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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

SAP R/3 and CRM Job Details

The information in this section applies to defining an SAP R/3 and CRM job. For additional information about this platform, refer to SAP LSAM Configuration and Operation in the SAP LSAM online help for special features to enhance the automation capabilities of OpCon on this platform.


  • Machine: Defines the SAP R/3 and CRM Machine name. For information on adding an LSAM Machine to OpCon, refer to Adding Machines in the Enterprise Manager online help.
  • User ID: Defines the valid SAP login ID.
  • Password: Defines the correct SAP password for the User ID.
  • Language: Defines the two-character language abbreviation (e.g., enter EN for English), and forces the abbreviation to all capital letters.

General Data

  • Job Name: Defines the name of the job as defined in the SAP R/3 and SAP CRM system.
  • Job Class: Defines the classification of SAP R/3 and SAP CRM Background Jobs according to priority.
    • Class A: The highest class for SAP R/3 and CRM jobs. The SAP system always processes Class A jobs before jobs of other classes.
    • Class B: The second highest class for SAP R/3 and SAP CRM jobs. These jobs normally run at regular intervals. The SAP system processes Class B jobs before Class C jobs but after Class A jobs.
    • Class C: The lowest class for SAP R/3 and SAP CRM jobs. Jobs in the default Class normally run at standard processing intervals and after Classes A and B.
  • Job Number: Defines the SAP R/3 and SAP CRM Job number (Job ID) as defined in the SAP system.
  • Start SAP Job: Configures SAP start criteria for the job.
    • A.S.A.P.: Configures the job to start as soon as a background process is available.
    • Immediately: Configures the job to start as soon as it qualifies to run in OpCon. The job does not wait for an available SAP background process before running. If all background processes are in use, an immediately started job fails.
  • Exec. Target: Defines the name of the SAP Application Server on which the job processes.

Job Setup Details

The OpCon graphical interfaces support creation and modification of SAP job steps. When the step definition is saved, the information is sent back to the SAP server for storage.

Step definition in OpCon requires the definition of the program name and the order for the step. Each step represents a program which can be any one of three program types:

ABAP Program Details

OpCon supports the definition and modification of the following information for ABAP Programs:

  • ABAP Program: Defines the ABAP program name.

  • Variant: Defines the ABAP program Variant.

  • Variant List: Defines the following variant parameter names and values:

    • Parameter: Defines the technical name associated with a group of values for the Variant.
    • Low Value: Defines a variable value associated with the Parameter name.
      • If the Kind is set to 'P' (simple parameter), the Low Value is the variable used to represent that parameters' value.
      • If the Kind is set to 'S' (selection), the Low Value, High Value, and Option are used with the Sign to qualify the parameter.
    • High Value: Defines a variable value associated with the Parameter name.
      • If Kind is set to 'P', the High Value does not apply and cannot be modified.
      • If the Kind is set to 'S', the Low Value, High Value, and Option are used with the Sign to qualify the parameter.
    • Kind: Defines the parameter type. Parameter types are:
      • S - Selection type: For modifying 'S' type parameters, refer to the 'Modify' information below.
      • P - Simple Parameter type: For information on the Low Value, refer to the Job Dependency Types table.
    • Option: Options are operators that apply to the Low Value and High Value when the Kind is set to 'S'. Additionally, the Sign modifies the manner in which SAP applies the Option to qualify the parameter.
    • Sign: Determines whether to Include or Exclude the value resolved through the Low Value, High Value, and Option.

    Low Value High Value Option Sign

    X   EQ (=) I or E (Include or Exclude) X   GT (>) I or E (Include or Exclude) X   GE (>=) I or E (Include or Exclude) X   LT (<) I or E (Include or Exclude) X   LE (<=) I or E (Include or Exclude) X   NE (!=) I or E (Include or Exclude) X X BT (Between) I or E (Include or Exclude)

  • Language: Defines the two-character language abbreviation (e.g., EN for English). The language characters will automatically populate if a Variant was defined.

