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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Using Management Tools

The Management tools will perform the functions specified below, depending on the specific editor or view in which you are currently working.

Minimize: This tool will cause the editor and/or view to be minimized and an icon for the editor and/or view will be placed in the sidebar.
Maximize: This tool will open an editor and/or view to its maximum size. When opened to the maximum size, the Maximize button changes to a Restore button.
Restore: This tool will change the editor view back to its original location and size.
View Audit: This tool will send you to the Audit Management dialog in order to view the specific user audit record.
Lookup: This tool will allow you to enter a Notification ID to look up the source information for the notification or directory information for the Schedule Extract.
Add (Ctrl+ N): This tool will allow you to add the appropriate editor information.
Remove (Ctrl+ D): This tool will delete the appropriate editor information.
Save (Ctrl+ S): This tool will save the appropriate editor information.
Cancel (Ctrl+ R): This tool will cancel the appropriate editor information.
Edit a Frequency Definition: This tool will allow you to modify the frequency definition rules.
Rename a Frequency or Edit Rule/Group or Associate Additional Jobs: In Frequency Manager, this tool will allow you to change the name of the selected frequency. In Escalation Manager, this tool will allow you to edit an escalation rule or user group. In Tag Manager, this tool will allow you to associate a tag to a schedule or job.
Forecast: This tool will allow you to open the Forecast dialog for the selected frequency.
Compare Frequencies: This tool will allow you to compare the frequency definition rules for two frequencies (side by side).
Edit Selected Job or Schedule: This tool will allow you to edit the selected job or schedule in its perspective editor.