFile Size
Compression UsedFile Transfer Mode Used
Encryption UsedJob Status Description

For IBM i, the valid values are:

Active Job in MSGW StatusUser-defined text from LFEEDBACK command
Job Status Description

For z/OS, the valid values are:

Job Status DescriptionTrigger Messages
Step CompletionUser Message


The <ppefeedbackval> element defines the Exit Description evaluation string or the LSAM Feedback string to match based on the <ppefeedbackfld> element.

Requirements: Required if <ppefeedbackfld> is defined.

EM field labels: Comparison Operator, Value, and End Value

EM field label: String to match

EM field label: Job Completion Complex Expression

Valid Values:

For Exit Description, separate the evaluation string fields with semicolons (;). The syntax is:

Comparison Operator;Value[;End Value]


Only add the ;EndValue to the syntax if the Comparison Operator is RG (Range).

The Comparison Operator must be one of the following:

  • EQ (Equal To)
  • NE (Not Equal To)
  • LT (Less Than)
  • LE (Less Than or Equal)
  • GT (Greater Than)
  • GE (Greater Than or Equal)
  • RG (Range)
  • IN (Contains)

If the Comparison Operator is Range, Value is 6 and End Value is 9, then the value for <ppefeedbackval> would be:


If the Comparison Operator is Equal To, and the Value is 5, then the value for <ppefeedbackval> would be:

<ppefeedbackval>EQ;5 </ppefeedbackval>

For LSAM Feedback: Valid data for this element is any string to match.

  • Use percent (%) as opposed to asterisk (*) as a wildcard.
  • Use underscore ( _ ) as opposed to question mark (?) for a single character wildcard.
  • Single quotes (') are invalid in this field.
  • This field is a maximum of 4000 characters long.

For Job Completion Complex Expression, the value must be an expression that complies with the rules of the Property Expression API. For more information, refer to Property Expressions API Syntax in the Concepts online help.


The <ppefrqname> element defines the frequency name for which the OpCon Event applies.

  • Requirements: Optional for <ppevt>.
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is an existing frequency name defined for the job in the OpCon database.


The <ppedets> element defines the details of the OpCon Event to be submitted.

  • Requirements: Required for <ppevt>.
  • EM field label: Event Template
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element must be one of the existing OpCon events.
    • Maximum characters: 738.
    • The tilde (~) is an invalid character in this field.

<vpre> Threshold/Resource Dependencies Element Structure








Element Definitions


The parent element <vpre> contains the child elements needed to define a single prerequisite variable (i.e., Threshold/Resource Dependency). SMADDI requires this element for a Threshold/Resource Dependency definition.

  • Requirements: Required with <msgtype> add_dependency if <jpre> not specified.
  • Valid Values: Any valid <vpre> child element.


The <pvname> element defines the Threshold/Resource name for the parent <vpre>.

  • Requirements: Required for <vpre>.
  • EM field label: Threshold/Resource
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is an existing Threshold/Resource name in the OpCon database.


The <pvvalue> element defines the value compared to the parent <vpre>'s current value.

  • Requirements: Required for <vpre>.
  • EM field label: Value
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is an integer ranging from 0 to 2147483647.


The <pvuseall> element indicates if the resource dependency should use "All" of the resources.

  • Requirements: Optional for <vpre>.
    • Mutually exclusive with <ppvalue>.
    • <pvuseall> can only be set to "True" if the <pvname> contains a Resource.
  • EM field label: All (checkbox)
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is True or False. If not specified, the value defaults to False.


The <pvfrqname> element defines the frequency name for which the Threshold/Resource Dependency applies. If this element is defined for a daily job, the input will fail.

  • Requirements: Optional
  • EM field label: Frequency
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is an existing frequency name defined for the job in the OpCon database. If not specified, the dependency is applied at the job level for a master job. This element is ignored for a daily job.


The <voptr> element defines the Operator used to resolve the dependency.

  • Requirements: Required for <vpre>.
  • EM field label: Operator
  • Valid Values: For a Threshold Dependency, valid data options for this element are =, <, >, <=, >=, <>, EQ, LT, GT, LE, GE, and NE. For a Resource Dependency, valid data for this element is =.

<ppvar> Threshold/Resource Updates Element Structure







Element Definitions


The parent element <ppvar> contains the child elements needed to define a single post-process variable setting (i.e., Threshold Update). SMADDI requires this element for a Threshold Update definition.

  • Requirements: Optional for <job>.
  • Valid Values: Any valid <ppvar> child element.


The <jobst> element defines the final Job Status evaluated before setting the threshold value.

