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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Using Notification Manager

The Notification Manager is used to create groups based on Machine, Schedule, and Job status change events in OpCon then define triggers to send notifications. User-defined group folders are created and displayed for each item (Machines, Schedules, and/or Jobs). For all conceptual information regarding the Event Notification System (ENS), refer to Event Notification in the Concepts online help.


All of the data in the Notification Manager table is updated every time a user makes a single change. If more than one user attempts to make a change at the same time, errors can occur. SMA Technologies recommends limiting the number of users in Notification Manager to one at a time.

When on the Notification Manager screen, it displays a groups of items, notification triggers inside the groups, and notifications defined for each trigger.

Notification Manager also provides a Type Filter Text box in order to type a part of or the full name for the specific item to display the selection. You can also type an * (asterisk) in front of a word in a string if the string you are looking for is not necessarily at the beginning of the string.


In the Notification Manager screen, type *Level to find a specific group that includes "Level" somewhere in the name.

Notification Manager Toolbar

The toolbar resides at the top-right corner of the screen. Click on any specific icon on the toolbar below to learn more about its functionality.

Notification Manager toolbar

White "person reading" icon on blue circular background Related Topics