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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Performing Schedule Checks

The Operations module allows you to perform schedule checks using a few simple steps.

To perform schedule check:

  1. Right-click on Date or a Schedule record

  2. On the right-side panel click the Schedule Check section

    Schedule Checks section

  1. Click the Check button to open a Schedule Check dialog

    Schedule Check button

  2. Select a type of check you want to perform and click OK

    Schedule Check dialog


    Please be aware that the Slow (Circular) option activates a very intensive process to check for circular dependencies and depending on the number of jobs, schedules, and schedule dates to be checked, this process may take hours.

  1. You will see a list of Schedule Checks inside the Schedule Check section on the right-side panel. You can click Reload button to refresh the status of Schedule Checks

    Reload Schedule Checks button

  1. After the Schedule Check is completed, the processing icon will change to

    Schedule Checks results list

  1. Double click the Schedule Check to see the Schedule Check details

    Schedule Check result details

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