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Install Enterprise Manager on Mac

Install Procedure

  1. Download Enterprise Manager.

    a. Download the of your current OpCon release.

  2. Open a command line and run the command to allow MacOS to run

    a. cd <EM Install Dir>

    b. xattr -c

  3. Download AdoptOpenJDK 8 JRE .tar.gz:


    b. OpenJDK 8 / JRE (38MB) .tar.gz (You can also find it in the article attachment)

    c. Extract the JRE, rename the folder « jre8 » for this guide (Not mandatory)

    d. Move that folder where that makes sense for you / You can just move it into the EnterpriseManager install folder

  4. Update the EnterpriseManager.ini to point to the jre8 downloaded in step #3

    a. Right-click on the and select show packet content (or something similar)

    i. This will drive you into the app folder, then drill-down into

    ii. Contents/MacOS

    iii. Open the EnterpriseManager.ini

    b. From here you’ll have to add the location of the jre8 (in the example below it is a relative path to the Enterprise Manager)

    i. Insert a line 5 with « -vm »

    ii. And insert a line 6 with the absolute path until the embedded Jre8 of your installed EM « ../ jre8/Contents/Home/jre/lib/jli/libjli.dylib»

iii. Line 7 should now be « -vmargs » (which was line 5 before we edited the file)

iv. Save the file

Now you should be able to double-click on the and run it. You might see a security message that ask you to allow the app to run as it was downloaded from an unknown location, that is fine just go under your MacOS settings -> Security and allow Enterprise Manager to open.

Issues when you start the Enterprise Manager?

If when you are double-clicking for your Enterprise Manager you receive the following error:

The old java version can be downloaded here to download Java for OS X 2017-001. (See also article attachment)

Also, when you are attempting to install the package another error may pop up

Below with a complete solution to bypass this error:

That allows you to create a Pkg file to install the modified Java 6.