  • Requirements: Required for <ppvar>.
  • EM field label: Job Status
  • Valid Values: Valid data options for this element are Failed, Finished OK, Skipped, Missed Latest Start Time, Exceeded Max Run Time, Late to Start, Late to Finish, and Still Attempting Start.


The <ppvfrqname> element defines the frequency name for which the Threshold/Resource Update applies. If this element is defined for a daily job, the input will fail.

  • Requirements: Optional
  • EM field label: Frequency list > selected frequency
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is an existing frequency name defined for the job in the OpCon database. If not specified, the dependency is applied at the job level for a master job. This element is ignored for a daily job.


The <ppvname> element defines the Threshold name for the post- process variable setting.

  • Requirements: Required for <ppvar>.
  • EM field label: Name
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is an existing Threshold name in the OpCon database.


The <ppvvalue> element defines the threshold value for the update.

  • Requirements: Required for <ppvar>.
  • EM field label: Value
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is an integer within 0 - 2147483647.

add_frequency Element Structure

The add_frequency message type and its elements can be used to add a new frequency to a schedule or to a job. The following sample code contains the structure for defining all possible elements for the add_frequency message type:

To add a frequency to a schedule, use the following element structure:




     <skdname> </skdname>



        ....refer to Data Input Message Elements





To add a frequency to a job, use the following element structure:




     <skdname> </skdname>




           ....refer to Data Input Message Elements





<frq> Frequency Element Structures

The <frq> frequency elements are used under several message types in addition to the add_frequency message type. The following sections show the possible frequency elements based on the message type:

The individual element descriptions begin at the General Frequency Element Definitions section.

new_daily Frequency Element Structure

The following sample code contains the structure for defining all possible elements related to frequencies in the <new_daily> message type:


























new_master Frequency Element Structure

The following sample code contains the structure for defining all possible elements related to frequencies in the <new_master> message type:
















































new_schedule Frequency Element Structure

The following sample code contains the structure for defining all possible elements related to frequencies in the new_schedule message type:
















General Frequency Element Definitions


The parent element <frq> contains the child elements needed to define a single Frequency for the schedule or job. If omitted, the defaults of all nested elements will be applied to the parent schedule or job. For new_schedule and new_master message types, any number of <frq></frq> elements can reside within a <job> or <skdinfo> element.

  • Requirements: Optional for <job> and <skdinfo>.
  • Valid Values: Any valid <frq> child element.

The <frqname> element defines the Frequency Name for the parent <frq>.

  • Requirements: Optional for <frq>.
  • EM field label: Frequency Name
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is any name 20 characters or less that does not contain the following characters: ' (single quote), | (Pipe symbol), \ (backslash), " (double quote), ; (semi-colon), % (percent), & (ampersand), < (less than) > (greater than), ( ) (open and closed parentheses), [ ] (open and closed brackets), { } (open and closed braces), , (comma), = (equals), ! (exclamation point), and space.

When the frqname matches an existing frequency name in the database:

  • If none of the above frq elements are defined, SMADDI will use the frequency definition, Calendar and AOBN from the existing frequency.
  • If one or more of the above frq elements are defined, SMADDI goes through the duplicate frequency name resolution logic and appends a unique character to the end of the supplied frqname when adding the details specified with all the frq elements.

If the frqname is unique, SMADDI creates a new frequency with details specified with all the frq elements (while supplying default values for elements left undefined).


The <fpri> element defines the Frequency Priority for the parent <frq>. Frequency Priority is relative to other frequencies for the schedule or job.

  • Requirements: Optional for <frq> on new_schedule, new_master, and new_frequency message types.
  • Valid Values: The data for this element must be a number.
    • The highest priority number is zero (0). The next highest priority is one (1) and so forth.
    • The value must not exceed the number of frequencies defined for the schedule or job.
    • If the defined value conflicts with an existing value for another frequency, the new value is automatically set to the next lower Frequency Priority value as compared to the other frequencies on the job or schedule.
    • If the <fpri> element is omitted and no other frequencies exist, SMADDI defaults to a value of zero (0).
    • If the <fpri> element is omitted and other frequencies do exist, the value defaults to the next lower Frequency Priority value as compared to the other frequencies on the job or schedule.

The <stoff> element defines the Start Offset Time for the parent frequency/job.

  • Requirements: Optional for <frq> on new_master and new_frequency message types. Also optional for <job> on the new daily message type.
  • EM field label: Start Offset
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is in the format of hh:mm where hh is an integer from 00 through 99 and where mm is an integer ranging from 00 to 59.

