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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

SQL Job Details

The information in this section applies to defining a SQL Job. For additional information about this platform, refer to SQL Agent Configuration and Operation in the SQL Agent online help.

SQL Definition

Fields for MS SQL DTExec


Running a MS SQL DTExec job requires the DTExec utility to be installed for running SSIS packages.

  • MS SQL DTExec Connection:
    • SQL:
      • Server Name: Defines the server name from which to retrieve the package.
      • User Id: Allows the retrieval of a package that is protected by SQL server authentication.
      • Windows Authentication: Specifies if the selected User Id is a Windows user or SQL user so the package can be run using the correct authentication.
    • FILE:
      • Config File Name: Defines a configuration file to extract values from. Using this option, you can set a run-time configuration that differs from the configuration that was specified at design time for the package. You can store different configuration settings in an XML configuration file and then load the settings before package execution by using this option.
      • Server Name: Defines the SQL Server name where the package to execute is stored.
      • User Id: The Windows Authentication user that will execute the package on Integration Services Server.
  • Advanced Failure Criteria: (Optional) SQL jobs can make use of the Advanced Failure Criteria feature for the defined job. For more information, refer to Advanced Failure Criteria.

MS SQL DTExec Package Tab

Package File Path: Loads a package that is stored in SQL server. The package_path argument specifies the name of the package to retrieve. If folders are included in the path, they are terminated with backslashes (\).

Other Options Tab

Other Options: (Optional) Defines any additional command line switches supported by the DTExec command line utility.

Fields for MS SQL Job


MS SQL Job does not require any special tools to be installed.

  • Server Name\Instance: Defines the name or IP address of the SQL server machine with an optional instance name (e.g., SQLTEST, SQLTEST\SQLEXPRESS).
  • Windows Authentication: (Optional) Defines whether to use Windows Authentication for the job.
  • User Id: Defines the SQL or Windows Authentication user name.
  • Encrypt: (Optional) Defines whether to use an encrypted connection to the database. Use of SSL to encrypt the connection must be pre-configured on the SQL server connection manager to use this option.
  • Retry Attempts: (Optional) Defines the number of connection retry attempts to be made if connection to SM SQL server fails initially.
  • Advanced Failure Criteria: (Optional) SQL jobs can make use of the Advanced Failure Criteria feature for the defined job. For more information, refer to Advanced Failure Criteria.

SQL Job Tab

  • Job Name: Defines the name of the job defined in the SQL Server Agent.
  • Monitor Only: (Optional) Defines that the job should not be started by OpCon, and once the job is started outside of OpCon, its status will only be monitored.
  • Monitoring End Time: (Optional) Defines the time end time for monitoring a SQL Server Agent job. It is indicated as an hour offset from schedule date midnight (e.g., 17.5 means 5:30 p.m. on schedule date). This is useful when monitoring SQL server replication jobs that run continuously, but the monitoring activity is scheduled daily in new OpCon schedules.

Other Options Tab

  • Other Options: (Optional) Defines an override password using -$ switch.

Fields for MS SQL Script


Running a MS SQL Script job requires SQLCMD to be installed on the agent machine.

  • Server Name\Instance: Defines the name or IP address of the SQL server machine with an optional instance name (e.g., SQLTEST, SQLTEST\SQLEXPRESS).
  • Database Name: Defines the SQL database name.
  • Windows Authentication: (Optional) Defines whether to use Windows Authentication for the job.
  • User Id: Defines the SQL or Windows Authentication user name.
  • Encrypt: (Optional) Defines whether to use an encrypted connection to the database. Use of SSL to encrypt the connection must be pre-configured on the SQL server connection manager to use this option.
  • Advanced Failure Criteria: (Optional) SQL jobs can make use of the Advanced Failure Criteria feature for the defined job. For more information, refer to Advanced Failure Criteria.

SQL Script Tab

Script File (radio button): Select to define a script file.

  • Script File Path: Defines the path to the SQL script file to be executed against the selected SQL server/database. Only local file paths are allowed.

In Line Script (radio button): Select to define an in line script.

SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM Person.Person WHERE LastName LIKE 'Whi%';
  • Statement(s): Defines the SQL query to be executed against the selected SQL server/database. Multiple semicolon-delimited queries can be executed.

