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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Using Escalation Manager

The Escalation Manager editor is used to define escalation rules for any ENS trigger that uses email. User-defined escalation user groups are created and assigned to escalation rules. rules are applied to triggers in Notification Definitions in Notification Manager. For all conceptual information regarding the Event Notification System (ENS), refer to Event Notification in the Concepts online help.

When on the Escalation Manager screen, it displays escalation rules and groups.

Escalation Manager also provides a Type Filter Text box for rules and groups in order to type a part of or the full name for the specific item to display the selection. You can also type an * (asterisk) in front of a word in a string if the string you are looking for is not necessarily at the beginning of the string.


In the Escalation Manager screen, type Level to find a specific rule or group includes "Level" somewhere in the string.

The Escalation Manager has the following areas for managing escalations: Rules: The Rules frame provides a list of escalation rules. You must add escalation user groups to the Groups frame before adding rules.

The Rules frame has both a toolbar and right-click menu which provide the following functionality:

  • Add: This opens the Escalation Rule Add/Edit dialog.

  • Edit: This opens the Escalation Rule Add/Edit dialog.

  • Delete: This deletes the selected rule.

Groups: The Groups frame provides a list of escalation user groups. You must create user groups before assigning them to rules in the Rules frame.

The Groups frame has both a toolbar and right-click menu which provide the following functionality:

  • Add: This opens the Group Add/Edit dialog.

  • Edit: This opens the Group Add/Edit dialog.

  • Delete: This deletes the selected group.

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