The <star> element indicates if the Start Offset time is Absolute or Relative.

  • Requirements: Optional for <frq> on new_master and new_frequency message types. Also optional for <job> on the new daily message type.
  • EM field labels: Absolute and Relative
  • Valid Values: Valid data options for this element are A (Absolute) and R (Relative).

The <ltst> element defines the Latest Start Time for the parent frequency/job.

  • Requirements: Optional for <frq> on new_master and new_frequency message types. Also optional for <job> on the new daily message type.
  • EM field label: Latest Start Offset
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is in the format of hh:mm where hh is an integer from 00 through 99 and where mm is an integer ranging from 00 to 59.

The <ltar> element indicates if the Latest Start Time is Absolute or Relative.

  • Requirements: Optional for <frq> on new_master and new_frequency message types. Also optional for <job> on the new daily message type.
  • EM field labels: Absolute and Relative
  • Valid Values: Valid data options for this element are A (Absolute) and R (Relative).

The <jlts> element indicates the time when the job will become late to start.

  • Requirements: Optional for <frq> on new_master and new_frequency message types. Also optional for <job> on the new daily message type.
  • EM field label: Late to Start Offset
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is in the format of hh:mm where hh is an integer from 00 through 99 and where mm is an integer ranging from 00 to 59.

The <jltf> element indicates the time when the job will become late to finish.

  • Requirements: Optional for <frq> on new_master and new_frequency message types. Also optional for <job> on the new daily message type.
  • EM field label: Late to Finish Offset
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is in the format of hh:mm where hh is an integer from 00 through 99 and where mm is an integer ranging from 00 to 59.

The <bldst> element defines the Build Status for the parent <frq>.

  • Requirements: Optional for <frq> on new_master and new_frequency message types. Also optional for <job> on the new daily message type.
  • EM field label: Job Build Status
  • Valid Values: Valid data options for this element are On Hold, Release, Do Not Schedule, To Be Skipped, and Disable Frequency.

The <mxtm> element defines the Maximum Run Time in minutes for the parent frequency/job.

  • Requirements: Optional for <frq> on new_master and new_frequency message types. Also optional for <job> on the new daily message type.
  • EM field label: Max Run time
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is an integer ranging from 0 to 32767.

The <frqert> element defines the estimated run time for the job in minutes for the parent frequency/job.

  • Requirements: Optional for <frq> on new_master and new_frequency message types. Also optional for <job> on the new daily message type.
  • EM field label: Estimated Run time
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is an integer ranging from 0 to 32767. If omitted and there was no data to apply from the obsolete <estrt> element, the data defaults to 1.

The <frq_stc_estmethod> element defines the method for the SMA Start Time Calculator to use when predicting the job's Estimated Start Time.

  • Requirements: Optional for <frq> on new_master and add_frequency message types.
  • EM field label: Estimation Source
  • Valid Values: Valid data options for this element are Calculated, History, and User Defined. If omitted the data defaults to Calculated.

The <frq_predicted_start> element defines a specific Predicted Start Time in days, hours and minutes offset from the schedule's start time.

  • Requirements: Optional for <frq> on new_master and add_frequency message types.
  • EM field label: Predicted Start Time
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is in the format of hh:mm where hh is an integer from 00 through 99 and where mm is an integer ranging from 00 to 59.

The < frq_ expr_dep> element defines a complex expression, for the frequency, that must evaluate to "True" before the job can run when scheduled with this frequency.

  • Requirements: Optional for <frq> on new_master and add_frequency message types. There may only be one <frq_expr_dep> tag per frequency.
  • EM field label: Expression Dependency
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is any valid property expression.

The <prty> element defines the job Priority calculated by the SAM at the time of job submission.

  • Requirements: Optional for <frq> on new_master and new_frequency message types. Also optional for <job> on the new daily message type.
  • EM field label: SAM Priority
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is an integer ranging from 0 to 32767.

The <estrt> element is obsolete; however, for backward compatibility if it is specified, the value will populate the data for any missing <frqert> tag for any <frq> specified in the input file.


The parent element <frqudt> contains the child elements needed to define on or more frequency related Tags to a job.

  • Requirements: Optional for <frq>.
  • Valid Values: Any valid <frqudt> child element.

Defines a single tag for the job as related to the frequency. The tag name can be new or an existing tag. An unlimited number of <frq_userdef_tag> elements are allowed within the <frq> parent element.

Requirements: Required for <frqudt>

EM field labels: Tag

Valid Values: Alpha and numeric characters, - (dash) and --_ (underscore) characters, and spaces.