  • Print Specifications: Defines the numerous print parameters and specifications. The following information applies to defining the Print Specifications:

    • General Attributes:
      • Output Device: Defines the name of the output device.
      • Number of Copies: Defines how many copies of the document to print.
      • Text Only: Defines the text-only printing option.
      • Time of Printing: Defines the time to print a spool request. Valid options include:
        • Send to SAP spooler for now
        • Print immediately
      • Print Format: Defines the format of the spool request to be sent. Essentially, it defines the page format (i.e., the maximum number of lines and columns per printed page).
    • Spool Request: Allows users to assign a name and title to the spool request reports that are spooled for later printing.
      • Name: Defines the name of the spool request. It may consist of letters, numerals, special characters, or blanks. The standard name proposed by the system for a spool request comprises the eight-character report name, the separator (_), and the first three characters of the user name.
      • Title: Defines the description of the spool request. It may consist of letters, digits, special characters, or blanks.
      • Authorization: Defines the authorization for the spool request. Only users with this authorization can display the contents of the spool request.
    • Cover Sheets: Determines whether a cover page containing details about the print request such as recipient, department, and format is to be sent with the spool request.
      • SAP Cover Page: Determines whether a cover page containing details about the print request - such as recipient, department, and format - is to be sent with the spool request. There are three options:
        • System Administrator: Default setting
        • Do not print
        • Print
      • Selection cover sheet: Determines whether the report output should include a cover page with the report selections. Valid options are 'Yes' and 'No'.
      • Recipient: Defines the name of the spool request recipient. On the print out, this name appears on the cover sheet. The default value for the recipient name is the current user name.
      • Department: Defines the name of the department sending the spool request. On the printout, this name is displayed on the cover sheet.
    • Output Options:
      • Delete Immediately After Printing: Determines if the spool request will be deleted immediately after it has been sent to the output device. If this option is disabled, the spool request will be deleted only after the spool retention period has expired.
      • Spool Retention Period: Defines how many days a spool request stays in the spool system before it is deleted. The maximum number of days to keep is eight.
      • New Spool Request: Determines if the current spool request will be added to the existing request with the same properties.
        • To be able to append the current spool request to an existing one, their respective specifications for Name, Output device, Number of copies and Format must match.
        • Additionally, the existing spool request must be unfinished. This normally occurs when a spool request is released for output. If no spool request is found, a new one is generated.
      • Do not Append Print Jobs: Defines whether or not to append print jobs.
      • Storage Mode: Defines the type of storage mode to use for the job.

External Command Details

OpCon supports the definition and modification of the following information for External Commands:

  • Command: Defines the external command name.
  • Parameters: Defines the parameter string to pass to the external command when the step executes.
  • Operating System: Defines the Operating System on which the background job processes (e.g., AS400, Windows, SunOS).
  • Target Server: Defines the name of the application server for running the background job.
  • Control Flags: Defines the options to provide additional control for the job:
    • Log external output to the job log: Writes the standard job output to the job log on the SAP system.
    • Log external errors in job log: Writes the standard error job output to the job log on the SAP system.
    • Job waiting for external termination: Informs SAP to wait for the termination of the external command before returning any exit condition.
    • Activate trace: Turns on detailed flow trace for the job.

External Program Details

OpCon supports the definition and modification of the following information for External Programs:

  • Program: Defines the external program name.
  • Parameters: Defines the parameter string to pass to the external command when the step executes.
  • Target Server: Defines the host name of the SAP system for running the external program.
  • Control Flags: Defines various options to provide additional control for the job:
    • Log external output to the job log: Writes the standard job output to the job log on the SAP system.
    • Log external errors in job log: Writes the standard error job output to the job log on the SAP system.
    • Job waiting for external termination: Informs SAP to wait for the termination of the external command before returning any exit condition.
    • Activate trace: Turns on detailed flow trace for the job.