Env Variables Tab

  • Name: Defines the name of the variable to be used in the script. Environment variables provide the ability to send dynamic values to the script at runtime.
  • Value: Defines the value to be used in the script.

Other Options Tab

  • Use Exit Code From Script Result: (Optional) Defines whether to use the exit code that results from the script result.
  • File Path: (Optional) Defines the path to the file where the results of the query should be redirected. Only local file paths are allowed.
  • Other Options: (Optional) Defines any additional command line options supported by the SQLCMD tool. For options supported by SQLCMD, refer to

Fields for MySQL


Running a MySQL job requires the MySQL command line tool to be installed.

  • Server Name: Defines the name or IP address of the MySQL server machine (e.g., MYSQLTEST).
  • Database Name: Defines the SQL database name.
  • User Id: Defines the user name for the connection.
  • Port: Defines the TCP/IP port number for the connection.
  • Advanced Failure Criteria: (Optional) SQL jobs can make use of the Advanced Failure Criteria feature for the defined job. For more information, refer to Advanced Failure Criteria.

MySQL Script Tab

Script File Path: Defines the path to the SQL script file to be executed against the selected MySQL server/database. Only local file paths are allowed.

Env Variables Tab

  • Name: Defines the name of the variable to be used in the script. Environment variables provide the ability to send dynamic values to the script at runtime.
  • Value: Defines the value to be used in the script.

Other Options Tab

  • File Path: (Optional) Defines the path to the file where the results of the query should be redirected. Only local file paths are allowed.
  • Other Options: (Optional) Defines any additional command line switches supported by the MySQL command line utility.

Fields for Oracle


Running an Oracle job requires SQL*Plus to be installed.

  • Server Name: Defines the name or IP address of the MySQL server machine (e.g., MYSQLTEST).
  • Database Name: Defines the SQL database name.
  • User Id: Defines the user name for the connection.
  • Connection Id: Defines the listening port on the database server.
  • Advanced Failure Criteria: (Optional) SQL jobs can make use of the Advanced Failure Criteria feature for the defined job. For more information, refer to Advanced Failure Criteria.

Oracle Script Tab

  • Script File Path: Defines the path to the SQL script file to be executed against the selected Oracle server/database. Only local file paths are allowed.
  • Parameters (positional): (Optional) Defines the parameter values to be passed to the script.

Other Options Tab

  • File Path: (Optional) Defines the path to the file where the results of the query should be directed. Only local file paths are allowed.
  • Other Options: (Optional) Defines any additional command line switches supported by the SQL*Plus command line utility.

Fields for Other DB


Running an Other DB job through ODBC/OLE DB connections requires the appropriate ODBC or OLE DB driver to be installed on the agent machine.

  • ODBC Connection String (radio button): Select to define the an ODBC connection string.
    • ODBC Connection String: Defines an ODBC connection string for connecting to the database.
  • OleDB Connection String (radio button): Select to define an OLE DB connection string.
    • OleDB Connection String: Defines an OLE DB connection string for connecting to the database.
  • DSN Name (radio button): Select to define a DSN name.
    • DSN Name: Defines the ODBC DSN for connecting to the database.
  • Windows Authentication: (Optional) Defines whether to use Windows Authentication for the job.
  • User Id: Defines the SQL or Windows Authentication user name.
  • Advanced Failure Criteria: (Optional) SQL jobs can make use of the Advanced Failure Criteria feature for the defined job. For more information, refer to Advanced Failure Criteria.

SQL Script Tab

  • Script File (radio button): Select to define a script file.
    • Script File Path: Defines the path to the SQL script file to be executed against the SQL server/database. Only local file paths are allowed.
  • In Line Script (radio button): Select to define an in line script.
    • Statement(s): Defines the SQL query to be executed against the selected SQL server/database. Multiple semicolon-delimited queries can be executed.

Env Variables Tab

  • Name: Defines variables that can be used in the script and their corresponding values. Provides the ability to send dynamic values to the script at runtime.
  • Value: Defines the value to be used in the script.

Other Options Tab

  • File Path: (Optional) Defines the path to the file where the results of the query should be directed. Only local file paths are allowed.
  • Other Options: (Optional) Defines an override password using -$ switch. Override password only works for ODBC and DSN jobs.