  • Any number of <frq_userdef_tag> elements can be defined to specify multiple tags.

Retry on Failure Element Definitions


The <autorestartintvl> element defines the number of minutes between attempts.

  • Requirements: Optional for <frq> on new_master and new_frequency message types. Also optional for <job> on the new daily message type.
  • EM field label: Minutes Between Attempts
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is an integer ranging from 0 to 1440. If omitted and the autorestartmax element exists, the data defaults to 0.

The <autorestartmax> element defines the maximum attempts for retrying on failure.

  • Requirements: Optional for <frq> on new_master and new_frequency message types. Also optional for <job> on the new daily message type.
  • EM field label: Maximum Attempts
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is an integer ranging from 1 to 999. If omitted and the <autorestartintvl> element exists, the data defaults to 1.

Job Recurrence Element Definitions


The <recur_actn_onoverlap> element defines what happens if a previous job run time overlaps the next scheduled start time. Only one instance is allowed.

  • Requirements: Optional for <frq> on new_master and new_frequency message types. Also optional for <job> on the new daily message type.
  • EM field label: Action on Overlap of Job Recurrence
  • Valid Values: Valid data options for this element are Start on Completion and Skip. If omitted, the data defaults to Start on Completion.

The <recur_start_time> element defines the restart times in days, hours, and minutes. Multiple instances are allowed.

  • Requirements: Optional for <frq> on new_master and new_frequency message types. Also optional for <job> on the new daily message type.
  • EM field label: Recurring Instance Time(s)
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is in the format of hh:mm where hh is an integer from 00 through 99 and where mm is an integer ranging from 00 to 59.

The <recur_ss_intvl> element defines the interval of minutes from start to start between occurrences. This element or <recur_es_intvl> must be specified if <recur_lrt> and/or <recur_nbrruns> exist.

  • Requirements: Optional for <frq> on new_master and new_frequency message types. Also optional for <job> on the new daily message type.
  • EM field label: Minutes from Start to Start
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is an integer ranging from 0 to 1440.

The <recur_es_intvl> element defines the interval of minutes from end to start between occurrences. This element or <recur_ss_intvl> must be specified if <recur_lrt> and/or <recur_nbrruns> exist.

  • Requirements: Optional for <frq> on new_master and new_frequency message types. Also optional for <job> on the new daily message type.
  • EM field label: Minutes from End to Start
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is an integer ranging from 0 to 1440.

The <recur_lrt> element defines the latest offset start time for restarting in the job recurrence pattern. This element and/or <recur_nbrruns> must be specified if either <recur_ss_intvl> or <recur_es_intvl> exists.

  • Requirements: Optional for <frq> on new_master and new_frequency message types. Also optional for <job> on the new daily message type.
  • EM field label: Latest Run Time
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is a time ranging from 00:00 to 99:59.

The <recur_nbrruns> element defines the total number of runs for the parent <job> in a job recurrence pattern. This element and/or <recur_lrt> must be specified if either <recur_ss_intvl> or <recur_es_intvl> exists.

  • Requirements: Optional for <frq> on new_master and new_frequency message types. Also optional for <job> on the new daily message type.
  • EM field label: Number of Runs
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is an integer ranging from 2 to 999.

Frequency Details Element Definitions


The <fgrp> element assigns a frequency group to the parent <frq>.

  • Requirements: Optional for <frq>.
  • EM field label: When to Schedule
  • Valid Values: Valid data options for this element are On Occurrence, Odd Weeks, Even Weeks, All Weeks, On Request, On Day, Annual Plan, Beg of Period, Mid of Period, End of Period, and On Intervals. If omitted, the value defaults to On Request.

The <dow> element defines the Days of the Week for the parent <frq> with the <fgrp> of On Occurrence, Odd Weeks, Even Weeks, All Weeks, or Mid of Period.

  • Requirements: Optional for <frq>.
  • EM field label: Day of the Week
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is a seven-character string of Ys and/or Ns indicating the days to include and to exclude. The first character represents Sunday and the last character represents Saturday.

The <dow> element would contain the following characters if Monday is the desired day: <dow>NYNNNNN</dow>.


The <intvl> element defines the 5 day intervals for the On Intervals <fgrp>.

  • Requirements: Optional for <frq>.
  • EM field label: On Intervals
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is a six-character string of Ys and/or Ns indicating the day intervals to include and to exclude. The first character represents the 5th, the second character represents the 10th, and so forth with the last character representing the 30th. If omitted, the data defaults to NNNNNN. If using <rqdt> and <intvl_offset> for the On Intervals <fgrp>, do not specify the <intvl> element.

