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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Using Audit Management

The Audit Management view is used to view the history of user updates to the OpCon database. For conceptual information, refer to Legacy Audit Management in the Utilities online help.

When on the Audit Management screen, it displays a drop-down list for user selection, audit category selection, and selection options for the date range in order to view the preferred Audit information. The categories available include:

  • All Categories: Displays changes included with all categories in the category list.
  • Access Code: Displays all changes to Access Code definitions.
  • Calendar: Displays all changes to Calendar definitions.
  • Daily Job: Displays all changes to jobs in the Daily tables (status changes and job definitions).
  • Daily Schedule: Displays all changes to schedules in the Daily tables (status changes and schedule definitions).
  • Department: Displays all changes made to Department definitions.
  • Event Notification: Displays all changes made to Event Notifications through the Notification Manager.
  • Global Property: Displays all changes made to Global Property definitions.
  • Machine: Displays all changes made to Machine definitions.
  • Machine Group: Displays all changes made to Machine Group definitions.
  • Master Job: Displays all changes made to Job definitions in the Master tables.
  • Master Schedule: Displays all changes made to Schedule definitions in Administration.
  • Role: Displays all changes made to Role definitions.
  • Schedule Maintenance: Displays all user-submitted requests for Schedule Build, Schedule Check, and Date level Schedule Deletes.
  • Threshold/Resource: Displays all changes made to Threshold and Resource definitions.
  • User Account: Displays all changes made to User Account definitions, Last Login, Last Log out, and the version of the Enterprise Manager used.

Audit Management also provides a Type Filter Text box in order to type a part of or the full name for the specific item to display the selection. You can also type an * (asterisk) in front of a word in a string if the string you are looking for is not necessarily at the beginning of the string.


In the Audit Management screen, type *JobName to find a specific job name in the output.

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