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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Performing Agent Status Updates

The Operations module allows you to perform Agent status updates using a few simple steps.

To perform agent status updates:

Click on one of the five operation dials (Error, Limited, Stopped, Waiting, or Operational) or use the Quick Search field (type the keyword and click Enter) in the Agents section on the Operations Summary page.

Agent Operation Dials

The Agents page will display.

(Optional) Use the Filter Bar to filter the list of Agent machines.

Agent Filter Bar


As an alternative filtering option, you can use the interactive color-coded Statistics Bar above the list of Agent machines to filter the list by status. Click on any color in the bar to filter the view by the current status.


You can sort the list of Agent machines as well. Click on the column heading to sort the column in ascending order (indicated by a small arrow pointing down). Click on the column heading again to sort the column in descending order (indicated by a small arrow pointing up).

Select any Agent(s) in the list. A record of your selection(s) will display in the status bar at the bottom of the page in the form of a breadcrumb trail.

Agent Processes

Click on the Agent record in the status bar to display the Action panel.

Agent Status Update Panel


As an alternative, you can right-click on any Agent machine selected in the list to display the Action panel.

(Optional) Click the Refresh available actions button to verify which status update actions are available for the current selection. This option is particularly helpful when more than one Agent machine has been selected since all status update buttons are enabled by default.

Select one of the following actions (if enabled) to be applied to the selected Agent(s):

  • Enable Full Communication (Job Start Enabled): This option, when enabled, allows the Agent to send job execution results to OpCon and OpCon to send job start/execution requests to the Agent.
  • Enable Limited Communication (Job Start Disabled): This option, when enabled, limits communication so that OpCon does not send any new job start/execution requests to the Agent. However, the completion status (execution results) of any tasks already running on the Agent will be reported to OpCon.
  • Disable Communication: This option, when selected, disables communication between the Agent and OpCon. OpCon will not attempt to communicate with the Agent and the Agent will not attempt to communicate with OpCon.

(Optional) When a single Agent machine is selected, the View Active Jobs button is available. This option will navigate to the Processes page with a filter applied to display jobs in a Waiting, Held, or Running status for the selected machine.

Close the Action panel when done.

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