The <intvl> element would contain the following characters if scheduling for the 5th, 15th, and 30th: <intvl>YNYNNY</intvl>.


The <rqdt> element defines the date for the On Request <fgrp> or the Start Date for the offset intervals with the On Intervals <fgrp>.

  • Requirements: Optional for <frq>.
  • EM field labels:
    • Request Date if 'When to Schedule' is specified as 'On Request'
    • On Intervals >Start if 'When to Schedule' is specified as 'On Intervals'
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is a date in the format recognized by the OpCon server's Regional Settings. To enable the Every Year feature, use 1900 in the year position.

The <ofdays> element defines the number of days to offset from an Annual Plan, Beg of Period, End of Period, or On Day.

  • Requirements: Optional for <frq>.
  • EM field label: Offset Days
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element depends on the <fgrp> specified. If omitted, the data defaults to 0.
    • 1 to 31 is valid for a On Day.
    • --15 to +15 is valid for a <fgrp> of Annual Plan.
    • --15 to +15 is valid for <fgrp> of Beg of Period and End of Period if the Period is set to Month, Quarter or Year.
    • -4 to +4 is valid for <fgrp> of Beg of Period and End of Period if the Period is set to Week and the Schedule has a 5 day week.
    • -5 to +5 is valid for <fgrp> of Beg of Period and End of Period if the Period is set to Week and the Schedule has a 6 day week.
    • -6 to +6 is valid for <fgrp> of Beg of Period and End of Period if the Period is set to Week and the Schedule has a 7 day week.

Defines the number of days for the interval when the <fgrp> is On Intervals and there is also a <rqdt> element defined.

  • Requirements: Required for <fgrp> of On Intervals with the <rqdt> element specified.
  • EM field labels: Every (#Days) and Start (field to indicate start date)
  • Valid Values: Valid values range from 1 to 32767.

The <dtype> element indicates the Day Type for all <fgrp> options except On Request, and Annual Plan.

  • Requirements: Optional for <frq>.
  • EM field label: Day Type
  • Valid Values: Valid data options for this element are Working and Any.

The <occn> element defines the occurrence for the On Occurrence <fgrp>.

  • Requirements: Optional for <frq>.
  • EM field label: On Occurrence
  • Valid Values: Valid data options for this element are the ordinal numbers 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and Last.

The <period> element defines the period for the End of Period, Mid of Period, Beg of Period, or On Occurrence <fgrp>s.

  • Requirements: Optional for <frq>.
  • EM field label: Periods
  • Valid Values: Valid data options for this element are Week, Month, Quarter, and Year. If omitted, the data defaults to Month. The "Week" option is only valid with the Beg of Period and End of Period values for <fgrp>.

The <cname> element defines the name of the Calendar applied to the parent <frq>.

  • Requirements: Optional for <frq>.
  • EM field label: Calendar
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is an existing user-defined calendar in the OpCon database.

The <aobn> element defines when the job should be scheduled if the schedule date falls on a Non-Working Day.

  • Requirements: Optional for <frq>.
  • EM field label: A/O/B/N
  • Valid Values: Valid data options for this element are After Date, On Date, Before Date, and Not Schedule.

Advanced Frequency Elements


The <begin> element defines the date on which to begin scheduling the job for the parent <frq>.

  • Requirements: Optional for <frq> on new_master and new_frequency message types.
  • EM field label: Start Scheduling on
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is a complete date with day, month, and year in any valid regional format for the OpCon SQL Server.

The <end> element defines the date on which to end scheduling the job for the parent <frq>.

  • Requirements: Optional for <frq> on new_master and new_frequency message types.
  • EM field label: End Scheduling on
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is a complete date with day, month, and year in any valid regional format for the OpCon SQL Server.

The <include> element defines a date to force the inclusion of a job despite all other frequency settings.

  • Requirements: Optional for <frq> on new_master and new_frequency message types.
  • EM field label: Include in Schedule on
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is a complete date with day, month, and year in any valid regional format for the OpCon SQL Server.

The <exclude> element defines a date to force the exclusion of a job despite all other frequency settings.

  • Requirements: Optional for <frq> on new_master and new_frequency message types.
  • EM field label: Exclude from Schedule on
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is a complete date with day, month, and year in any valid regional format for the OpCon SQL Server.

The <excmo> element defines a month to force the exclusion of a job despite all other frequency settings.

  • Requirements: Optional for <frq> on new_master and new_frequency message types.
  • EM field label: Exclude Month from Schedule
  • Valid Values: Valid data for this element is the full name of a month in English (e.g., January, February, etc.).