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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Creating Data Input Files

Input files containing dynamic transactions for processing by SMADDI must be in a specific format. The file should be a string of ASCII text in the form of an XML document and be less than two megabytes (MB). No in-depth knowledge of XML is required in order to create a working input file.


If a data input file is larger than two megabytes (MB), the SMADDI service cannot process the file. SMA Technologies recommends the administrator delete data input files larger than two MB.

Understanding Terms and Structure

Familiarization with the following terms is helpful in creating input files:

  • Element: An input file component consisting of a start tag, data, and an end tag.
  • Start Tag: The first component of an element. The format is the less than character (<), the element name, and the greater than character (>). For example: <element>.
  • Element Data: The second component of an element. This is the data that is entered in the OpCon database. In some cases the data is optional.
  • End Tag: The last component of an element. The format is the less than character (<), a slash character (/), the element name, and the greater than character (>). For example: </element>.
  • Nesting: The placement of one element inside another. A parent element requires one or more child elements placed in its data.
  • Parent Element: An element requiring one or more nested elements in its data.
  • Child Element: An element placed within the data of another element. If a child element is not placed within the parent element, the data is invalid.

Some elements can be both parent and child elements.


The following is an example of nested elements in a parent/child relationship:


The jname and pmname child elements are nested in the job parent element.

Formatting the Input File

The SMADDI service requires that all elements be nested as described in Data Input Message Elements. The formatting of elements is not important to the service; however, SMA Technologies recommends the indentation for easiest readability. Carriage returns, line feeds, and non-significant spaces are optional and are ignored. Use two forward slash characters (//) to "comment out" a line.


Spaces in the data portion of an element are important and are considered part of the data for input to the OpCon database.


The SMADDI service would interpret the following sets of elements in the same way:




// This is an example for formatting elements.